Communications Flashcards
What does a D mean after a engine company on a ticket?
Tech Decon task force engine
What does a C mean after a company on a ticket?
CFR-D engine
What does a H mean after a engine company on a ticket?
Hazmat tech unit
What does an L mean after an engine company on a ticket?
Lobby control unit
What does a N mean after a engine company in a ticket?
High rise nozzle
What does a Y mean after an engine company on a ticket?
System control unit
What does a C mean after a ladder company on a ticket?
CPC unit
What does a F mean after a ladder company on a ticket?
Fast truck
What does a H mean after a ladder Co on a ticket?
High rise Roof team
What does a S mean after a ladder Co on a ticket?
SOC support truck
What does a R mean after a Ladder Co on a ticket?
Rescue collapse transport
When the border around the CLR/TEST button on the PC/ATS remains red what does this mean?
The PC/ATS is out of service
And you should notify star fire control center by phone.
How long does the house watch man have to acknowledge a run?
20 seconds
When do units in the same quarters have to put themselves AQ separately?
Units responded to different boxes
Unit did not go 10-8
One unit is a relocated unit
If you receive a verbal at quarters what do you have to do after the verbal was transmitted over PC/ATS?
Must be followed by a radio report after leaving quarters indicating what you are responding to and the location. Also indicate if additional assistance is required
A verbal alarm should only be used if the incident is how far away?
Within 2 blocks from quarters in any direction
Can the ACT’G button be used by a second relocator ?
No first only
What is the order if preference a second relocator would acknowledge a run?
Voice alarm
When a ERS box fails to make verbal contact with a dispatcher between what hours is one engine dispatched? What is the policy at other times?
2300 to 0800 hours
Other times no contact no response
Each unit shall maintain how many spare rolls of teleprinter paper and where are they stored ? And where do you get more paper from?
At least 2 rolls stored in the company office and you get more from the battalion
When should the teleprinter emergency power system be examined and tested ?
On the first of every month
When a buzzer goes off near the teleprinter what does this mean ?
And who must the officer notify of this?
The IPS will not function
Must notify the supervising Dispatcher
When talking about exposures what does 0 mean?
0 indicates the fire bldg. And all sub divisions are identified by having their ID codes start with 0
In exposures what does the second number indicate after 0 ?
The direction either 2 or 4 depending which way 2 for left 4 for right.
What does the third letter mean when talking about exposures?
How far away from the fire store the sub division is.
Where would 04d be located away from the original fire area?
5 sub divisions away
- 04a. 04b. 04c. 04d.
If you have a H type bldg fire that extends into a strip mall with 6 stores and you need to identify the fifth store to the left of the H type what would that exposure be?
Would be 20D
2O 2OA 2OB. 2OC. 2OD.
When using the Acronym LUNA for a missing member would mean what ?
L= last location U= unit working in that TOUR N= name of member A= assignment
When a injured member is located the Acronym FAR LUNIR means what?
F= fire endangering member A= air if member has or not R= route to get to the down member L= location U= unit N= name of member I= injuries R= resources
When you want to get a print out of the companies at a box your going to as the fast truck you would hit what?
Incident summary
When a CIDS card is made and you want to put a light weight non fire proof OLT on it how would you write it?
If a BLDG has Different address or has AKA do you need more than one CIDS card for each address?
Yes for each address
What’s the minimum response for a structural fire?
3 engines
1 ladder
What is the distance the rig should be from the scene to avoid any possible radio interference at a hazmat incident ?
300 ft
What is the distance a handi talki should be from a bomb scare to avoid any possible detonation ?
150 ft
What are two reasons on a EMS run you give a 10-91?
EMS downgrades the incident
EMS on scene before the unit arrives
What is the difference between a 10-23 and a10-24?
A 10-23 is a ADV car which has no plates no value or no owner
A10-24 is a car fire which has plates
If you have a 10-25 code 4 in a structure what is it?
Structural fire
A 10-25 code 1 would be what?
10-25 code 1 is a fire that has extended from the manhole
Con ed will immediately respond
When you have a 10-25 code 2 what do you have?
Blown manhole covers
Smoke under pressure
What code would you give for smoke seeping from a manhole?
10-25 code 3
What code is 10-36 code 3
Car accident with injuries
What code would you give for a car accident with a extrication ?
