An aircraft is maintaining FL 150within airspace class O.Another aircraft below at FL 140 is receiving a clearance to descend to FL 70. It is severe turbulence in the area. When is the earliest that a clearance to descend to FL 140or below can be expected?
When the other aircraft has reported that it has descended through FL 130
The longitudinal separation minima between aircraft departed from the same aerodrome and following the same track, and the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 20kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
5 minutes
The longitudinal separation minima based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed and the preceeding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 40kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
3 minutes
The longitudinal separation minima based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent _determination of position and speed and the preceeding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 20kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
5 minutes
The longitudinal separation minima based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed, is: (time)
10 minutes
The longitudinal separation minima between aircraft departed from the same aerodrome and following the same track, and the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 40kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
3 minutes
The longitudinal separation minima based on distance using DME, and each aircraft “on track” uses DME stations, is:
When an aircraft will pass through the level of another aircraft on the same track, the following minimum longitudinal separation shall be provided: time
15 minutes at the time the level is crossed
“ESSENTIAL TRAFFIC” is that controlled flight to which the provision of separation by ATC is applicable, but which, in relation to a particular controlled flight is not separated therefore by the appropriate separation minima. Whenever separation minima is not applied. The following flights are considered essential traffic one to each other.
All IFR flights in controlled airspace and controlled VFR
Above FL 290 the vertical flight separation between aircraft on the same direction is:
Track separation between aircraft using the same NDB shall be applied requiring the aircraft to fly:
At least 30° separated at a distance of 15NM or more from the facility
Track separation between aircraft using the same FIX shall be applied requiring the aircraft to fly:
At least 45° separated at a distance of 15NM or more from the FIX
If an ATC clearance is not suitable to the pilot in command of an aircraft:
He may request and, if practicable, obtain an amended clearance
The “VMC and own separation” ATC clearance is used for a controlled flight to cross the level of another controlled flight when:
Requested by the pilot, during the day light and authorized by the state overflown
A/C on same level converging track has separation