Russia unit question A, B, and C Flashcards
What is Question A’s question for russia
Describe two features of an event
How to answer Question A Russia
Write 2 paragraphs one for each feature. A level 3 answer shows two features of the period are explained showing good knowledge and understanding of the period studied.
What is Question B’s question
How far does Source A support the evidence of Source B about ____? Explain your answer
How to answer Question B
A paragraph on points of agreement then a paragraph on points of disagreement. Finally a paragraph of evaluation of how far source A supports source B reinforcing agreements and disagreements.
Remember to quote, compare, and contrast.
What is Question C
Extract C suggests ______ How far do you agree with this interpretation?
Use Extract C, Sources A and B and your own knowledge to explain your answer.
How to answer question C
Brief introduction - include a brief thesis statement (what you aim to conclude)
Arguments for:
Consider points in support of the view given in the question.
Support the points with evidence from the sources as well as your own knowledge.
You still need to evaluate this view before moving on to the next paragraph. How strong is the evidence? How convincing is the view? Again, refer to the sources as well as your own knowledge to help you make this judgement.
Arguments against:
Provide points that challenge the view.
Support with evidence from the source combined with your own knowledge
Conclusion - provide a reasoned, balanced judgement that is consistent with the points made.
Examiners will be focusing on how well the answer:
- explains the evaluation
- selects and analyses evidence from the sources and the extract
- deploys knowledge of the historical context to support the evaluation
- uses reasoning to reach an overall judgement.