Private Dwellings Flashcards
Major weakness of from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint of PDs
Open and Unenclosed Stairway
Ch 1
Gable has how many primary structural members?
Gable 3
Hip 9
Straight Line Colonial: _ construction is commonly found
Balloon Frame Ch 1
“A” Frame Cape entrances;
Wide Line Cape
“A”: Front entrance and usually a side entrance with a stoop
Wide: Rear entrance and may have 2 window dormers found facing street (likely BR) Ch 1
Portable Laddering of Wide Line Capes
Laddering dormers can be difficult. Easiest exterior access via PL is through windows found on exposure 2 and 4 sides of house. Ch 1
Queen Anne most common construction
Balloon Construction. May have fire escape attached to a combustible wall Ch 1
Flat Roof PDs: Many attached built with firewalls. Can these firewalls be relied on?
Firewalls in attached flat roof PDs CANNOT be relied on. Exposures must be monitored Ch 1
PD with pull down type stairs with a rope to attic: can these stairs be relied on?
These are LW stairs and SHOULD NOT be used for attic access or line advancement. PL should be used Ch 1
Multiple secondary entrances (one with a stoop and other at ground level) found adjacent to each other on the same side (exp 2 or 4) indicate _ in a PD
Once secondary entrance at ground level will have a few steps leading to the kitchen and also a half flight of stairs leading to the cellar.
Other secondary entrance with stoop typically has a staircase that runs to the 2nd fl and may be the only access to that level Ch 1
Offset windows seen from exterior on the same side of dwelling as the stoop entrance at the top and or bottom of 2nd fl staircase- should these windows be used for VEIS?
Should NOT be used for VEIS Ch 1
Eaves in a peaked roof PD- are they fire-stopped?
Not fire-stopped. Fire can extend to attic
Balloon frame construction lacks firestopping between _
Floors on exterior walls, allowing for rapid fire extension Ch 2
The lack of windows on the side of a PD combined with a secondary entrance on that side of the house with a stoop is indicative of _
Possible second floor apartment with the only entrance to the 2nd fl from the side of the house. These offset windows are windows that should NOT be entered for VEIS Ch 2
Can Porch and Garage roofs be used as a platform from which to work?
Normal wood frame construction may provide suitable;
Porch and Garage roofs constructed of aluminum or LW materials shall NOT be used Ch 2
Primary consideration in placement of 1st HL to a fire in a cellar of PD
Via entrance door that provide quickest access to fire area. May be either main entrance or secondary entrance door. Ch 3
Cellar fire in PD: The status of _ is a critical factor
Interior cellar door (open, closed, burned through, unable to locate). If conditions permit, status and door construction should be determined and communicated to IC Ch 3
IC should consider ordering an exterior HL operated into a cellar window for a quick knockdown when there will be a delay in applying water from interior or whenever fire conditions dictate “LW SQUAT”
LW construction Serious cellar fire unable to Quickly access secondary cellar entrance Unable to locate any cellar entrance Advanced cellar fire Trapped member Ch 3
Primary consideration for members operating on the 1st fl above a PD cellar fire is to _
Close interior cellar door at the top of the stairs Ch 3
It is a good practice at PD, especially serious cellar fires, to have a precautionary charged HL in position near _
The front of the bldg Ch 3
Bilco Style Doors indicate _
Unoccupied cellar. May cover an exterior cellar entrance. Ch 3
Can Bilco style doors be used for HL advancement?
Least desirable of the secondary entrances and shall NOT be utilized for HL placement UNLESS it’s the only option Ch 3
Situations that preclude descent of 1st HL down interior cellar stairs “HHSS”
High Heat at top of stairs
Stability of stairway questionable
Serious fire condition
Use secondary entrance or water applied via cellar window Ch 3
Paramount concern in making the decision to advance down interior cellar stairs in PDs
Safety of members Ch 3
T/F PD Cellar fire- units are unable to locate an interior cellar entrance and there is no other HL available on scene to attempt entry via a secondary entrance. If there is a delay in gaining access or applying water to cellar via interior, the IC (BC or Off serving as IC) may consider repositioning 1st HL that was stretched via main entrance on 1st fl to a secondary entrance
False: Chief Officer or Acting Battalion Chief (ABC) only may reposition 1st HL to a secondary entrance Ch 3
IC gives an URGENT to reposition 1st HL in PD cellar fire, do the Lad Companies have to withdraw from the PD?
Lad Company FFs on 1st fl MUST be withdrawn before 1st HL is repositioned from that floor.
Members on Upper floors MAY need to be withdrawn to a safe area if NO portable ladders positioned. Ch 3
Cellar fire in PD, can the IC order 2nd HL to an exposure?
Yes Ch 3
Can water be applied into a Bilco door at a cellar fire PD?
