Kite Runner 3-5 Flashcards
What is a foil?
A character that serves as a contrast to another to point out traits of the primary charcter
Who acts as a foil to Amir?
Hassan is a foil to Amir because he is pure and well liked by adults and athletic and the opposite social class etc.
Who is a foil to Baba?
Rahim Khan because Rahim supports and understands Amir in ways that Baba doesn’t and acts as a supportive father figure to him consistently
putting 2 things side by side to compare them
What is Displacement?
The reassignment of negative feelings to a Scapegoat to relieve tension
What is a Scapegoat?
Someone blamed for something that is not their fault
How does Amir use Hassan as a scapegoat?
Amir has a lot of issues with himself and he takes this out on Hassan to make himself feel better. For example he tells Hassan the wrong definition of imbelicle because Hassan is illiterate and he knows this is one of the few areas he can be better than him but he is really angry with himself for his own shortcomings.
What is parallel structure and syntax?
Parallel structure is the same pattern of words phrases or clauses to show 2 ideas have the same level of importance
Syntax is the grammatical order of words that can be shifted to create emphasis
What does the bear that Baba fights symbolize?
The bear is big and strong and hulking and Amir says he couldn’t tell Baba from Bear this suggests the bear symbolizes Baba and he is fighting it because he is fighting inner struggles
What does “Children are not coloring books” mean? RK
It means that you can not force children to be who you want them to be they have their own personality and capablities. Agree and disagree/ children are own people but also product of environment
What is Baba’s nickname?
Toophan or Mr. Hurricane
Who is one of Baba’s first playmates?
What was the first Western Hassan and Amir watched?
Rio Bravo with John Wayne
What is the message in the tree?
Amir and Hassan, Sultans of Kabul
What does Amir call Assef?
A sociopath
What does Baba and Rahim Khan do when Amir writes a story?
Baba says that’s good and then ignores him, Rahim reads the story and writes him a letter
story about man that cries in cup for pearls/wealth
What does Amir do to try and gain his father’s approval?
Try’s to play and watch soccer, he is mean to Hassan to prove he has a “mean streak”, try’s to understand everything Baba says and live by his rules
Who are Rostam and Sohrab?
Rostam is a great warrior and his enemy is Sohrab, he unwittingly kills Sohrab not knowing he is he sib, as Sohrab dies he tells his father that he wanted to make amends but Rostam hadn’t heard him out and had attacked him
Differences between Baba and Amir
Amir: shy, not athletic but poetic, respected for Baba
Baba: stands up for what he believes, rambunctious and rash, athletic not poetic, commanding presecene very respected