Lumbar Plexus Part 2 Flashcards
What branch of the lumbar plexus supplies the sartorius muscle?
the nerve to the sartorius of the anterior division of the femoral nerve
What nerve has a lateral branch that communicates with the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
intermediate cutaneous nerve of the thigh
What skin is supplied by the intermediate cutaneous nerve of the thigh?
skin on the anterior thigh down to the knee
What skin is supplied by the medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh?
skin of the medial thigh, medial knee, and across to the lateral side of the patella
Some branches of the medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh will supply the skin of the medial leg through communications with what nerve?
saphenous nerve
What does the posterior division of the femoral nerve continue as after giving off its branches?
the saphenous nerve
Before continuing as the saphenous nerve, what types of branches are given off by the posterior division of the femoral nerve?
muscular branches and vascular branches
What muscles are supplied by the muscular branches of the posterior division of the femoral nerve given off before it becomes the saphenous nerve?
quadriceps and sartorius (sartorius, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedialis)
What major blood vessel is supplied by the vascular branches of the posterior division of the femoral nerve (before it becomes the saphenous nerve)?
femoral artery
T/F: the saphenous nerve is transmitted through the adductor canal.
T/F: the saphenous nerve lies lateral to the femoral artery when they exit the adductor canal.
False; the saphenous nerve crosses the artery in the canal and lies medial to the artery upon exiting.
What skin of the thigh is supplied by the saphenous nerve?
the skin medial and anterior to the patella
What skin in the leg is supplied by the saphenous nerve?
skin of the medial leg and foot
What vessel does the saphenous nerve travel with in the leg?
great saphenous vein
What reflex mentioned in class is associated with the femoral nerve?
patellar reflex
What levels contribute to the obturator nerve?
L2, L3, and L4 (primarily L3)
If the prinicpal contributor to the obturator nerve is L3, what is the minimal contributor?
T/F: the obturator nerve travels lateral to the psoas major, posterior to the common iliac vesels and descends into the pelvis, traveling on the obturator externus.
False; travels medial to the psoas major, and travels on the obturator internus not externus.
Where does the obturator nerve leave the pelvis?
obturator foramen
What does the obturator nerve divide into once it exits the pelvis?
anterior and posterior branches
What separates the anterior and posterior branches of the obturator nerve?
initially the obturator externus and then by the adductor brevis (Torgerud said this tends to be an exam question)
T/F: the obturator nerve branches anteriorly and posteriorly around the obturator internus.
False; should say obturator externus
Which adductor muscle separates the branches of the obturator nerve?
adductor brevis
The anterior branch of the obturator nerve passes anterior to the obturator externus and the adductor brevis, what muscles does it pass posterior to?
pectineus and adductor longus
The anterior branch of the obturator nerve sends some fibers to communcate with the femoral nerve. What does this form?
the subsartorial plexus
What does the subsartorial plexus contribute to the supply of?
skin on the medial thigh
What is supplied by the termination of the anterior branch of the obturator nerve?
femoral artery
Where does the anterior branch of the obturator nerve send articular branches?
the hip joint
What four muscles are supplied by the anterior branch of the obturator nerve?
(AGAP between the legs) Adductor longus, Gracillis, Adductor brevis (usually), and Pectineus (usually)
What nerve (if present) will the anterior branch (maybe) send fibers to connect with?
accessory obturator nerve
If the anterior branch of the obtruator nerve sends fibers to communicate with the medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the saphenous nerve, what skin will the obturator nerve then help contribute to?
the skin on the upper medial side of the leg
T/F: the posterior branch of the obturator nerve travels through the obturator internus, posterior to the adductor brevis, and anterior to the adductor magnus.
False; travels through the obturator externus NOT internus
What muscles are supplied by the posterior division of the obturator nerve?
obturator externus, adductor magnus and the adductor brevis (if not supplied by the anterior branch)
Where does the posterior branch of the obturator nerve send articular fibers?
knee joint
How would one test muscular weakness of the muscles supplied by the obturator nerve?
have patient adduct leg against resistance and rate strength on a scale of 0-4 (0 being no strength 4 being very strong)