Hi Rise Office Bldgs Flashcards
Curtain Wall: Bearing or Non-Bearing Wall
Non-bearing wall built between piers or columns for the enclosure of the structure, but not supported at each story
Fire Tower: Preferred Evacuation Stairs. Req’d in which Hi Rise Office Bldgs
1938-1968 Glossary
Fire Sector or Branch in Hi-Rise Office Bldg
Fire Floor and Floor Above Glossary
Mechanical Control Center- Is it located on same floor as Mechanical Equipment Room (MER)?
May or May not be located on same floor as MER Glossary
Scissor Stairs: Constructed side by side in the core of a bldg in which their doors alternate _
Point of exit to opposite sides of the core Glossary
Hi Rise before 1945: “Heavy-weight”
Plenum type ceilings (found/not found);
Exterior Windows: (openable/non-openable);
Core Construction: (used/not used)
Plenum type ceilings generally NOT found;
Not used
Ch 2
Hi Rise After 1968: “Light-weight”
Compartmentalization: (Used/lack of);
Exterior curtain walls leaves a space of _” which requires add’l fire stopping;
Ceiling plenums (found/not found);
Core construction techniques (Used/not used)
Lack of compartmentalization; 6-12"; Plenums Extensive and lack fire stopping; Core construction Used extensively Ch 2
Hi-Rise Office Bldgs: Processing of air is usually done on the floors of the bldg where the _ are located
Mechanical Equipment Rooms (MER) Ch 2
HVAC systems in Non-Circulating Mode “OCO-EMS”
Opening all outside air Supply dampers
Closing all Mixing dampers
Opening all Exhaust dampers
Ch 3
Fusible links should have a temperature rating approximately _ degrees F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with system in operation or shut down
50 degrees F
Ch 3
1968 Bldg code requires a manual fire pump to supplement the standpipe system in bldgs over _’ high;
1938 Bldg Code requires a manual fire pump in bldgs over _’ high
Over 300’ high;
Over 250’
Ch 4
Pump Room: loss of _% can be expected in a 8” riser and a loss of _% can be expected in a 6” riser with the bypass open
Ch 4
4 Step Procedure for Starting Fire Pumps using Control Panel: “Knives Can Be Lethal”
close Knife switch close Circuit breaker push starting Button move selector Lever Ch 4
Recommended Pump Pressure Floors 1-10;
Which floors start Hi Pressure Pumping;
Which floors 3rd Stage Pumping
Floors 1-10 150 PSI;
Hi Pr Pumping Flrs 31-40 300 PSI (Greater than 250 psi);
Floors 81-90 550 PSI (3rd Stage Recommended >500 psi)
Floors 101> 3rd Stage Req’d (>600 psi)
Ch 4
Pump capacity in Hi Rise Off Bldg usually 750 GPM. Most have 2 pumps side by side connected in _ position
Parallel. Necessary to have both pumps operating at or near same pressure (Ch 4)
Bldg fire pumps in Hi Rise Off Bldg are capable of delivering their rated capacity at a pressure of _ psi at the highest floor hose outlet
50 psi. A relief valve is req’d at the fire pump limiting pressure to 15 psi above that req’d to deliver its rated capacity at 50 psi to the highest fl outlet
Ch 4
T/F Good rule of thumb is to have a separate engine supply the standpipe system for each HL in operation
True Ch 4
Strategic Operation Plan: In order of importance for BC
“D-VEG-C” Which may be done simultaneously?
Determine specific fire floor Verify fire floor Evacuation (up to here may be done simultaneously) Gains control of bldg systems Confine and extinguish fire Ch 5
2nd alarm 10-76 “S-S-S”
Second alarm-Smoke emanating exterior skin of bldg-Serious fire verified Ch 5
10-76 CFR Eng assigned to _
Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director with CFR equipment and FE tools. Ch 5
3rd Lad assignment 10-76
Search and Evac floor above fire Ch 5
4th Lad assignment 10-76
Similar to 3rd Lad, to operate on Upper Floors and to Initiate the search of the Attack Stairway Ch 5
FAST Unit assignment 10-76
Assigned to Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director (same as CFR Eng) Ch 5
Generally a Branch would be activated _
On the 2nd Alarm Ch 5
Initial floors at a 10-76 that need to be evacuated
Fire Sector (Fire fl and Fl above) are initially all that are req'd to be evacuated Ch 5
10-76 can the 2nd HL go to fl above?
No. 2nd HL reinforces 1st HL, protects position of 1st HL, protects search and evac of fire fl, and contains and confines fire spread Ch 5
Ventilation by removal of windows on fire fl for 10-76 (should/should not) be considered initial consideration
NOT an initial consideration (applies to other floors as well)
Ch 5
Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director shall take a position _
1st Fl below fire, where conditions permit Ch 5
Fire Sector or Branch shall be equipped with following:
SCBA for all personnel Copy of floor plan Fire Sector/Branch log Post Radio Ch 5
_ BC may be assigned under direction of Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director. These BCs may be assigned as Attack Leader if operating under command of Fire Sector Supervisor or as Attack Group/Supervisor if operating under command of Fire Branch Director
3rd or 4th BC Ch 5
Leaders operate under _
Supervisors Ch 5
Supervisors operate under _
Directors Ch 5
Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director shall est communications on Ch _
HT communications on Primary Tactical Ch with under their command. Units under Fire Sector command shall NOT communicate with ICP UNLESS Urgent Ch 5
Search and Evacuation Group Supervisor shall est communications on Ch _
Secondary Tactical Channel with Aide on Command Channel Ch 5
Logistics Section Chief Supervises “Communicate LSR High Up”
Communications unit "S" Lobby control unit "L" Systems control unit "Y" Rehabilitation unit High-rise Unit
Lobby Control Unit shall recall and search which elevators in Hi Rise Off Bldg
Recall and search ALL elevator cars terminating in lobby (can do SCU responsibilities after completing their own tasks) Ch 6
High Rise Support Unit: transports (equipment/personnel) via elevator to FSA
Equipment. If elevators cannot be used, transport equipment via stairways Ch 6
_ controls Class E communications system, HVAC, and any other systems directed by IC
Systems Control Unit. Ch 6
Staging Area location for 10-76
Outside the structure located from bldgs to provide personnel from falling glass and debris Ch 6
Forward Triage Area location
Est in an environmentally safe location on a floor below the Forward Staging Area. Est by IC or Operations Section Chief when staffed. Supervised by Forward Triage Area Manager Ch 6
_ Evaluates communications systems for functionality and operability. This includes use of HTs, cellular phones, Post radios, cross band repeaters, and any auxiliary communications equipment available at bldg
Communications Unit Ch 6
1st BC at 10-76: when relieved by 1st DC, BC shall remain at ICP and be assigned the position _
Planning Section Chief Ch 6
Can freight elevators be used at 10-76
Once confirmed safe by IC Ch 6
At least _ Eng and _ Lad at Forward Staging Area;
SAE Group will require at least 1 unit for every _
3E; 2L; Supply of at least 20 spare SCBA cylinders
1 Unit for every 5 floors to be covered
Ch 6
10-76 to control smoke the IC shall use HVAC systems or Fixed Stairwell Pressurization Systems (CIDS). Can the fixed system be used to augment FD Positive Pressure Vent Fans
Should NOT be augmented. Augmentation can cause leakage which reduce pressure in stair shaft
Ch 6
Natural Vertical Ventilation (Stack Effect) becomes noticeable in bldgs over _’
Over 60’.
Negative stack effect occurs when outside temperature is greater than temperature inside bldg. Greatest when outside air temp is above _ degrees F
Above 90 degrees F
Ch 6
Fire Towers (recommended/not recommended) for use as fire attack stairs
NOT recommended. May draw heat and smoke of higher pressure area near the fire towards lower pressure area of stairway Ch 6
Last consideration for ventilation in Hi Rise Office fire
Horizontal ventilation. Its effects are least likely to be beneficial Ch 6
Fire Sector Supervisor shall ensure that the Attack Stairway has been cleared of bldg occupants for at least _ flrs above the fire
At least 5 floors above the fire Ch 6
A Group Supervisor can supervise _ units
3-6 units. If more units are used, a Branch should be est and groups or sectors assigned to that Branch Ch 6
If possible, SAE Group Supervisor shall choose a location on a floor which _
NOT serviced by same bank of elevators as the fire floor and at least 5 floors above the fire floor Ch 6
An additional CFR Eng Co may be assigned to _
SAE Group Supervisor if necessary Ch 6
If conditions dictate, an additional FSA may be assigned to the _
SAE Group. All units assigned to SAE Group shall bring a spare SCBA cylinder for each member Ch 6
Forward Staging Area shall be est _
2 floors below original fire floor in a non-IDLH environment that provides hard wire communications to ICP Ch 6
Class “E” Communications shall consist of “M-CLAW”
Manual fire alarm sending stations on each fl
fire Command station in lobby near elevator control panel
Loudspeakers on all flrs, elevators, and stairways
Associated systems (smoke, sprinkler, thermostatic)
Warden stations on each fl providing 2 way communications with fire command station
2 Way Communications between Fire Command Station and “WAMEE-P”
Warden stations Air handling control rooms Mechanical control center Elevator machinery rooms Elevators Pump room (fire pump)
At least one manual fire alarm sending station shall be located in each path of escape in each story of a bldg. Additional stations shall be installed so that no point on any floor shall be more than _’ from nearest station
no more than 200’. Activation sounds alarm on fire floor and floor above. Ch 7
Combustion Ionization Detection Device or smoke detector at each elevator landing will activate alarm on fire floor and floor above and recall elevators. What about bldgs under 2008 Bldg Code?
