MDs Flashcards


NLTs built before 1929 incorrect?
A. Steel I-beams
B. Steel columns
C. Dividing walls up to the underside of the roof boards
D. Dividing walls creating floor areas of 2500 square feet or less


C — (MDs—Pg 3) as high as the ceiling of the top floor
These changes were designed to effectively reduce the size of the cockloft and limit fire spread.
Acronym: CUT
C - ceiling - before 1930
U - underside roof boards - 1930-1940
T - top roof boards - after 1940

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Apt houses built after 1929 req’d firewalls to (correct)?
A. Underside of the roof boards from 1930-1940
B. Top of the roof boards after 1940
C. Enclose floor areas and the cockloft to 3000 square feet or less


ABC — all correct (MDs Pg 4)

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OLT which HL may be stretched to Exp 2 or Exp 4?
A. 2nd line only if fire has actually extended across a shaft into the exposure
B. 3rd HL if fire has extended or is about to extend across a shaft into the exposure
C. 2nd or 3rd HL only if fire has actually extended across a shaft into the exposure
D. 2nd or 3rd HL if fire has extended or about to extend across a shaft into the exposure


D— (MDs 3.2.11)

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BC arrives fire in a 6-story OLT w/fire on the 3rd flr has extended to the 4th flr of the same bldg via a rear shaft. In this situation:
A. Special call an extra engine and ladder
B. Transmit a second alarm


A— (MDs 3.4.6)

Fire in shaft into an exposure (different building)—is a second alarm

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Piping containing flammable gas is not permitted vertically or horizontally?
A. In stair enclosures
B. In a shaft with a standpipe riser
C. In public hallways


A B C —(MDs 3.5.9)

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Store fire OLT incorrect?
A. 2 ½” line must be stretched for medium or large fires
B. No plate glass windows are to be broken without a charged line ready
C. Store ceilings are usually constructed of metal panels
D. Metal ceilings can communicate heat to the second floor


A— (MDs 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3) Large fires only

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Regarding SRO’s in OLT incorrect
A. Require sprinklers in each room and in the stairway
B. Sprinkler system cannot be supplied by FD
C. Sprinkler system is supplied only by a roof tank
D. They require an interior alarm system


C - (MDs 4.8.4) Sprinkler system has NO Roof tank. It’s supplied from the water main in the street. Cannot be supplied by FD

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IC notified of a party wall balcony in the rear of an OLT should consider which of the following tactic(s)?
A. Special call Add’l Ladder to aid search and rescue on the rear party wall balcony
B. Stretch a hand line to the rear
C. Have portable ladders brought to the rear


A B C - (MDs 4.8.7D)

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Steel used in NLTs incorrect:
A. Steel when heated, expands and can elongate substantially at fires
B. Steel when heated to high temperatures may fail
C. I-shape columns and I-beams can transmit fire, heat and smoke
D. Columns are also known as channel rails


C — (MDs 5.2.3) “H”-shape columns,

“I”-shaped beams

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Channel Rails incorrect:
A. They are vertical columns found from the foundation to the cockloft
B. Main concern is that they are not fire-stopped
C. Located in voids about two feet square
D. Some vertical voids may contain channel rails along with the waste and water pipes


C. About 1 foot square (MDs 5.2.6A)

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4-story NFP MD heavy fire on 1st fl extending to 2nd flr requiring a 2nd alarm. Who supervises units on 4th flr?
A. The IC
B. The Fire Sector Supervisor
C. The Floors Above Sector Supervisor
D. The Top Floor Sector Supervisor

C—(MDs 5.2.8) Normally—the Floors Above Sector Supervisor—for a lower floor fire

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Top flr fire extends into H-Type cockloft and requires the IC to assign a Roof Sector Supervisor?
A. Early in operation. May initially be a Company Off
B. Early in the operation. Shall initially be a Chief Officer
C. Whenever the 2nd Chief Officer arrives
D. Whenever the 3rd Chief Officer arrives


