Kite Runner Unit Test 1/21 Flashcards
Comparison using like or as
ex: “My ribs snapping like tree branches.” (288)
A comparison not using like or as
ex: “His face was a mask of lunacy.” (289)
A brief reference to a famous historical or literary figure or event that stimulates ideas
ex: “It was all blood money.” (Chapter 9) Jesus and Judas allisuon to Amir and Hassan
Kite=Blood Money
Giving a non-human object human qualities
ex: “They (kites) danced high above the trees.” (1)
Foil characters
A character that serves as a contrast to another character to point out specific traits of the primary character
ex: Amir and Hassan, Baba and Rahim Khan
Parallel Structure
Using the same pattern of words, phrases or clauses to show ideas have the same level of importance
ex: “I was Pashtun, he was Hazara, I was Sunni, he was Shi’a.” (25)
The reassignment of feelings to a scapegoat in order to relieve tension
ex: “He was so goddamn pure you always felt like a phony around him.” This is Amir being mad at himself for feeling like a phony and not good enough but instead of recognizing his own shortcomings he chooses to blame Hassan
Bullying someone for a trait because you don’t want to recognize you have that trait yourself
ex: “Good morning, Kunis!’ Assef exclaimed, waving. (Gay slur) that was another one of his favorite insults.” (39) I think Assef might be gay and often calls others gay to try and deny that he himself is.
Having an awareness of something but denies the reality of it by pretending it doesn’t exist
ex: Hassan’s dream of the monster in the lake and there being no monster and everyone saying Amir and Hassan sultans of Kabul is him denying that Amir doesn’t treat him as his social equal
Symbolism of Kites
Kites in this book symbolize Amir’s past and the winter of 1975 for example in the first chapter of the book Amir is taking a walk in the park after Rahim Khan’s phone call and is thinking about his past. He says he feels like the kites are watching him and he is looking up at them. This represents how he feels like his past is haunting on him and he is also reflecting on it. Also at the end of the book he runs the kite for Sohrab showing how he is confronting his guilt and accepting himself for his wrongdoings.
Symbolism of Summer
Summer symbolizes warmth, happiness and ease
Ex: First chapter being set at end of Summer means end of happy time
Symbolism of Winter
Winter symbolizes cold, loneliness and despair
ex: The event that defined Amir being in the winter suggests to the reader that is was a dark and scary event and shaped him negativley
Symbolism of eyes
eyes in this book represent the characters personalities and intentions
ex: Assef’s eyes are described as bloodshot (281) Having bloodshot eyes is an uncommon thing and typically happens if someone is unwell or tried which represent how Assef is mentally disturbed and off in many ways
Symbolism of sea/ocean/water
Sea/ocean/ water symbolizes the unconscious
ex: “I could wade into the river, let my sins drown to the bottom, let the water carry me someplace far. Some place with no ghosts, no memories, no sins” This moment is Amir reflecting on his new life in Amir and in the water in this moment symbolizes his unconscious and so he is saying that instead of confronting his memories he would rather avoid them and let himself drown in his guilt.
Symbolism of a mirror
Mirrors symbolize imagination, consciousness, self-contemplation and reflection and a distorted or broken mirrors symbolizes self-deception
ex: The shard of mirror that Hassan and Amir used to use to reflect sunlight into their neighbors windows symbolizes how the boys are lying to themselves about the reality of their realtionship because they do not see each other as equals. It also shows how Hassan is a reflection of Amir’s actions.
Hero Archetype
The Hero archetype is a character that attempts to redeem themselves or society. Despite the fact that the odds are against them they prevail and exhibit courage and goodness
ex: Amir has to redeem himself even though what he did was really bad and it has been years and Hassan is dead but he fights Assef (courage) and brings Sohrab back to America (goodness)