Mandibular Division Flashcards
Where does the Mandibular division exit the cranial vault?
foramen ovale
Where do the large sensory root and the small motor root of the mandibular division combine?
The infratemporal fossa
What kind of fibers does the mandibular division carry?
both motor and sensory
The mandibular division of the Trigeminal nerve carries sensory information from the skin over the mandible, posterior cheek and what other skin?
over the posterior temple
Other than skin, the mandibular division carries sensation from where?
mucosa of the lower oral cavity and cheeks
how many muscles does the mandibular division supply motor innervation?
16 (8 on each side)
List the muscles innervated by the mandibular division.
Muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid), Tensor Veli Palatine, Tensor Tympani, Mylohyoid, and the Anterior Belly of Digastric
Which two branches are given off in the infratemporal fossa?
recurrent meningeal and medial pterygoid nerve
What is the other name for the recurrent meningeal nerve?
nervus spinosum
Where does the recurrent meningeal branch reenter the cranium?
foramen spinosum
What carries sensory info from the dura of the middle cranial fossa?
recurrent meningeal branch
What all is innervated by the recurrent meningeal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve?
dura from the middle cranial fossa, anterior cranial fossa, and calvarium (skull cap dura)
What nerve is the motor supply for the medial pterygoid muscle?
medial pterygoid nerve
Some fibers from the medial pterygoid nerve pass through a ganglion. What is its name?
Otic Ganglion
What nerve supplies the tensor veli palatine and tensor tympani muscles?
medial pterygoid nerve of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.
Which division of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve is predominately motor?
anterior division
Which division of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve is predominately sensory?
posterior division
What are the 4 nerves given off of the anterior division of the mandibular division?
(MLB players chew Dark Tobacco) Masseter nerve, lateral pterygoid nerve, buccal nerve, and deep temporal nerve
In addition to carrying motor innervation to masseter muscle, the masseter nerve also carries sensory info to what?
Temporomandibular joint
What nerve from the anterior division of the mandibular division gives off an anterior and posterior branch that supply the temporalis muscle?
deep temporal nerve
What nerve innervates the lateral pterygoid muscle?
lateral pterygoid nerve
what is the major sensory branch of the anterior division of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve?
buccal nerve
What nerve conveys sensation from the buccal gingivae of the molars, and the skin and mucosal surfaced of the cheek?
buccal nerve
What are the nerves given off of the posterior division of the mandibular division?
(PAIL) Posterior division has Auriculotemporal, Inferior alveolar, Lingual
What kind of information is carried by the auriculotemporal nerve?
What nerve passes through the parotid gland, posterior to the TMJ, and into the infratemporal fossa?
What nerve carries sensory info from the skin of the temple and ear?
In addition to carrying info from the skin and ear, the auricular nerve carries what kind of fibers from the otic ganglion?
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
What nerve of the posterior division of the mandibular nerve conveys sensory info from the mucosa of the oral cavity?
lingual nerve
What nerve combines with a branch of CN VII, the chorda tympani, in the infratemporal fossa?
lingual nerve
What nerve carries sensory info from the lower teeth and the chin?
inferior alveolar nerve
What are the branches of the inferior alveolar nerve?
incisive branch and mental nerve
What nerve supplies the incisors, canines, and 1st premolars (and adjacent gingivae)?
incisive branch of the inferior alveolar nerve of the posterior division of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
What nerve supplies the labial gingivae adjacent to the incisors and the skin of the lower lip and chin?
mental nerve
Prior to passing through the mandibular foramen, motor fibers carried in the inferior alveolar nerve diverge and supply what two muscles?
mylohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle
What two autonomic ganglia communicate with the mandibular division?
submandibular and otic ganglia
Where does the submandibular ganglion receive preganglionic fibers from?
How does the submandibular ganglion receive fibers from CN VII?
by way of the lingual nerve, after it combines with the chorda tympani
Where does the Otic ganglion send postganglionic fibers?
to the parotid gland by way of the auriculotemporal nerve
In some cases, the lingual nerve may convey some taste info (special sensory) to where?
the chorda tympani
What is one clinical consideration associated with the mandibular division?
Trigeminal Neuralgia
What are the four ganglia in the head as mentioned in class?
Ciliary, pterygopalatine, otic, and submandibular