S in the Classroom Flashcards
Why are people so fascinated by Shakespeare?
Shakespeare understood what made people tick, real human realtionships
What are the 5 facts known about Shakespeare?
- Christened in Strafford upon Avon on April 26th 1564
- Married to Anne Hathaway, November 27 1582
- Daugther was Susanna and twins were Judith and Hamnet
- Name first appears in print in 1592 by another writer attacking him
- Death in 1616, April 23rd Stratford upon Avon
What was London like during Shakespeare’s life (1593)
Town of palaces and dark alleyways (contrasts)
Black death is everywhere
Poetry, passion and theater
Who were the groundlings?
Groundlings paid pennies to stand on the floor in front of the stage, crowded no bathroom, sun beat down, got wet when it rained
Why were plays preformed during the afternoon?
Lighting had to come from the sun
Explain the significance of clothing/coustumes during Shakespeare’s age
Coustumes tried to stand out/be something to look at
elegant and flamboyant
common folk were plain clothes with earthy colors bc they had little clothes and those covered stains and earthy tones were less expensive
Illegal for common people to wear purple, wealthy people wore bright clothes
Upper class wore layer and rich fabric, padded stomaches to make it look like they are well
coustumes were old clothes donated from wealthy patrons of the theater
Why didn’t London officials like the theater?
Thought it was home to moral desires, prostitutes, pickpockets
Spread the plauge
Made people skip work in the middle of the day
Why were women not allowed to preform in theaters?
It was blasphemous/ unnatural
What was the main job for women? What were some of the rules for women?
Couldn’t vote, no rights, no education
The job for women was arranged marriage got family’s power and status
Daughters had to obey parents
In 1593 how long had Elizabeth been on the throne? Why is 1593 significant?
Elizabeth had been on the throne for 40 years, right after the end of shakespeare’s lost years
How did Queen Elizabeth feel about plays?
Liked to attend plays, if she didn’t they would have been shut down, this was her form of entertainment, Shakespeare commented on women’s low status, she probs appreicated
Why didn’t Queen Elizabeth marry?
It served her well, she liked to tease forigen leaders with the possibility of marriage and then take eit away
Why is Romeo and Juliet such an important play in Shakespeare’s career?
Exploring the relationship of love, set him apart from other playwrights, broke the mold, both a comedy and a tragedy