eyjafjallajokull eq2 Flashcards
example of swiss cheese model
-the eruption halted air transport causing massive economic losses
environmental impacts- ocean
-massive ash clouds formed, this was then deposited the North Atlantic Ocean, causing chemical and biological effects in the surface ocean.
economic impact- cancelled flighs
over 100,000 flights were cancelled and European airspace was closed, along with all Atlantic ocean flights
economic impact- food
-fresh food imports stopped, and industries were affected by a lack of imported raw materials
economic impact- water
-Local water supplies were contaminated with fluoride.
social impact- kenya
farmers have laid off 5000 workers after flowers and vegetables were left rotting at airports.
-says the country lost $1.3m a day in lost shipments to Europe
Low vulnerability because Iceland is very prepared for volcanoes
vulnerability- evacuated and fatalities
800 people evacuated and no deaths
risk- unpredictability
the volcano had released 100 times more ash into the atmosphere than originally estimated. This caused the unexpected cancellation of many flights
Hazard- trefra
as far as a third of a kilometre out
what happened to countries abroad
-African countries e.g. Kenya, Ghana, Zambia lost estimated 65 million dollars due to loss of perishable goods as couldnt be flown to europe