Inst. Chart procedures are given in:
Inst. Charts carried in aircraft are contained in:
Route guides
Danger areas are given in:
To know the current watch hours at an aerodrome, pilot should refer to:
Vertical separation applicable to non-RVSM aircraft operating in airspaces is:
Weather below minima implies that:
RVR/ Visibility and weather below minima specified by the operator
Two digits in black over yellow back ground hanging from the tower indicates:
Time in UTC (hrs)
Circling minima’s are:
Higher than precision app minimas
ARP is at the:
Geometric centre of an aerodrome
SIDS are published in:
White flashes from tower to aircraft in flight means:
Land at this aerodrome and proceed to apron.
OCA is determined after taking into account margin for:
Terrain Clearance
RVR/DH for CAT II ILS ops is: distance
Green Light on an aircraft is visible if seen from the front:
At an arc of 110° to the port side
Position reports to be given by an aircraft, if no route is being followed will be at an interval of:
First report after 30 mins and subsequent reports after 60 mins
Oxygen is carried on board for all crew members and passengers when at atmospheric pressure will be less than:
700 hPa
A twin engine p-i-c has decided to divert due to failure of one engine. It will be:
Alert phase
An IF flight will maintain a minimum altitude of:
A) 2000’ above highest obstacle with in 8 kms of aircraft position in mountainous areas
B) Both A) and C) are correct
C) 1000’ above highest obstacle with in 600m of aircraft position in mountainous areas.
B) Both A) and C) are correct
Prisoners can be carried on board with the permission of:
If cornea is curved more than normal, the person suffers from: