CFR-D Flashcards
In order to be in service as a CFR D unit there shall be a minimum if how many trained members officer or firefighters.
Company officers shall ensure that how many Cfr d firefighters are working each tour?
If during the tour a CFR D unit drops down to one trained officer and 1 trained firefighter can the company remain in service for CFR D responses ?
Without 2 CFR D members can the Company respond to CFR D calls?
Can a CFRD unit with only one trained member assist a verbal for help?
Yes always on a verbal
What should a Cfrd unit transmit If they are not required ?
If on a CFRD run we make patient contact but no patient care is rendered do we need to fill out a PCR?
Not required unless patient care is provided
When requesting an ambulance what are the 5 things a company must inform the dispatcher of,
CUPS status Age Chief complaint If CPR is initiated Pulse and respiratory rate
What does CUPS stand for?
Possibly unstable
At a Cfrd run when would you transmit a 10-99?
Confirmed cardiac arrest ( cpr)
Where company will operate over 30 min
Where EMS reports no unit available
What are the 5 reasons Cfrd unit would not begin resuscitation efforts?
Obvious death Dependent lividity Rigor mortis Decomposition Valid do not resuscitate order
Does a CFRD Co. Have to fill out a PCR if a patient is DOA.
If a Cfrd unit can not locate the patient and they make all attempts the officer shall transmit what code canceling EMS response?
10-92 go back in service and take a mark in co journal.
When a Cfrd patient refuses care should a PCR be completed?
Must be completed and notify dispatcher
For a EDP what shall be done by Cfrd unit? And is a PCR required?
Notify pd remain on scene until EMS arrives. Yes PCR required
If a Dr is on scene if a EMS run and offers help what should we ask him for?
His 6 digit NYS license #
When Cfrd engine is in scene and has initiated patient care and ESU arrives says they are taking over do we release the patient?
We do not if they don’t have a AED
Can we transport patients in an emergency on the rig to hospital?
Under no circumstances
When a Cfrd unit suspects child abuse what do they do?
Report it to EMS at scene take a mark in co journal including names if those notified and their unit designation .
When someone drops off there infant to the fire house what are we allowed to inquire about from the person dropping the child off the infant?
If infant has medical problems and or has been seen by a dr
When someone drops off there infant to the fire house what are the 6 steps we need to take?
- Place company 10-99 until ambulance gets there.
- Fd inquire if infant has med problems or has seen a dr.
- Request ambulance
4 take journal entry 5. Unusual occurrence report
Three parts of the PCR where and who do they go to?
Part1. forward through the bag at end of each tour to office of medical affairs. Part2. Retained in company office. 3. Given to EMS
If you had a car accident and four people in one car are injured and two in another how many PCR do you need to fill out?
6 one per patient that was treated
Do you need to do a PCR when we are on scene but no patient care was provided?
No not required
If you make patient contact of any kind ( talking what happened etc) do you need to complete a PCR ?
Who shall complete the PCR?
A crfd certified member
What shall be done when company turns on and applies AED during cardiac arrest with the PCR?
Immediately fax PCR to office of medical affairs
After using the defibrillator where does a copy of the original PCR get turned into?
To the CFR depot along with the AED module