Greek Myth, Zeus Video Flashcards
Why is Zeus associated with lighting?
Because he controls the sky and lighting is the most powerful weapon for the king of the gods
Who were Zeus’s parents?
Kronos, king of the Titans and Rhea his sister
Why did Greek myths contain incest, cannibalism and sacrifice?
Incest bc there was no one else to create children, cannibalism and sacrifice were horrible acts and this allowed them to safely explore that
What did Kronos do to all of his children and why?
He swallowed them to keep them from usurping him
How did Rhea trick Kronos?
She wrapped a rock in a baby blanket and got Kronos to eat it
What happened to Zeus after he was born?
He was hidden on Crete in a cave and spent his childhood preparing to challenge his father
What does having the ability to harness lighting mean for Zeus?
It gives him command over nature and makes him very feared
Who gave Zeus the power to command lighting?
The cyclops
How is Zeus similar to Kronos?
They are both powerful kings of the gods who fear being overthrown