Foam Flashcards
What is the most used foam in the fdny
Fluoroprotien foam
Can we mix different types of foam for storage such as in rigs?
Never mix 2 different types of foam for storage
What color is used to identify fluoroprotien foam
What color is used to identify alchohol foam
What color does fdny use to identify AFFF foam?
What color does the fdny use to identify hi ex foam
When mixing 5gallon cans of foam into booster tank how many should u use?
3 five gallon cans
Should a pumper that is being used for a foam operation be hooked up to a hydrant?
No don’t hook up
What foam is used for the foam can?
How many 5 gallon cans of foam does each truck co carry?
- Five gallon cans
How many five gallon cans of fluoroprotien does the engine carry?
3 five gallon cans
What GPM does the foam educator flow at?
95- 120 GPM
If you have 3 engines and two trucks at a box how many gallons of foam do you have available ?
65 gallons
On a signal 10-86 or 10-87 how many foam coordinators do you get?
When a member enters a foam blanket to make a rescue how should the foam handline be operated?
Handline should be trained against the members back of knees so the foam will fall down behind them not disturbing the blanket of foam
With a handline line and thirteen gallon cans of foam on the scene how big of a fire would this be able to extinguish ?
Approximately 600 sq ft
How long would 13 five gallon cans of foam operating one handline last for?
22 minutes
Which is more stable foam when we’re going to enter a foam blanket AFFF or fluoroprotien ?
When a member enters a foam blanket how should the foam line be positioned?
Trained at the back of the members knees
At a PAPD operation where they have used AFFF can we apply fluoroprotien at the same time?
At a tank fire what are the identifying clues to recognizing a pressurized container? And what must be done to them
Rounded edges
Must be cooled
At a tank that is pressurized where should hose lines be operated from?
The sides of the tanks
When entering a foam blanket members must have there face piece donned? T F
How many cans of foam can be stacked on top each other ?
What is shelf life for probie based foam?
10 years
What is the shelf life for high ex foams and AFFF foam?
20 years
When ever a can of foam hits it’s expiration date what shall be done with it?
Used for drill
How many cans of foam does each foam depot store?
50 cans of each
Where would you get cans of foam to restock?
Tech services
How long should you flush water through the foam eductor to rinse it?
At least 15 min
When do you test a foam eductor?
Weekly at mud test it at 200 psi
If an engine co houses a foam carrier when would the carrier be drilled on?
Monthly first mud of each month
If a foam nozzle or eductor are not operating properly who should they be sent out to?
Tech services
How would you identify the eductor to use with high ex foam generator?
Has a one inch yellow band on the throat
What pressure should be maintained at the inlet of the foam eductor in order to deliver sufficient water under proper pressure to foam generator?
200-220 psi
What is the recommended placement of the eductor for most fire situations?
One length from the pumper is recommended
Can the chute that supply’s foam from the generator be higher than the generator?
Can a foam generator be used as a smoke ejector?
What must members operating in a foam environment be equipped with?
Full .PPE .SCBA. Search rope. Hose line . Tools necessary for checking path in front of them.
Entering a HI EX foam mass without a SCBA in an emergency? T or F
False should not be attempted
What has to be done to am area before a team enters a hi ex foam blanket?
All electrical equipment must be deenergized