Row Frames Flashcards
What is the height of the cockloft in Row frames?
From 1 foot to tall enough for a man to stand in.
What are the height and size of row frames?
2-5 stories
20-25 wide
40 to 60 ft deep
What are the collapse problems in row frames?
Heavy fire in cockloft burn roof supports collapse roof into top Fl.
Rear wall collapse in one section.
Collapse of side walls especially if bldg in the row have be removed
To much overhauling
When 1st fl burned out
At a top fl fire in a row frame brownstone type where does the 2nd ladder co operate.
Spit the company and examine exposure 2 and 4 for extension
At a top fl fire in a row frame OLT type bldg where does the second ladder co inside team operate?
Responsible for VEIS of adjoining apt including examining the cockloft
At a fire in a brownstone type frame after the first LCC put stick to the roof where should he then position the ladder to?
To the top floor window for VEIS
Teams up with 2nd LCC
Also brownstone type the LCC waits for completion of roof size up before repositioning ladder to window
Where does the first LCC position the ladder after putting the stick to the roof at a OLT type Frame where fire is on the 3rd floor or higher?
To the fire apt to VEIS
Teams up with second LCC
When fire is on 1st or 2nd floor use portables to VEIS
Does not wait for roof size up after roofman reaches roof reposition
What tools does the first OV take for a top fl fire at frame bldg?
Saw and halligan
Drops saw off and try’s to descend fire escape to VEIS
When unable to descend fire escape notify officer
Who does the OV team up with to VEIS at a frame bldg that has a fire escape?
Teams up with the roof man to VEIS the fire floor.
It is extremely important that the OV let there officer no if a fire escape is present
What tools does the first roof man bring to a row frame bldg?
6ft halligan hook
Life saving rope
What is the order of preference to get to the roof at row frame bldgs ?
- Aerial
- Second arriving Aerial
- Adjoining bldg (the immediate adjoining should not be used).
What are the preference in initial vertical vent at row frames ? Roof
Vent 1. Bulkheads
- Skylights
- Scuttle
When an engine company is ordered to an exposure of a top floor of a row frame to extinguish fire in the cockloft what should they bring with them.
A six ft hook
At brownstone type row frames can the first floor also be called the basement as in a traditional brownstone ?
At brownstone type row frames can the 2nd floor be called the parlor floor as it is in a traditional brownstone ?
A row frame that is fully involved and has fire in exposures (holding pattern) where does the the first engine go and what size line does he bring?
First engine drops a 3 1/2 and a 1 3/4
3 1/2 for TL
Take 1 3/4 into FIRE Bldg
Where does the second line go if a fully involved row frame is going and there is fire in exposures?
Back up first line or stretch to the top floor of the most severe exposure
Where does the first Hoseline go in a vacant row frame fire in a row of occupied frames?
Drops two lines 3 1/2 and 1 3/4
31/2 for TL
1 3/4 goes to most serve exposure
Where does the second line go at a vacant row frame fire?
Backs up first line if not needed than goes into the FIRE bldg or to the opposite exposure
Where does the third Hoseline go for a vacant row frame fire?
Goes to either the fire bldg or the opposite exposure depending where the second line went
Where does the first Hoseline go in a row of vacant row frames ?
Stretches a 3 1/2 for TL
And an 1 3/4 for use on the outside of the bldg
After TL or heavy caliber stream in operation than this line is stretched to most serve exposure
Where does the second line go in a row of vacant row frames?
Backs up first line if not needed than gets stretched to a opposite exposure or through an exposure to a rear yard.
At a fully involved row frame where does the third line operate?
If the 2nd line was needed to back up the first line the third line is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure. If the second line was stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure than stretch 3rd line to top floor of opposite exposure.
For a fire on the first floor of a brownstone type frame where the second line is not needed for back up of the first line is stretched where?
To the second floor via the the front door on the parlor floor to protect the interior stairs. Up the stoop
When the LCC at a brownstone type frame is going to position the ladder for VEIS which windows are best?