A (MDs 5.9.1)

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Trenches have all of the following except?
A. At least 3 feet wide
B. 2/more inspection holes may be cut on the fire side
C. Not opened until there is an adequate vent opening directly over the fire
D. Pulled when the fire passes the inspection holes


D (MDs 5.9.9 B, C) Pulled when fire reaches the inspection holes

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Trenches Incorrect:
A. 20 feet from the initial vent hole
B. At the narrowest available roof section
C. Taking advantage of outside walls and interior fire walls
D. With a charged line brought to the roof


C—(MDs 5.9.9 E, H) Taking advantage of outside walls. Do not use interior fire walls

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Most probable point for vertical fire extension in an H-type is?
A. Vertical steel channels
B. Closets
C. Waste pipe voids
D. Dumbwaiter shafts


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Correct for subdividing firewalls:
A. Fire escape in the throat that spans the firewall indicates one apartment in the throat
B. Apts in throat may span a firewall and have 2 interior stairs as exits with no fire escape
C. Fire partitions in the throat always extend from the front to the rear wall
D. Subdividing walls are usually continued above the roof line


B—(MDs 5.11.3-5.11.6)
A-2 apartments in the throat,
C—usually extend from the front to the rear wall,
D—usually not continued above the roof line

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Fire Wall: extends continuously from the foundation to, or through, the roof with sufficient structural stability to withstand the collapse of construction on either side of it. Fire wall ratings for 1968 BC rated _ hours; and rated _ hours 2008 BC


1968: 4 hours
2008: 2 or 3 hours

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Scissor Stair exit doors are placed no less than _’ apart in the public hallway


No less than 15’

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Can a HL be operated into ventilation holes?


HL should not be operated into vent holes from roof. A roof line should be used only to prevent fire from extending past the trench, to protect exposures, or to extinguish fire that cannot be reached from below, such as fire in a cornice


Extra Eng Extra Truck for fire in OLT/NLT;

2nd alarm MD


Fire on two floors. If progress not made on at least one floor in a short period of time, transmit 2nd alarm;
Shaft fire extending into an exposure- 2nd alarm.
If fire extending to two exposures 3rd alarm


Can Eng companies with HL in exposures use their line to extinguish fire across a shaft


Yes, but should NOT be done without permission of IC


OLT does the 1st HL go down to extinguish cellar fire?


1st HL stretched to cellar entrance inside of bldg and remains. Do not advance down if their is an outside entrance to cellar at front or rear of bldg unless fire is minor.


“H” Type extra Eng extra Truck;

2nd Alarm


Additional Eng and Truck should be called for a medium fire condition when 2 HLs req’d;
2 floors or extensive cockloft fires - 2nd alarm

H-Type fire with piping continuously marked with Yellow markings. Hazard
A. High Voltage wiring
B. Low Voltage wiring
C. Natural gas
D. Fuel oil

C Natural gas

A. High Voltage Wiring: Red
B. Low Voltage Wiring: Orange
D. Fuel Oil: Yellow with Black Stripes
Other Compressed Gas Piping: Yellow, labeled at regular intervals

