Ladders 3 Flashcards
OLT Incorrect:
A. 20-25’ wide and 50-85’ deep
B. Interior stairs to cellar may have been removed if bldg has been renovated
C. Some form of air/light shaft that are open at the top
D. Complete and full fire stopping
E. Presence of EEW will further increase heat, gases, and smoke conditions, possibly leading to flashover or backdraft.
Choose correct
A. Light Fire Situation: fire which can be extinguished w/operation of 1 HL and/or hand extinguishers or those that can be readily extinguished without resorting to extinguishing agents
B. Medium Fire Situation: fire which may be extinguished with the stretching of two HLs
B should state Operation of 2 HLs NOT Stretching
Incorrect for dumbwaiter fires in tenements
A. 1st and 2nd Lad assignments remain the same, all units must be immediately notified of a dumbwaiter fire
B. Important for top floor, cockloft, and cellar to be checked ASAP
C. If heavy smoke venting out of dumbwaiter bulkhead, Roof FF should inform his Off
D. If fire reported in dumbwaiter shaft, Roof FF should vent dumbwaiter bulkhead after obtaining permission from Officer
E. If after venting dumbwaiter bulkhead, Roof FF does not see any volume of smoke venting, notify Off. May indicate obstruction in shaft below
D No need to ask for permission to vent dumbwaiter bulkhead
Choose correct for OLT fires
A. Smoke issuing from cornice and showing readily from the cornice, indicates that smoke and heat are entering the cockloft, and that the cornice should be opened
B. If doubtful about fire in the cornice or cockloft, open up returns or open roof above with a 3’ X 6’ cut
C. When determining where to place a roof cut, use the sense of touch at the base of soil or waste pipe
D. Rapidly rising column of smoke with particles or embers ascending to higher levels, visible over the roof top of the bldg frequently is an indicator of a top fl fire
A. Smoke coming from a cornice is not positive evidence that fire is in the cockloft. Do NOT open the cornice for smoke
B If doubtful have ceilings pulled from below
D Indicates fire in an open shaft
1st OV is on fire fl fire escape for fire on 3rd fl of 6 story OLT waiting to perform horizontal vent. Agree/Disagree
Statement 1 “Eng 123 to Eng 123 Chauffeur, Start Water
Statement 2 “Eng 123 to Cmd we have high heat” conditions, just starting attack”
Statement 3 “Eng 123 to Cmd, we have water on the fire”
After Statement 3 1st OV may vent windows in immediate fire area only for extinguishment purposes to facilitate Eng advance
Disagree: These transmissions are an indication to the exterior member to prepare to conduct ventilation for extinguishment. Before venting the window(s) the
member must communicate with and receive approval from the Ladder Company Officer.
How many constitute Known Life Hazard (4)
A. Dispatcher informs companies on their arrival “Reports of people trapped”
B. Units can see victim hanging out a window
C. Units hear moaning for help from fire escape
D. 15 yr old states, “My mother is in the back bedroom- I could not get her out”
E. PD states seeing 2 people at window on the 3rd fl, they tried to get in but could not make it
T/F When a fire is burning in a top fl apt, it’s not efficient to wait until the fire is knocked down before examining the cockloft. An early inspection can be made by going to a room adjacent to the fire (in the same or adjoining apt) and opening an observation hole in that ceiling
Incorrect OLT apt
A. Partitions that separate apts in OLT are not firestopped between the ceiling of one fl and underside of fl above
B. Fl beams are laid parallel to front of bldg in OLT
C. Fire traveling in bay between fl beams not only permits lateral fire spread within the bldg, but also extension into an adj bldg via beam ends or defective masonry
D. Horizontal arteries allowing lateral ext between ceiling of 1 fl and underside of fl above exist in every bay from front to rear of bldg
D An exception exists where these horizontal arteries are interrupted by public hall and stairs which retard lateral extension. Where these horizontal channels terminate at air shafts, they have allowed fire which has burned through flooring to the apts above to extend via shaft windows to either or both adj bldgs
Choose correct for OLT
A. In tenements you will find steel “I” beams and steel “I” columns
B. Steel can be found in all OLT
C. FF on roof for fire on lower fl detects heat at base of a soil pipe, should promptly initiate 3’ X 6’ roof cut
D. When a boxed out protrusion existing on a wall contains a steel column that was involved in fire, then the entire length of this void will have to be examined
A and B In renovated OLTs you may find steel.