Not the window over main entrance.
The other two windows are best.
At a OLT type row frame where fire is on the second floor of a 4 story bldg, what shall the first aerial ladder LCC do?
Position rig and raise aerial to roof for roofman.
Than use a Portable ladder for VEIS of the fire apt from exterior teamed up with second LCC.
Are partitions that separate apts in OLT type row frames fire stopped between the ceiling of one floor and the under side of floor above?
No and this may permit lateral extension across the bldg and could result in an unusually heavy smoke condition in the apt which is NOT directly over the fire apt.
What can the OV take to the rear of a brownstone type row frame to assist in venting or gaining access?
The 10 ft hook or the 10 ft scissor ladder
If the OV at row frame has trapped person on a upper floor in the rear who shall they notify of this?
There officer and IC of floor and exact location of person
When a OV at a row frame sees a person trapped on a upper floor in the rear and determines that a ladder is impractical for the ladder rescue , what determines if he stays in rear or goes to the roof to assist in a LSR evolution?
Emotional state of the victim
The fire or smoke condition in the immediate vicinity of the victim
The location and severity of the fire
When the first OV at a row frame fire has no rear rescue and is unable to team up with another member to VEIS what shall his next duties be?
Return to front of bldg and team up with LCC for top floor VEIS
The first roof man at a row frame fire should let his officer know what three things from the roof?
Any life hazard
Location of fire escapes
Ventilation profile of the rear and sides of the bldg.
When the roof man at a row frame bldg is going to vent the top floor windows who should OK this?
The ladder company officer responsible for the top floor.
Can the scuttle ladder be used to descend to lower floors at row frame bldg fires?
Yes only when fire is under control.
At a row frame fire where there is no rear fire escape and the roof mans responsibilities are complete on the roof where shall he go next?
Descend the aerial if it’s still on the roof and team up with the LCC to do VEIS of the top floor. If aerial is not still on the roof contact there officer and be guided by them.
T or F
For top floor fires at row frames pending the arrival of the saw to the roof the roofman shall open up the returns.
At a top floor fire in a brownstone type row frame consideration of the second can man should be ?
Taking two 6ft hooks in lieu of the can
At a row frame brownstone type fire on the top floor what are the initial position of the second ladders inside team?
Go to the top floor of the most severely threatened exposure
Where will the second ladder co operate at brownstone type row frames where fire is other than top floor?
On floors above the fire
At top floor fires in row frames who can the second ladder officer assign to check a opposite exposure?
The second LCC after no longer needed for laddering the front of the bldg.
Top floor fire at a row frame where does the second ladder co OV operate?
Rescue in front
Check rear , when has a fire escape perform VEIS of top floor with 1st OV .
No fire escape team up with LCC for exposure examination or proceed to roof
For a top floor fire in a row frame what tools does the 2 nd roof man bring ?
6 ft Halligan hook
Where does the second inside team operate at a top floor fire in a OLT type row frame?
The adjacent apt on the top floor.
For a top floor fire in a OLT type frame where does the 2nd LCC go after laddering the front of the bldg?
Goes into an exposure
At a top floor fire in a OLT frame where shall the 2nd OV operate ?
Fire escape VEIS of top floor with first OV
T or F when the basket of a TL is used to get the roof the saw and rope shall be brought.
When the first ladder at a row frame is a TL what’s the order of preference to get the roof?
Adjoining ( not immediate)
First due TL to a fire in a brownstone type frame, what’s the OV going to do?
Takes roofman up to roof in basket ,waits for complete roof size up
Repositions basket to fire floor for ventilation
Repositions to roof to get roofman
Repositions to top floor for VEIS
Where does the first LCC of a TL operate at a row frame fire?
At the pedestal for overall safety
When the first company at a OLT row frame fire is a TL who can officer ask to perform outside ventilation of fire apt?
The roof man after completion of duties