OLT built before 1901 incorrect A. Class 3 NFP construction (brick walls, wood fl beams, and wood flrs). Steel columns and beams will not be found in OLT including renovated bldgs B. Originally stairs and stairway enclosures were wood w/wood lath and plaster partitions. In 1934 most were req'd to fire retard stairway enclosure C. 2 means of egress from each apt usually interior stairway and fire escape. For light, shafts provided between bldgs D. Stairway to cellar located inside of bldg, usually beneath interior stairway
NLT incorrect A. 1st fl (cellar ceiling) is of FP construction and unpierced B. Entrance to cellar is by way of exterior stair C. Interior stairs are FP and enclosed in partitions of FP construction. Apt doors are fire resistant D. All interior walls and furred partitions are req'd to be fire stopped at each story E. Steel I beams were introduced to carry fl joists which couldn't span enlarged fl areas. These steel beams generally were supported by steel columns
E Supported by Masonry walls
NLT 1916-1929 correct A. To avoid FP construction fl areas broken up into units of 3000 sq ft/less. Between some apts are brick or FP partitions which limit horizontal spread of fire B. Brick or FP dividing walls only go as high as the underside of roof boards. This results in very large undivided cockloft area C. Protected steel beams are used to support some of the wood fl joists. These steel beams are supported by vertical steel columns which run height of bldg D. Wooden fl joists (beams) run horizontally from brick wall to a steel girder or from steel girder to steel girder E. Bsmt entrance is by a front door that is level via an ext stair from 1st flr, or via passageway in rear of bldg
D A 2,500 sq ft/less B dividing walls only go as high as the ceiling of the top floor C Unprotected steel beams E side or rear door at that level, accessed via an ext stair from 1st flr, or through a passageway located in the front of the building.
Correct for Class "A" bldgs A. NFP bldg constructed in 1935 would have firewalls req'd to be carried to top of roof boards and area enclosed by fire walls 3000 sq flt B. NFP bldg constructed 1941 would have firewalls req'd to underside of roof boards and size of area enclosed by fire walls 2500' sq ft C. NFP bldg constructed 1930 firewalls req'd to be carried to underside of roof boards and size of area enclosed by fire walls is 3000 sq ft D. NFP bldg constructed in 1933 firewalls req'd to be carried to top of roof boards and fire walls 2500 sq ft
Incorrect for Roof line MD A. Eng 100 operates HL into vent hole from roof at a severe cockloft fire which cannot be ext from below B. Eng 400 operates roof line to prevent fire from extending past a trench cut that has been cut in roof C. Fire observed blowing out 2 windows on top fl, threatening to extend to Exp 2. IC orders Eng 100 who is on roof w/HL to operate their line to prevent fire from extending to Exp 2 D. Roof Sector Supervisor orders Eng 200 to use their HL to ext fire in the cornice below them, due to units on top fl unable to ext this fire
A HL should not be operated into vent holes from the roof as this decreases ventilation and nullifies the action of lines operating on the top floor
T/F Use of outside streams can cause injuries to members operating inside of bldg. Members inside must be warned and moved outside bldg before streams are directed into bldg. This exterior location must be verified by personal contact, by IC
False Except in extreme, lifesaving instances FFs inside the bldg must be warned, and moved to safe location before outside streams are directed into the building. This safe location must be verified by radio or personal contact, by IC
T/F One of the most serious problems at cockloft fires in H types is to determine the extent of the fire. To accomplish this it will be necessary to get all apts open on top fl, and begin opening up above the original fire area and move further away to determine the extent of the fire area
False get all apts open on the top floor, make openings to find the extent of the fire, get ahead of the fire, and work back to the original fire area.
What does a fire escape that spans the firewall in the throat indicate A. Two separate apts in the throat B. One apt in the throat which spans the fire wall C. Fire partition in the throat that extends completely to the rear wall
Choose correct for "H" Types Cellar fires A. Fireproof construction throughout cellar. Cellar ceiling is concrete and rated for 2 hour fire resistance B. 1st HL stretched via numerous exterior approaches, or interior stairs, to seat of fire and extinguished C. Roof FF proceeds to roof for vent and exam. Does not check cockloft for possible ext of fire via vertical voids as it's more efficient to check via top fl ceilings D. Limited ground level windows found in rear limits ventilation and preclude alt points of attack for Eng