Yes for a quick knockdown if there is a HEAVY fire condition or entry is delayed Ch 3
2 1/2” HL stretched for Fully Involved PD “Heavy Queen FIGI WIND”
Heavily involved first floor fire in a larger style Private Dwelling (Queen Anne ) Faster knock down Increased volume of water Greater reach of stream Increased exposure protection WIND impacted fire Ch 3
What is a quick way to determine if a PD is Balloon Frame Construction?
Remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If NONE found treat as Balloon Frame. Studs are continuous and extend from sill (located on top of foundation wall) to top fl ceiling where they are capped with at a top plate. Ch 4
Which Ladder Co is responsible for roof vent in a flat roof PD vs a peaked roof?
Flat: 1st Ladder; 2nd Lad Ensures
Peak: 2nd Ladder
Ch 4
Who is responsible for Utilities in PD fires
2nd Ladder Ch 4
When can Vertical Ventilation begin in PDs
No vertical vent shall be performed unless Roof FF directly communicates with and receives approval from Lad Off operating the fire area, or Roof FF hears radio transmissions that the FE Team has door control of the fire area or a Charged HL advancing into fire area Ch 4
T/F Queen Anne Fires it is a good practice to special call and additional Eng and Lad. Roof vent is not an initial consideration and is normally performed by a later arriving unit
True Ch 4
T/F Once a Sector/Group Supervisor is assigned, all units shall report directly to the Sector/Group Supervisor.
False: Units assigned to such Sector/Group Supervisors shall report directly to their Sector/Group Supervisor, and Sector/Group Supervisors directly to IC. Units not assigned to a Sector/Group Supervisor will report directly to IC Ch 5
T/F Window Bars present transmit a 2nd alarm
False: Special Call and additional Engine and Ladder. Special called Lad shall be a TL if none assigned on 1st alarm. Ch 5
Choose the most incorrect answer?
A: Quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate.
B: In Queen Anne balloon frame construction the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and are capped with a top plate.
C: High heat accompanied by a light to medium smoke condition with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in the walls of balloon frame construction.
D: Platform construction effectively acts as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
C. sec 3.1 High heat accompanied by heavy smoke with no visible fire is a sign of fire burning in these hidden spaces. Ch 4
Which of the following features common in private dwellings is not correctly stated?
A: In the Straight Line Colonial , a single offset window on the exposure 2 or 4 side of the 2nd floor may indicate the top of the interior stairs leading to the second floor.
B: Queen Annes will have a narrow rear or side stair that connects the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors, or a stair may lead directly to the 3rd floor from the 1st floor.
C: Dwelling which has 2 or 3 stories in the front may be 3 or 4 stories in the rear. If so, the fire floor should be used as a point of reference as the difference in floor levels may not always be apparent from the front.
D: An open and unenclosed stairway is the major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint.
C C. sect 2.5 - The TOP floor may be used as a point of reference as the difference in floor levels may not always be apparent from the front.
Cellar fire in peaked roof PD. 1st Eng stretched a HL via main entrance and about to advance down the interior stairs. Who conducts primary search of 1st fl
A. 1st Lad inside team prior to descending into cellar to perform a search
B. 1st Lad after conducting a primary in the cellar
C. 2nd Lad Inside Team
D. 1st Lad OV and LCC
2 1/2" HL considered for all except A. Fully involved Private Dwelling B. Heavy fire in cellar C. Wind Driven Fire D. Heavy fire on 1st fl of Queen Anne PD
B “Heavy Queen FIGI Wind”
Most common type of Peaked Roof in LW construction A. LW parallel chord truss B. Open web LW wood truss C. Composite truss D. LW Open web steel truss
Incorrect for PD fire
A. BC transmits an Urgent for repositioning of 1st HL and ensures all members operating in interior acknowledge
B. He orders all Lad FF’s operating on 1st fl to secure an area of refuge on the 1st fl ensuring a ready means of egress
C. BC orders 1st Eng to reposition HL to a secondary entrance
D. BC orders FE Team to operate w/Eng to facilitate advance of HL via secondary entrance
B Ladder company members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before the 1st HL is repositioned from that floor. Members operating on the upper
floors may also need to be withdrawn to a safe area if no portable ladders are positioned and readily available
Which one was most CORRECT?
A: You special called an additional engine and truck for fire spreading to the adjoining occupancy in an isolated two-store, one story 30x50 taxpayer.
B: You special called an additional engine and truck company to a confirmed fire in a Queen Anne.
C: You contacted the 3rd arriving ladder company to determine the number of staircases serving the fire floor at a fire in a High-Rise office building.
D: You ordered the 3rd arriving engine to ensure the sprinkler system was supplied at a cellar fire in a loft building.
A – Incorrect – Second Alarm for extension to adjoining occupancy. Taxpayer 5.7.4
B – Incorrect – additional ladder company PD’s Chapter 4 8.4.
D – Incorrect – 2nd due Engine – Lofts 6.2.1 B