Sacral Plexus Part 3 (Tibial Nerve) Flashcards
What roots contribute to the tibial nerve?
T/F: the tibial nerve is larger than the common fibular nerve
What muscles are supplied by the tibial nerve fibers while still combined with the common fibular nerve?
biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and adductor magnus (hamstrings)
What joint does the tibial nerve give off articular branches to?
the knee joint
Where does the tibial nerve give off articular fibers to the knee?
popliteal fossa
In addition to articular branches, the tibial nerve gives off muscular branches in the popliteal fossa. What muscles are supplied by these muscular branches?
(superficial posterior compartment muscles) popliteus, gastrocnemius (both heads), soleus, and plantaris
What branch of the tibial nerve gives rise to the interosseous nerve of the leg?
popliteal branch
The interosseous nerve of the leg travels inferior along the posterior surface of the interosseous membrane and carries sensory info from where?
the tibial periosteum, ankle, and tibiofibular joints
what kind of branches does the tibial nerve give off in the leg?
muscular branches and sensory branches
What muscles are supplied by the muscular branches given off by the tibial nerve in the leg?
flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus
What is the name of the sensory branches given off in the leg by the tibial nerve?
medial calcaneal branches
What area is supplied by the medial calcaneal branches of the tibial nerve?
skin over the medial heel
After the tibial nerve travels around the medial malleolus to the plantar surface of the foot, what does it divide into?
two terminal branches: medial plantar nerve and lateral plantar nerve
Where does the medial plantar nerve send motor fibers to?
adductor halluces, flexor digitorum brevis, and flexor brevis before dividing.
What does the medial plantar divide into?
common plantar digital nerves
Where do the common plantar digital nerves send motor info to?
lubricals 1 and 2
What nerve(s) supply sensory info to the skin between the toes by way of proper plantar digital nerves?
common plantar digital nerve
What does the lateral plantar nerve divide into?
superficial and deep branches
What is supplied by the superficial branch of the lateral plantar nerve?
skin around the 5th digit
Where does the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve send motor fibers?
adductor halluces, flexor digiti minimi brevis, lateral lumbricals, and interossei muscles
What clinical consideration of the tibial nerve involves difficulty flexing the toes or ankle?
flexor paralysis (although, latreal compartment muscles will contribute to plantar flexion)
What clinical consideration of the tibial nerve usually involves 1 or 2 toes and typically involves fascial issues as well?
hammer toe
In addition to hammer toe and flexor paralysis, what other clincal consideration was mentioned in class that is associated with the sacral plexus?
claw foot