The units responsible for promoting efficient organization of search and rescue service are:
Rescue coordination centre and rescue sub-centres
Three aircraft, (1), (2) and (3) arrive successively at ten minute intervals, overhead the scene of a recent aircraft accident. aircraft (1) is unable to establish contact with the Search and Rescue Centre aircraft (2) is able to contact the Search and Rescue Centre aircraft (3) is a Search and Rescue helicopter The command of the situation is the responsibility of
(1), then by mutual consent (2) and then (3)
What is the meaning of the symbol “V” in the ground air visual signal code for use by survivors?
Require assistance
What is the meaning of the symbol “LLL” in the ground air visual signal code for use by rescue units?
Operation completed
Which of the following is NOT an international distress frequency?
An aircraft is flying over a mountainous region in which a search is being carried out to find the survivors of an aircraft accident. The pilot sees a ground signal in the form of an “X”. This indicates:
“Need medical assistance”
At night an aircraft observes a luminous signal requesting help. To indicate that he has received these ground signals, the pilot must:
Switch his landing lights on and off twice or, if he is not so equipped, his navigation lights twice
The color identification of the contents of droppable containers and packages containing survival equipment should take the form of coloured streamers according to the following code:
Red for medical supplies and first aid equipment
A SAR satellite-aided tracking system
You are flying in Mumbai FIR when you intercept a distress call. You record the message and tell Mumbai FIC. The radio operator at Mumbai tells you to standby. What should you consider doing whilst awaiting instructions?
Proceed to the position given in the distress message
Search and Rescue services within the territory of ICAO contracting states are provided: ( time )
On a 24 hour basis
Contracting States shall establish a rescue co-ordination centre:
In each search and rescue region
A Rescue Unit is:
A unit composed of trained personnel and provided with equipment suitable for the expeditious conduct of SAR
Which of the following statements regarding Alerting service is correct?
Alerting Service and Flight Information Service are often provided by the same ATS unit
Whenever a distress signal and/or message or equivalent transmission is intercepted by the PIC of an aircraft, shall:
Record the position of the aircraft in distress if given and if possible take a bearing on the transmission
What is the meaning of SAR signal “N” when used by survivors on the ground:
Survival equipment, dropped by SAR and containing food and water will be packed In containers and Indicated by streamers of following colour: