LRFPMDs Flashcards
Venting attack stair bulkhead in LRFPMD is done after approval of IC (early/late) in the operation
Early. Accomplished by 1st and 2nd Roof FF
LRFPMD is permission needed for vertical ventilation
Yes permission MUST be granted by IC before venting Attack Stair bulkhead.
LRFPMD 2nd Lad is responsible for which floors?
All floors and stairs above the fire floor.
For top floor fires search fire floor with 1st Lad
BC at a fire in a Low-Rise FPMD would be incorrect to think that venting the attack stair bulkhead?
a. Should be delayed until a proper size-up can be made, particularly on windy days
b. Will be emphasized early in the operation
c. Must be approved by the IC
d. Accomplished by the 1st and 2nd arriving LCCs
D 1st and 2nd Due Roof FF
Open interior stairs: Roof FF to reach the roof in bldgs w/only one open interior stairway where the roof cannot be accessed via an AL/TL correct:
a. If stairway is an IDLH, it may not be used by the Roof FF’s
b. The fire apt door must be maintained closed by either Eng of Lad Off
c. The fire apt door must be maintained closed until the Roof FF communicates to the IC that he is in a safe area and the bulkhead door is closed
d. The Ladder Off must grant permission for the Roof FF to use the stairs
A If the stairway is an IDLH, Roof FF’s must pair up
B The fire apt door must be maintained closed by Lad Off
C The fire apt door must be maintained closed until the Roof FF communicates to the Lad Off that he is in a safe area and the bulkhead door is closed
When a LSR Rescue is not practical from the roof of a LRFPMD, who can be instructed to bring a LSR to the apt on the floor above?
a. Rescue
b. Engine Company
c. Squad
d. 2nd Roof FF
The impact of the wind at a wind impacted fire is affected by all of the following except?
a. Fuel Load
b. Size of the window opening
c. Stage of the fire
d. Outside temperature
The classic ventilation profile of a wind impacted fire is?
a. Fire blowing upwards and outward of an open or failed window
b. Fire or smoke pulsing in or out of an open or failed window
c. Fire blow-torching straight out horizontally of an open or failed window
d. Fire or smoke not venting out of an open or failed window
At a wind impacted fire in a HRFPMD, the use of water from a HRN, an exterior stream, or a flanking strategy is a/an?
a. Defensive tactic
b. Offensive tactic
At a wind impacted fire in a HRFPMD, the use of water from a HRN, ext stream, or a flanking strategy is correctly indicated in which point(s)?
a. Requires removal of members to a safe location before water is applied
b. Should be applied to the room w/main body of fire
c. Must be directed at/deflected off the ceiling
d. Requires communication between the IC and Fire Sector Supervisor
In order to force entry to the apt below the fire apt at a wind impacted fire, to allow use of HRN, or secure the ropes of WCD, the IC would be best to consider using which of the following unit(s)?
a. Squad
b. 2nd Ladder
c. Rescue
d. 3rd Ladder
Conditions at a wind impacted fire will severely tax 2nd Lad. FFs from the 3rd Lad, Rescue or Squad equipped with FE tools, may be assigned to force entry into the apt below the fire apt in order to secure the ropes of the WCD and/or provide access for the HRN Eng
Incorrect for LRFPMD
A. Bldgs are attached to a similar bldg, but separated by a FP Wall usually contain one stairway from 1st fl to roof
B. Individual bldgs built w/2 separate sections, each containing a single open stairway. These sections are separated by fire doors
C. Isolated bldgs w/no adj bldg usually contain 2 enclosed stairways. The enclosed stairways are found remote from each other
D. Most isolated bldgs are built w/a single open, exterior stairway
D Isolated buildings with only one stairway is rare and contain a single interior stair
Incorrect for LRFPMD
A. 1st Lad used stairs for fire on the 7th floor
B. Since stairs were used, 1st Lad did not recall elevators
C. 2nd Lad ensured all elevators were recalled and searched
D. 1st BC ensured all elevators were recalled and searched early in the operation
B 1st Lad must recall elevators even if they do not use
Correct for stretching 1 3/4” in LRFPMD
A. Some of the apt doors, including fire apt, are within 50’ of every stairway on that floor
B. Every apt door within 50’ of a stairway on that fl
C. Every apt door within 50’ of every stairway on that fl
D. When approved by Battalion Commander
D Division Commander
Incorrect 2nd Lad FE Team at LRFPMD
A. Always include KO curtain with tools
B. Search all flrs and stairs above fire fl
C. Proceed to fl above fire and force entry into apt directly above fire. If vent of fire apt needed from this location, coordinate w/1st Lad Officer
D. Top fl fire- coordinate vent, entry, and search of fire fl w/1st Lad
A Top fl fire- Roof FF will take KO Curtain to roof
NYCHA FOBS and Elevator Machinery Room (EMR) key correct
A. NYCHA key FOBS and EMR keys have serial numbers which must be recorded in Co Jrl
B. Any unit that forces NYCHA bldg entry door or EMR door must notify NYCHA via Dispatcher that a door has been forced, even if the door can be secured. Unit must fwd report via Ch of Cmd to Ch of Ops
C. If key FOB or EMR key is lost/damaged, Off shall call Tech Services for replacement
D. FS-112 req’d for lost or damaged FOBS
C 24 hour NYCHA Emergency number 212-306-8800 to obtain new keys
D NYCHA will deactivate the key FOB and issue a new one (FS-112 is not required for lost or damaged key FOBs or elevator keys)