Rowframes Flashcards
Rowframe bldgs will be either _ or _ construction
Balloon frame or Braced frame
Salient feature common to rowframes
Common cockloft spreading over all the bldgs in the row. 1’ to tall enough for a man to stand in
Major defects or faults in the construction of rowframes
Lack of fire stopping and vast quantity of combustible material used in construction.
Rowframes: a serious fire burns out the entire 1st fl, there is a danger of collapse. Especially in _ bldgs and _
Corner bldgs and Stand alone bldgs
Rowframes: are partitions that separate apts fire stopped between the ceiling of one floor and the underside of the floor above
NOT fire stopped. May permit lateral extension across the bldg and heavy smoke condition in the apt which is not directly over the fire apt
Rowframe Upper Floor fire 3rd HL as ordered by IC “FRET”
Fire bldg
Rear yard via an exposure
TL supply
Rowframe fully involved- can 1st three HLs be stretched into 3 different bldgs?
Yes: 1st HL fire bldg
2nd HL: BU 1st HL or if not needed then top fl or most severe exposure.
3rd HL: if 2nd HL BU 1st HL, 3rd HL to top fl of most severe exposure. If 2nd HL at most severe exp 3rd HL to top fl or fire bldg or opposite exposure
Rowframes: T/F any HL stretched after 1st line and 2nd line will be under the direction of a Chief
Vacant in a row of Occupied Frames “VOM FOFO”
Vacant Occupied
Most severe exposure 1st HL
Fire bldg or Opposite exposure 2nd HL
Fire bldg or Opposite exposure 3rd HL
Additional Eng and Truck at rowframe fire
When a floor is fully involved in fire from front to rear a full 1st alarm assignment req’d. Advisable for an additional Eng and Truck.
2nd alarm at rowframe fire
2/more floors fully involved, or top flr fire has extended to cockloft, 2nd alarm must be considered. 2 bldgs involved- 2nd alarm
3rd Alarm at rowframe fire
Prompt consideration must be given to transmitting 3rd alarm if fire extends beyond two bldgs.
Choose incorrect
A. Brownstone type Rowframe will generally have 3 front windows w/1 apt going front to rear and a rear fire escape
B. OLT frame has 2 RR flat apts per fl. Generally 4 windows across the front with a rear fire escape
C. Depth of OLT type will determine size and number of rooms. May have a dumbwaiter or light shaft present
D. Rowframes can be either balloon or braced frame. Balloon construction fire can extend vertically. Braced framing stops vertical ext by use of a girt.
A No rear fire escape usually found
Choose incorrect Rowframe fire
A. Heavy fire in cockloft will burn roof supports and cause collapse of roof into top fl
B. Rear walls can pull away from bldg and collapse in one section into the yard
C. Collapse of sidewalls is a danger. Even when walls bordering the gap are braced, the danger is still present
D. Serious fire that burns out entire top fl, will have a danger of complete collapse, especially in corner bldg and stand alone bldgs
D Fire on 1st floor
Incorrect HL fire on 1st fl Rowframe
A. Brownstone type 1st HL stretched via front door on parlor fl to maintain integrity of interior stairs
B. OLT type 1st HL stretched to location of fire
C. OLT type 2nd HL if not needed to BU 1st HL, stretched to fl above the fire
D. Brownstone type 2nd HL if not needed to BU 1st HL is stretched via front door on 2nd fl to maintain integrity of interior stairs
A Stretched via 1st floor door.
Incorrect 3rd HL Rowframe fire 1st or upper flrs A. To fire bldg B. To an exposure C. Supply a Tower Ladder D. Through fire bldg to rear yard
D Through an exposure to the rear yard
Fire Vacant frame in a row of occupied frames incorrect
A. 1st Eng dropped 2 hoselines: 3 1/2” to supply TL and HL stretched to fire bldg
B. 2nd HL stretched to back up 1st HL
C. 2nd HL stretched to fire bldg
D. 2nd HL stretched to an exposure
A “VOM FO-FO” Vacant Occupied Most severe exposure 1st HL (Fire Bldg is NOT an option for 1st HL)
2nd HL is NOT needed to BU 1st HL “FO” Fire bldg or Other exposure. Check intermediate flrs on way to top fl
3rd HL “FO” Fire bldg or Other exposure depending on 2nd HL
4th HL as per IC
Incorrect heavy fire in a vacant in a row of vacants
A. 1st Eng stretches 3 1/2” HL to supply TL, and stretches HL for use on exterior of bldg
B. 1st HL initially operates from exterior until TL, multiversal, or heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. HL then stretched into most severe exp
C. 2nd HL if not needed to BU 1st HL, is stretched to opposite exp or through the exp to the rear yard
D. Either 1st or 2nd HL is stretched to fire bldg
D No HL to fire bldg in this scenario
Incorrect for Rowframe fires
A. When a floor is fully involved from front to rear, it’s advisable to call for an additional Eng and Lad
B. 2/more flrs fully involved, need for 2nd alarm must be considered
C. Top fl fire has extended to cockloft, 2nd alarm is required
D. 2 bldgs involved, 2nd alarm condition
E. Prompt consideration must be given to transmitting a 3rd alarm when fire extends beyond 2 bldgs
Incorrect Rowframe fires
A. Fire of multiple alarm proportions, strategy is to set up a perimeter of heavy caliber streams flanking front of bldg with 1 3/4” lines in front and rear of bldg
B. To cut off fire that is traveling in the cockoft towards the exp, it may be necessary to skip a bldg to get ahead of the fire. Once a line has been placed properly, it can advance to center of fire area by going through the walls between the bldgs
C. To determine conditions on arrival the Chief must use HT to determine extent of cockloft fires and degree of fire in rear
D. When addresses can be readily distinguished from each other, IC may use plain English to assign units to exp sectors
A Strategy is to set up a perimeter of lines consisting usually of LCS in the front and the rear, with 1 ¾” lines
flanking the sides of the fire and moving toward the center of the fire. As HLs reach the center of the fire, the outside lines must not be directed into the buildings in
which the companies are operating.
You are the IC at a top floor row frame fire that has extended into the cockloft. You would be most correct
A: Call for an additional engine and ladder.
B: Consider the need for a 2nd alarm.
C: Transmit a 2nd alarm.
D: Consider transmitting a 3rd alarm.
A. Flr fully involved in fire from the front to the rear a full first alarm assignment is required. It is also advisable to call for an additional engine and ladder.
B. When two or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, the need for a second alarm must be considered.
C. When two buildings are involved, we have a 2nd alarm situation
D. Prompt consideration must be given to transmitting a 3rd alarm when it extends beyond two buildings.
Fully involved Rowframe w/fire in both Exp 2 and 4. 1st HL into fire bldg, 2nd HL stretched to top of Exp 2. 3rd HL stretched _ A. Top fl of Exp 4 B. Into fire bldg to BU 1st HL C. Through Exp 4 to rear of bldg D. Into Exp 2 to check intermediate flrs
Fire in a vacant and on arrival, you find heavy fire venting from all floors of a four-story frame in the middle of a row of 7 vacant frames. INCORRECT for the second line at this fire when the first hand line was stretched to exposure 2?
A: The second line was needed to back up the first and was stretched to exposure 2.
B: The second line was stretched to the fire building.
C: The second line was stretched through exposure 4 to operate in the rear yard.
D: The second line was stretched to exposure 4.
B – Incorrect – 6.7B3 – If not needed to back up the first hoseline, stretched to the opposite exposure or through an exposure to the rear yard.