10-36 code 4
What is a 10-36 code 2
Car accident no injuries no wash down
If your trying to call the dispatcher from a apparatus radio at a fire and there is no response from dispatcher , what should you do?
Make three attempts from that radio waiting 30 seconds if no response go to another rig attempt 3 more times from this rig still no response switch to citywide and try to raise them,still no response use a TELEPHONE to call dispatcher
If you go to a apt for a alarm activation and after investigating determine the alarm was caused by burnt toast or steam from a shower what code should you transmit?
10-35 code 3
Considered ordinary household activities
When you give a 10-35 code 4 do you have to enter into NYFIRS?
Yes only for 10-35 code 4
If you get a run for a alarm ringing in a commercial occupancy and determine that the alarm was caused by a power surge what code should you give?
A utility fluctuation should give a 10-40 code 2
A smoke alarm is going of due to a steam leak in a PD what code would you give for this ?
10-40 code4 for the steam if it’s a utility emergency you give what ever utility it is. If unknown u give 10-35 with proper code
If you respond to a alarm activation and the person tells you they don’t know what caused the alarm to go off and you investigate and don’t find a cause what code would you give?
10-35 no code
Any type of alarm other than sprinkler
Unwarranted /defective / low battery/no cause or condition
If the house watchman wanted to make sure that a ticket was an old one not a new run what would he check on it to make sure?
The time on ticket
When a unit receives a Verbal at quarters they hit the verbal button on the computer and what must the officer do?
Officer must tell the dispatcher by radio what they are responding to where the incident is and if any additional resources are needed
Can a relocater return to there own quarters without receiving a ticket ?
Under no circumstances
If the housewatchman makes a mistake and it involves a response he hit the wrong button on computer and sent it what shall he do?
Immediately notify the officer who in turn will call the dispatcher by dept radio and give particulars
What is the only maintenance that can be performed by members on the teleprinter ?
Change paper roll and change ink cartridge
Who would you contact if you needed to replacement ink cartridges for the teleprinter?
Star fire
How many rolls of teleprinter paper shall be maintained by each unit?
2 rolls
When should the emergency power system for the firehouse be tested?
On the first of each month
It’s in a red panel in the vicinity of the batteries
When a audible alarm or buzzer located near the teleprinter stand sounds what is this an indication of?
The IPS (interruptible power supply) will not function
When the audible alarm for the IPS is going off near the teleprinter who must the officer notify?
Thaw supervising dispatcher
When your assigned the fast unit , you get to the location of the fire what are you going to bring with you the INCIDENT HISTORY or the
Incident summary
On the MDT double action keys do what to units?
They are keys that would take a unit off a box ?
Ex. 10-8 send , 10-18send, 10-19 send
Who tests and when should battery backup for voice alarm be tested?
Outside contractor
Every 6 months
When the teleprinter and voice alarm are OOS how will units be dispatched?
By telephone
What are 4 mandatory things that must be put into a CIDS program?
PG- preincident guideline CFRH- CFR hold
MJALT- major alteration. REHAB- rehabilated
If you come across a bldg that needs an immediate Entry into CIDS program what should you do?
The unit shall complete a CIDS entry using the blank CD201 from the link located within the ECIDS application ( print if off). Than this completed PAPER FORM should be FAXED via chain of command with all endorsements to the borough commander or command chief.
No action necessary from officer within ECIDS
When a single bldg fronts more than one street should you use more than one address on the CIDS card?
You prepare one entry
When you have a bldg with multiple addresses 100-110 and having the same BIN ( bldg inspection number) will they require separate CIDS entries?
Yes require seperate CIDS entries
If you have a complex with 5 different BLDGS either attached or interconnected with separate addresses do you need to put a CIDS on each bldg?
If a BLDG has an AKA. Or more than one legal address are all addresses or AKA required to be put into the CIDS ?
No it’s up to the officer of the unit to determine which address or addresses would be used to call in a fire or emergency and then put those addresses into CIDS
Should a bldg. or place that has a unique and distinctly recognizable name have a separate CIDS along with the one for the address?
Yes. Ex, Madison square garden
No good McDonald or joes pizza
If you got a ticket and the CIDS said the bldg. Is CL2LW what type of construction would this indicate to you?