A D Numerous ground level windows usually available at sides and rears, a considerable difference from OLT. Due to this, more easily vented and also provide alt points of attack if interior attack is very arduous for Eng
Outside streams incorrect A. Decision to use outside streams can only be made by Chief Off B. Members inside of bldg must be warned and moved to a safe location, either inside/outside of bldg C. Outside streams should be used in one position only as long as necessary to ext visible fire D. Air movement resulting from use of LCS must be considered
A Off can make that decision prior to Chief arrival
``` OLT Store fire- IC orders 2nd HL stretched correct A. To store as a BU for 1st HL B. Apt above the store C. 1st fl entrance hallway D. Top floor ```
Correct for SRO (3) A. These bldgs require sprinklers in each room and stairway B. SROs require an interior alarm and exit lights and signs C. Sprinkler systems are supplied via roof tank D. FD units cannot supply sprinkler system
Incorrect for H-type bldgs A. Most probable point vertical extension is via vertical steel channels B. Fires in channel rails necessitate opening above and at the top fl ceiling to check for ext into cockloft C. Horizontal fire spread may be through ceiling and fl beams, holes in interior brick walls, via windows, cockloft and cornice D. FF finds a "hot spot" on fl above fire should make small holes to check for ext. If fire found, IC notified to send an add'l unit to top fl to check termination point of this void for any ext into cockloft
D notify IC and immediately go to the top flr and check the termination point of this void for any ext to the cockloft area. If fire is found here, a line must be provided at that point and the roof opened above
NYCHA buildings FOB incorrect: A: Key FOBs have been issued to all FDNY units. Key FOBs will grant universal access to all NYCHA buildings. B: Should the key FOB fail to unlock the door, it can be unlocked remotely by NYCHA Security. This can be done by calling the 24-hour NYCHA emergency number either directly or through the dispatcher. C: Units can also seek assistance from the building management office at the premise location should the key FOB fail to unlock the door. D: Should the building lose electrical power, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate, unlocking the door.
D Should the bldg lose electrical power, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate, but the door will remain locked by the crash bar lock. A special key will be needed to unlock the door from outside the bldg. This key is not issued to FDNY units at this time, but it can be requested for use from the bldg mgmt office at the premise location. MD Add 4 1.3, 1.4
Top fl fire and cockloft fire incorrect HL on roof A. Operated into a vent hole in conjunction w/cockloft noz to extinguish fire B. Directed into a trench opening to prevent fire from extending C. Prevent fire from extending to exposures D. Used to extinguish fire that cannot be reached from below
A HL should not be operated into vent holes from the roof as this decreases vent and nullifies the action of lines operating on top flr. A roof line should be used only to prevent fire from extending past the trench, to protect exposures, or to extinguish fire that cannot be reached from below, such as fire in a cornice.
Burned out stairs so PL used incorrect (2) A. 20' straight ladder preferred to bridge B. Butts shall be supported by flrs at base of stair C. Both upper beams at tip shall rest on upper fl landing for proper support D. Properly placed PL should only be used for emergency egress from above
A D PL may be placed over weakened, damaged or burnt-out stairs to safely gain access to upper flrs of a bldg. Preferred PL is the extension ladder, rather than a straight ladder. The shorter nested length allows easier maneuverability and positioning, while the adjustable length should insure proper coverage of the entire stair span. The butts shall be supported by the flr at the base of the stair, while both upper beams at the tip of the PL should rest on the upper flr landing for proper support
Heavy fire in a mixed occupancy store incorrect LCS A. Generally, outside streams should not be directed into occupied bldgs B. Outside streams may be used to diminish heavy fire so that an interior attack can be made C. Co Off may order Deck pipe (or other outside stream) prior to arrival of add'l units D. Members should never be inside a bldg when an outside stream is operating
D Outside streams into a bldg can cause injuries to members operating inside the bldg. Except in extreme, lifesaving instances members inside the bldg must be warned, and moved to safe location before outside streams are directed into the bldg. This safe location must be verified by radio or personal contact, by the IC