Alarm will also sound on Floor Below Ch 7
HVAC system alarm activation will accomplish the same as Smoke Detectors, except which action?
HVAC will NOT recall Elevators Ch 7
Due to HVAC and Stack Effect, smoke can penetrate the entire zone (up to _ floors)
Up to 25 floors Ch 8
Which Lad determines best stairway for Evacuation stairs
3rd Ladder Ch 8
4th Lad Duties at 10-76
Report to ICP w/extra SCBA cylinder for each member;
Obtain elevator w/safest access to roof (if same elevator bank as fire fl, proceed below fire and take stairs to roof- NOT ATTACK stairs);
Report roof conditions to IC and do NOT vent unless ordered by IC;
Primary search of top 5 floors;
After performing Roof Ops 4th Ladder should _
Logical assignment would be upper floors of Elevator Bank serving Fire Floor. Operate under control of IC until SAE Group is est. Ch 8
Forward Staging Area Manager will be on Channel _
FSA Manager Command Ch; Aide on Primary Tactical
App 1
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for Non-Fire Emergencies: Is the use of elevators allowed?
Yes it is permissible to move occupants. Add 1
EAP in Class E Bldg: Fire Safety Director allowed to recall elevators and evacuate prior to FD arrival?
Yes FS/EAPD is authorized to implement EAP and take actions to ensure occupant safety Add 1
HVAC Incorrect:
A. Processing of air in Hi Rise Off bldg don on flrs of bldg where MER located
B. Supply side of HVAC, fire dampers found in supply ducts where ducts meet supply airshaft and wherever they pass via rated fire partition
C. Return side of HVAC, fire dampers will be found where air enters return airshaft from plenum on each flr and wherever air flows via rated fire partition
D. Air that flows via plenums to return airshaft on the return side of HVAC system is ducted
D The air flows through the plenums to the return airshaft. The return air in the plenums is not ducted 3.2.8
HVAC Correct
A. Any HVAC not automatically shut down shall be manually shut down. This includes both supply and return fans
B. Smoke Detectors only shut down return fans and allow supply air fans to remain operating. Supply fans have to be shut manually
C. After fire fl determined, all HVAC zones that do not include fire area shall have their return fans activated
B. SD only shut down supply fans and allow return air fans to remain operating. Return fans will have to shut down manually.
C. All HVAC zones that do not include fire area shall have their supply fans activated. This supplies fresh outside air, pressurizing zones and limiting spread of smoke.
Hi Rise Off Fire BC transfers command to DC, now fills position of _ A. Operations Section Chief B. Planning Section Chief C. Logistics Section Chief D. Deputy Incident Commander
B 5.2.1 Planning Section Chief until arrival of the Type 3 All Hazard Planning Section Chief who is assigned on 3rd alarm,. After briefing All Hazard Planning Chief, 1st BC shall be assigned other duties as per IC.
Who supervises High Rise Support Unit A. Operations Section Chief B. IC C. Planning Section Chief D. Logistics Section Chief
D 6.3.2
Which Chief is responsible for any technical specialists req’d on scene for fire in Hi Rise Off Bldg
Planning Section Chief. Also Supervises RESL
Chief Off in Hi Rise Off Bldg responsible to "Ensure" Attack Stairs cleared of bldg occupants for at least 5 flrs A. IC B. Fire Sector Supervisor C. SAE Group Supervisor D. FSA Manager
B 6.4.5
Branch should be est when a Group Supervisor is responsible for supervising more than _ units
More than 7 (6.5.1)
Chief Off in Hi Rise Office Bldg responsible for transporting injured FFs/bldg occupants to FTA A. IC B. Fire Sector Supervisor C. SAE Group Supervisor D. FSA Manager
D (6.6.5)
Forward Triage Area Correct
A. FTA Supervisor manages FTA
B. FTA est on for below Fire Sector
C. Medical Group Supervisor shall determine if est of Medical Branch is req’d and advise IC or Ops Section Chief
D. FTA Manager, or Medical Group Supervisor if est shall monitor Command Ch
D (6.7)
A. Forward Triage Manager
B. Environmentally safe location on a fl below FSA.
C. IC or Ops Section Chief shall determine in consultation w/Medical Group Supervisor
Incorrect Hi Rise Office Bldg Fire
A. 1st and 2nd Eng teamed up to stretch 1st HL
B. 1st Lad assigned to search and evacuate fire floor
C. 4th Lad initiated search of Attack Stairway
D. CFR Eng with all CFR equipment and FE tools were assigned to ICP
D Assigned to Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director
Incorrect Lad at Office Fire
A. 1st Lad obtained floor plan of fire area. Only one so they left at Cmd Station
B. 2nd Lad took same elevator as 1st Lad
C. 3rd Lad chose best stairway for Evac and advised ICP. Then removed occupants from Evac stairway reasonable distance above fire fl
D. 4th Lad members each had extra SCBA cylinder and conducted Primary of top 5 flrs then remained in roof area to monitor and report changes to IC
C 3rd Lad remove occupants from Attack Stairs reasonable distance above fire floor.
BIC incorrect
A: Building Information Card (BIC) is maintained at the Fire Command Station.
B: List of special needs occupants and their location in the bldg, who have requested assistance in the event the EAP is implemented, is maintained at the Fire Command Station.
C: First arriving units should request a briefing on any and all actions taken prior to their arrival. Units should be aware that the FS/EAPD shall never implement the EAP prior to FD arrival.
D: BIC can provide valuable information to the IC in the event of a fire as well as non-fire emergencies. It can be used in developing strategies and making tactical decisions.
C. First arriving units should request a briefing on any and all actions taken prior to their arrival. Units should be aware that the FS/EAPD is authorized to implement the EAP and take actions to ensure occupant safety. These actions may include: elevator recall, public announcements and evacuations.
HROB Add 1 3, 4.3
2nd Alarm Eng arriving at a 10-76 2nd alarm fire w/NO SA est yet reports to _ A. Resource Unit Leader B. Lobby Control Unit C. Planning Chief D. Communications Unit Leader
B Greater alarm or special called Eng cos shall report to the ICP in the lobby or if staffed, the Lobby Control Unit. Upon the establishment of a Staging Area outside the building, units will report into the SA. The Staging Area Manager will relay information on the units available in Staging to the IC or when staffed, the Operations Section Chief or the Lobby Control Unit
50 story Hi Rise Office Bldg constructed under 2008 bldg code HVAC detector activated on 28th fl. Correct
A. Fireman Service Elevators automatically recalled
B. Fire alarm signal sounded only on 27th and 28th fl
C. HVAC air supply into and return air from 28th fl should have stopped
D. Pressurizing fans in stair enclosures will have been deactivated
A HVAC will NOT recall elevators automatically
B 2008 Bldg Code, alarm will also sound on the flr below
D Activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure
Correct regarding fire pumps and the bypass valve?
A: The bypass valve should be in the open position (stem out).
B: If found to be open, the valve should be closed by turning in a clockwise direction.
C: Some systems are quite complex and the bypass valve is not readily discernible. If such a situation is present, it is never permissible to start the pump as ordered until finding and operating the bypass valve.
D: The efficiency of the pump will be affected if the bypass is open. A loss of 45% can be expected in a 8” riser and a loss of 25% can be expected in a 6” riser with the bypass open.
A) Bypass valve should be in closed position (stem in).
C) Some systems are quite complex and the bypass valve is not readily discernible. If such a situation is present, it is permissible to start pump as ordered without checking bypass valve.
D) The efficiency of the pump will be affected if the bypass is open. A loss of 25% can be expected in an 8” riser and a loss of 45% can be expected in a 6” riser with the bypass open.
HROB 4.1.2 D, E
Incorrect for fire in Office bldg
A. 1st Lad obtained a copy of fl plan of fire area. Since it was the only copy, they did not remove it from Fire Cmd Station
B. 2nd Lad took same elevator used by 1st Lad which was staffed by an HT radio equipped FF
C. 3rd Lad determined which stairway is best to be used by occupants for evacuation and advised ICP. They then removed all occupants from Evacuation stairways for a reasonable distance above fire fl
D. Each FF of 4th Lad was equipped w/an extra SCBA cylinder. They conducted a primary search of top five flrs of bldg then remained in roof area to monitor and report any changing conditions until otherwise ordered by IC
C Remove occupants from ATTACK stairways for a reasonable distance. We want people using the EVACUATION stairs
Incorrect for FSA at Hi Rise Office Bldg fire
A. Refer to BC in charge of FSA as the FSA Manager
B. Spare SCBA cylinder should be brought for each member of your unit
C. Equipment includes 2 sets of FE tools and 6’ hooks, a Search rope and Utility Rope
D. If conditions permit, FSA is normally set up two flrs below the Fire Sector’s Supervisor’s Location
D established two floors below the original fire
floor, when the following conditions permit
HVAC detector activated on 30th fl in a bldg constructed in 2017. Choose correct (2)
A. Elevators will automatically recall
B. Fire alarm signals will be sounded on only 30th fl and 31st fl
C. Air Supply into and return air from, will be stopped on only the 30th and 31st flrs
D. Air exhaust fans and dampers in smoke shaft will be activated or pressurizing fans in stair enclosures will be activated
E. Doors on locked fail safe system will unlock
A HVAC will NOT recall elevators
B 2008 bldgs will also sound on floor below
C Stop the air supply into and the return air from the floor where activated (Floor 30 ONLY)
3rd Ladder correct at Hi Rise Office bldg fire 30th fl
A. Take Attack stair to fl above fire and conduct a primary search on that floor
B. Determine which stair is best stairway to be used for evacuating occupants and advise Fire Sector Supervisor of this fact
C. Check flr above for heat, smoke, evacuation, and fire extension. Also check to determine if access stairs down to 30th fl or up to 32nd flr
D. Examine all stairways for occupants and smoke condition. If difficulty encountered clearing attack stair of occupants, advise 1st Arriving Eng Off or Fire Sector Supervisor to withhold attack until occupants have been safely removed
C (Can go Down to check for Access stairs)
A Proceed to the floor above the fire via a stairway other than the attack stairway
B advise the ICP
D advise the first arriving ladder company or the Fire Sector Supervisor or Fire Branch Director if established
4th Lad correct
A. Take a high rise bank to gain access to roof
B. Advise SAE Group Supervisor of all means available for roof vent. Roof vent shall not be initiated unless ordered by SAE Group Supervisor
C. Conduct primary search of floors 55-60
D. Drop down to upper flrs of B Bank when initial ops are completed on the upper flrs of bldg, unless otherwise ordered by IC
E. Operate under control of Fire Sector Supervisor until SAE Group is established
A B Advise IC; ordered by IC C Search 5 floors (55-60 is 6 floors) D Remain in the roof area to monitor and report any changing condition until otherwise ordered by the IC E IC until SAE est
Greater alarm Eng or Lad shall report to ICP in lobby, or if staffed, the _; Upon its establishment, greater alarm Eng or Lad shall report into _
A. Lobby Control Unit; Forward Staging Area
B. Communications Unit; Staging Area
C. Lobby Control Unit; Staging Area
D. High Rise Unit; Staging Area
HVAC correct
A. Determine status of all HVAC systems in bldg. Any systems that have not been automatically shut down shall be manually shut down
B. In some systems the smoke detectors only shut down the return fans and allow the supply air fans to remain operating. The supply fans will have to be shut down manually
C. Only HVAC systems affecting fire area shall be placed in non-circulating mode by opening all outside air supply dampers, closing all mixing dampers, opening all exhaust dampers
D. After fire fl has been adequately determined, all HVAC zones that do not include fire area shall have their supply and return fans activated
A This shall include both the supply and return fans
B In some systems, the smoke detectors only shut down the supply fans and allow the return air fans to remain operating. The return fans will have to be shut down manually.
C All the HVAC systems shall be placed in the non-circulating mode
D all HVAC zones that do not include the fire area shall have their supply fans activated. This will supply fresh outside air to these zones, pressurizing these zones and limiting the spread of smoke. It will also supply fresh outside air to any occupants on the floors in these zones
3rd BC 10-76 you make your way into the lobby after not receiving a designation from the dispatcher. Which role are you likely to be assigned according to specific tasks listed in Hi Rise for the 3rd & 4th BC? (1 ) Fire Sector Supervisor (2) Attack Leader (3) SAE Group Supervisor (4) Attack Group Supervisor (5) Staging Area Manager A: 1,2 & 4 only B: 2,3 & 4 only C: 2,3 & 5 only D: 3,4 & 5 only
B is Correct
1 – Fire Sector – Second Arriving BC
2 – 3rd or 4th BC may be assigned to operate under the direction of the Fire Sector Supervisor or Branch Director. These may be assigned as attack leader (under Fire Sector Supervisor) or Attack Group/Sector Supervisor under a branch director. 5.5.4
3 – The position of SAE Group Supervisor may be staffed by the 3rd or 4th arriving BC. 6.5.1
4 – Same as 2
5 – Staging area established outside of the building. Separate from Forward Staging Area inside. No specific designation.