C If heat at base of soil pipe, inspection holes shall be made
OLT correct
A. If a wall is too hot to keep your hands on, it should 1st be opened right at the hot spot
B. If fire is found in a bay, that bay and at least two adjoining bays on each side should be opened for examination
C. When fire is found extending to fl above, the ceiling or wall with extension should immediately be fully opened to define the outer edge of the fire
D. To make small probing holes in ceiling, use the handle or point of the hook
A The opening should be made above the hot spot to cut off extension.
B If fire is found in a bay, it and both adjoining bays should be opened for examination.
C If fire is found extending to the flr above, probing holes are made in the same bay/bays until outer edge of the fire is defined. The ceiling or walls should not be fully opened until a charged line is in position, because of the possibility of intensifying the fire.
Overhauling in warm or hot weather, IC may permit members to remove A. Bunker coat B. Bunker pants C. Bunker coat and pant D. Bunker coat and gloves
None of the above
FFs must always wear bunker coat, bunker pants, boots, helmets and gloves while overhauling (2019 update)
Choose correct for throwing materials into shafts
A. Involved materials must not be thrown into any kind of shaft
B. No materials may be thrown into any kind of shaft
C. Involved materials must not be thrown into any enclosed shaft
D. No materials may be thrown into any narrow shaft
C and D
Which of the following may be removed from fire (2)
A. Lintels only if deeply charred
B. Fl joists, if there is no other way to extinguish them
C. Roof joists, if there is no other way to extinguish them
D. Wooden structural members that are scorched or have blistered paint
B and C
A LINTELS in brick walls over exterior doorways and windows should not be removed, regardless of charring, as they support a considerable amount of brickwork.
D Wooden structural members that are deeply charred may be removed from the building. Those that have merely been scorched or on which the paint has been blistered shall be left in the apt for possible reuse
OLT construction incorrect
A: The removal of involved materials to enclosed shafts or roofs of setbacks is not to be permitted.
B: Lintels in brick walls over exterior doorways and windows should not be removed, regardless of charring.
C: Wooden structural members that are deeply charred shall never be removed from the building.
D: Excess water may be channeled into wastelines or dumbwaiter shafts.
C. sect 9.8 - Wooden structural members that are deeply charred may be removed from the building.
Choose the correct: (2)
(1) BC 1 special called an additional Eng and Lad for a fire in a private dwelling of lightweight construction
(2) BC special called an additional Eng and Lad while operating two hand lines at an advanced fire in the Cellar of a taxpayer
(3) BC special called an additional Eng and Lad for a fully involved top floor in an OLT type Rowframe
(4) BC special called an additional Eng and Lad for two floors of fire in a Brownstone
(5) BC special called an additional Eng and Lad for fire on two floors in an H-type MD
3 and 4 are correct - BS 4.4 and; RF 7.6A
1 - Additional Engine for a fire in a private dwelling of lightweight construction. PD’s Ch 6 4.2.2
2 - Advanced fire in a Cellar of a taxpayer is a second alarm TP 5.7.4
5 - Two floors of fire or extensive cockloft fire in an H-type is a second alarm. MD’s 5.5.2
OLT w/smoke issuing from the cornice upon arrival choose two correct
A. Positive evidence that there is fire in the cockloft
B. Positive evidence that smoke and heat are entering the cockloft
C. Cornice should be opened ASAP to check for existence of fire in the cockloft or the cornice itself
D. Opening the ceilings below or opening returns if present can help determine if there is fire in the cockloft
Without investigation this cannot be taken as positive evidence that there is actually fire in the cockloft. The tin facing is loose fitting and the smoke readily shows at these openings. The only valid conclusion that can be
drawn is that smoke and heat are entering the cockloft. Under no conditions should the cornice be opened for smoke
If a member takes individual action for a known life hazard, the IC shall forward a report to the Chief of A. Safety B. Operations C. Department D. Training
Regarding ventilation tactics in OLT bldgs, which statements is/are correct
A. All horizontal vent tactics must be coordinated, communicated to and coordinated by the Lad Officer
B. All vertical ventilation tactics must be controlled, communicated to and coordinated by the Lad Off
A only
B All INITIAL Vertical Ventilation Lad Off
Correct construction feature for OLT
A. Partitions that separate apts in OLT are fire stopped between the ceiling of one floor and underside of the fl above
B. Floor beams in OLTs are lad perpendicular to the front of the bldg
C. Horizontal arteries in OLT are interrupted by hall and stairs which will retard lateral extension
D. Steel Columns, I-beams, and girders are never found
A Partitions that separate apts in OLTs are not fire stopped between the ceiling of one flr and underside of the flr above. May permit lateral ext across the bldg and could be first discovered by the unit working on the flr above the fire flr when they encounter extension and/or an unusually heavy smoke condition in the apt which is not directly over the fire apt
B Parallel
D May be found in renovated bldgs