Fire in a FPHRMD where a 10-77 was transmitted, when must a Command Channel be established? A: Immediately, in all cases B: If more than one sector is established C: Only upon transmission of a 2nd alarm D: Only upon transmission of a 3rd alarm
B MDs 6.24 I
Incorrect regarding special calls? A: Special call an additional engine and truck for a medium fire condition in a new law tenement when it is anticipated that two lines will be required. B: Transmit a second alarm for a fire on two floors in an old law or new law tenement. C: Transmit a third alarm for an old law tenement fire that is extending into two exposures. D: A second alarm will generally be necessary at an H-type building when two floors are involved or at extensive cockloft fires.
B -- Incorrect -- Section 3.4.6 -- For two floors of fire special call an additional engine and truck. If progress is not made on at least one floor in a short period of time, transmit a second alarm.
Steel correct A. Steel when heated, expands and substantial elongation can occur at a fire. This elongation can cause a wall to bulge, move, or even collapse if the steel is set within the wall B. Steel columns are vertical structural members designed in an "I" shape; they are also known as channel rails C. When channel rails are located in the inner framework of a bldg, they will begin at the cellar floor and terminate at the top floor D. Steel girders are horizontal structural members designed in an "H" shape. These beams are also known as "H" beams and will transmit fire, heat or smoke horizontally into adjoining areas
A B Steel columns have "H" shape C may extend from the first floor up into the roof space or cockloft area D Girders "I" shape
Incorrect for 6 story "H" type store fire on 1st fl A. 1st Eng operated their deck-pipe into the store momentarily to protect civilians on the fire escape B. When it became obvious that the 1st HL could control the fire in the store, the 2nd HL was advanced to the 2nd fl C. 2nd Lad checked area above the store on the 2nd fl for vertical extension of fire, keeping in mind that the fl above the 1st fl is concrete and rated at a two hour fire resistance D. Remembering that fire may extend upward bypassing intermediate flrs, you assigned Rescue to initially check top fl and cockloft and later assigned a special called Ladder to do the same E. Due to heavy fire and smoke in store and numerous civilians on fire escape, a 2nd alarm Eng was ordered to stretch a HL to protect that means of egress
B Floor above the store(s) is constructed of wood joists. May have Tin ceilings that are difficult to pull and may not prevent fire extension Cellar Ceilings are rated for 2 hour fire resistance
"H" type top fl fire correct with 10-75 BC still responding A. 1st two Eng teamed up to stretch 1st HL. As the 1st HL reached the fire 4th, the 3rd Eng began stretching the 2nd HL to BU the 1st HL B. Off of 4th Eng was initially designated as the Roof Sector Supervisor C. You ordered a cockloft nozzle to the top fl, and a protective HL to the roof as req'd by FF Procedures MDs D. Due to difficulty in stretching HL to top fl, Eng shall be used exclusively to stretch and operate HL at these type of bldgs E. Masonry Division walls in this type of bldg eliminated the need to check Exposure 2 and 4 for ext of fire
B A Every effort to get 1st HL into Operation before stretching add'l HL C the IC shall evaluate conditions, and order a cockloft nozzle to the top floor and a protective hoseline to the roof, if deemed necessary D Eng may be used to pull ceilings. Have a protective HL whenever ceilings are pulled to extinguish exposed fire E Attached bldgs must be checked for extension
Incorrect for trench cut A. Members were ordered to cut the trench but not open it until there was an adequate vent opening over the fire and fire reached inspection holes cut on fire side of trench B. Trench was 4' wide and approx 20' from initial vent hole. Trench was cut at narrowest point in throat between a stair bulkhead and elevator bulkhead C. Charged HL on roof was operated into the trench cut and initial vent hole in brief side to side motion after all members on the roof were notified. This was done to prevent fire from extending across the trench due to difficulty in opening the top fl ceilings D. All personnel on roof were kept off the fire side of the trench, and an AL was positioned to roof egress from each wing
C charged line should be in position on the roof to protect personnel and the trench opening. This line may be operated into the trench in a brief, sweeping, side to side motion to prevent fire from extending across the opening. Such operations should only be conducted after adequate precautions are taken to prevent injury to interior operating forces. NOT for Initial Vent hole