Bldg constructed of metal C joist or steel bar joist ( Home Depot )
If you received a ticket and it had CL3LW on the CIDS what type of construction would this indicate to you?
A class 3 ( non fire proof) bldg renovated or repaired using any type of structural LW materials. (Tenements or brownstones)
If you received a ticket and the CIDS had the bldg as a CL4LW construction what would this mean?
A wood frame bldg using wood truss construction or laminated I beams
If a unit is on a run and it’s not there administrative district and see that the bldg has just under went a renovation using light weight construction should the officer of this unit go back and update the update the CIDS info for the bldg?
No only admin co submit or revise CIDS for bldg in there area
The co finding should immediately notify the admin co of findings
When the emergency alert tone is activated what wattage will radio go to?
From two to five watts
When the emergency alert tone button is activated what will happen?
Sets off distinctive tones on the transmitting radio called a beacon and another set of distinctive tones on receiving radio called Emergency Alert Tones.
How many Emergency Alert Tones will be heard when a member hits the button?
2 unless member pushes the push to talk button within 10 second or there is activity on the Chanel at the instant the radio attempts to send the second tone or the firefighter that has transmitted the EAB resets his radio. If Chanel is busy tone will be postponed until there is no activity on the Chanel
When the EAB is pressed what radio will be able to read the electronic id signal with EM following it?
Model III radio
When the EAB is activated are the beacon tones on the members radio heard at maximum volume regardless of volume setting?
Yes there heard at max volume
A member that has activated there EAB on there HT , does the beacon interrupt received audio?
What is the minimum response you get for a structural response?
3 engines
1 ladder
1 battalion
If a unit receives a verbal alarm at quarters that is more than 2 blocks from the fire house what shall they do?
The unit should respond and give dispatcher information and location via RADIO
If a unit is responding to a run and get flagged down for a verbal for a different alarm and there is no life in jeopardy what shall they do?
Stop tell dispatcher about the verbal wait for dispatcher acknowledgment , and dispatcher will decide if you continue on to original box or get put on the new one
When both of the two initially assigned ladder company’s at a 10-75 are responding with 4 firefighters another truck will be dispatched,which truck is going to be the fast truck?
The additional ladder shall be 3rd and the4th ladder shall be designated fast truck
When units are responding understaffed the dispatcher will special call a unit for each understaffed unit up to how many units on the first alarm?
4 engines
4 ladders
If your trying to communicate with the dispatcher over the radio on the rig and can’t what shall you do?
Wait 30 seconds try calling dispatch again try 3 times,if after 3 times no answer go to another mobile unit( rig) try to raise dispatcher again 3 times if no answer switch to city wide frequency and inform dispatcher of problem. If unable to get citywide on the radio go to a TELEPHONE and call either the Borough or citywide dispatcher .
When using the emergency alert tone to locate a member how many Ht need to be used?
What channel does the member assigned to the radio doing an emergency alert tone assisted feedback ?
The same Chanel as the lost or trapped member
Where should the member assigned to the HT being used for EA assisted rescue be positioned?
Located remote from the search activity to avoid confusion among the searchers
How often does the member using the HT for Emergency alert tone assisted feedback rescue press the EAB ?
Every few seconds
When can the emergency alert tone be discontinued when using emergency alert for assisted rescue?
When definite location of member has be found
When a member is going to feedback assistance rescue how many HT does he need?
What HT Chanel should the member be on when doing a feedback assisted rescue?
The same one as the lost member
How does the feedback assisted rescue work?
Hold two radios ONE to TWO inches apart , pressing transmitting button of one. The member pressing button will have to release the button momentarily every 30 seconds to re key the transmitter
Using the assisted feedback holding the HT 1-2 inches apart will allow the highest pitch which can be heard on the same frequency up to?
One Mile
When talking to EMS at an incident on the HT we should use10 codes and FD lingo?
True or False
Refrain from using these use plain language
When arriving at a CFR-D assignment who shall the officer tell to switch to Channel 10?
Any member officer designates to switch to 10
When does ff stay on channel 10 until while at a crfd run?
Until CFR unit leaves the scene
If you arrive to a Crf run and EMS is on the scene already who will initiate contact with EMS ? And how will they identify themself?
Designated FF will initiate contact using the units designation.