Greek Mythology Vocab (From Slides) Flashcards
the science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions and that assigns to events their proper dates (Merriam Webster)
of, relating to, or resembling Prometheus, his experiences, or his art especially : daringly original or creative (Merriam-Webster)
Pandora’s Box
A prolific source of troubles (Merriam-Webster)
the relation or association to “heaven” or “paradise” and being in a blissful state (Merriam Webster).
A labyrinth is a complex, often confusing, set of paths and or passages that are difficult to navigate.
Extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance: marked by or characteristic of excessive admiration of or infatuation with oneself (Merriam-Webster)
Midas touch
The ability to make money out of anything one undertakes (Oxford Dictionary)
a woman whose appearance and behavior causes fear (Cambridge Dictionary)
an arthropod of the class Arachnida, such as a spider or scorpion.
an illusion or fabrication of the mind (Merriam Webster)
golden apples of the Hesperides
The golden apple is an element that appears in various legends that depict a hero (for example Hercules) retrieving the golden apples hidden or stolen by a antagonist. (Wikipedia)
Achilles’ heel
A special or personal weakness (Merriam Webster)
A member of a legendary race of female warriors believed by the ancient Greeks to exist in Scythia (near the Black Sea in modern Russia) or elsewhere on the edge of the known world.
a tall and strong or athletic woman. (Oxford Dictionary)
requiring great strength or effort (Oxford Dictionary)
to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely (Merriam Webster)
“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts”
“if a rival or enemy shows one generosity or kindness, one should be suspicious of their motives.” (Oxford Languages)
Noun: A person who lives extremely far north
Adj: Something connected to far north
handsome young man; one of Aphrodite’s mortal lovers; a small genus of herbs of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) having alternate finely dissected leaves and solitary red or yellow flowers
Erotic love or desire
of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus
specifically: requiring continual and often ineffective effort
(Sisyphus cheated death twice and pusnishment was to push a rock up a hill forever)
a Sisyphean task (Merriam-Webster)
having great magnitude, force, or power (merriam webster)
The face that launched a thousand ships”
“The face that launched a thousand ships refers to Helen of Troy, describing the fact that a massive war was mounted on her behalf. Helen of Troy might also be called Helen of Sparta, as she was the wife of King Menelaus of Mycenaean Sparta.”
of, relating to, or suggestive of Bacchus or the Bacchanalia (Merriam Webster)
Bacchanalia are the women who worshipped Dionysus (reallu drunk)
exaggerated pride or self-confidence ; a particular brand of cockiness from the ancient Greeks (Merriam Webster).
intense, disordered, and often destructive rage. (Merriam Webster).