When “Secondary Radar” is used, an aircraft may following procedures: aircraft may be identified by one of the
Observation of compliance with an instruction to operate transponder from “ON” to “STBY” and back to “ON”
No of runway threshold stripes for a runway width of 23 meters is:
Pair of landing stripes for a runway LDA of 1500 meters is:
Filed minima 500m, RVR beginning 800m, RVR mid 300m. Aerodrome is:
Above minima
Flight manual is a manual associated with:
Number of cabin crew is required according to:
No. of seats
Track separation is:
Geographical separation is:
Alert phase is:
Apprehension exists as to the safety of the ship and its occupants.
Appropriate way to cross a route.
90 degrees to the route
Among the factors which affect night vision are:
Age, cabin altitudes above 8.000 ft, smoking and alcohol.
Semi-circular system sectors are.
From 000° 179° and 180° to 359°
Aerodrome Traffic Zone for VFR flights is to be considered, if ATZ is not notified is:
With in 5 NM of ARP upto 3000 feet.
Identify taxi lead-off lights associated with the center-line lighting system:
Alternate green and yellow lights curving from the centerline of the runway to the centerline of the taxiway
The following are appropriate when faced with symptoms of decompression sickness:
- Climb to higher level
- Descent to the higher of 10000 ft or MSA and land as soon as possible
- Breathe 100% oxygen
- Get medical advice about recompression after landing
The combination of correct statements is:
2, 3, 4
The circulation system, among other things, allows for:
- Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Transportation of information by chemical substances
1 and 2 are correct
Which of the following requirements should be met when planning a flight with icing conditions:
The aircraft shall be equipped with approved ice-protection systems
Red square with one yellow diagonal.
Special precautions must be observed in approaching to land or in landing.
Notams series A are:
International notams for changes/ unserviceability likely to last more than 2 hrs.
Sunrise time 0550 there is no night flying facilities, earliest departure can beat:
If an aerodrome minima is not established for IFR/VFR operations the minima to be applied will be laid down by:
Used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria
Damage to eardrums or ossicles (middle ear bones) leads to:
Conductive hearing loss
At Aerodromes where no ATZ is established, the vicinity of aerodrome for VFR flights shall be:
5 NMs from ARP upto 3000’ agl
Amendment to aircraft rules 1937 is given in:
Deviations from ICAO procedures are published in:
Cat II ILS approach:
Decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft), but not lower than 30 m (100 ft), and a runway visual range not less than 300 m
Abrupt head movements in IMC operations may cause:
Flight Engg. Is carried on board:
if demanded by C of A
Succession of command is given:
In Operation manual
Pilot’s license can be revived by:
Instrument flying time means:
Flying a/c with sole reference to instruments
Outside controlled airspace above 3000’AMSL:
Fly on 1013.2
ATPL who is 28 years old, medical is valid for:
6 months
ATC services are provided to IFR flights and traffic information to VFR flights as far as practical provided in class airspace:
Navigation light are to be displayed by all aircraft in flight:
From sunset to sunrise
IFR flight in VMC, weather changes to IMC:
Fly according to flight plan
Person is killed on runway while landing after being hit by the wing of an aircraft. It is an:
Certificate of registration is valid till:
A/c is destroyed in an accident
Series of red and green projection fired at an interval of 10 secs means:
Keep away from danger area
Straight out departure is:
15 degree
Aerodromes signs should be in the following configuration:
Information signs; yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions
If there is a minor damage to aircraft on a ferry flight, passengers:
Can not be carried
An aircraft shall display, if so equipped, an anti-collision light:
On the ground when the engines are running
The transition level:
shall be the lowest available flight level above the transition altitude that has been established
A/c A at F390 reports at a point at 0210 wants to descend to F330, a/c Bat F 360 estimates to reach the same reporting point at 0300. Before what time the first a/c should reach F330?
Which word or phrase shall be used in order to repeat for clarity or emphasis?
I say again
Who is responsible for approving methods of calculating minimum flight altitudes?
The State of the Operator
The term used to describe the visual phase of flight after completing an instrument approach, to bring an aircraft into position for landing on runway which is not suitably located for straight-in approach, is:
Visual manoeuvring (circling)
Where there is an amendment to an International Standard a State must give notice to:
The ICAO Council within 60 days of the adoption of the amendment