Roaring Twenties Review Flashcards
The __ intended to form a new social system for Russians and for the world
Because of a growing distrust of foreigners after WWI, more recent immigrants from southern and eastern Europe had lower __ in America than did descendants of earlier immigrants from northern and western Europe
Citizens of other countries who live in the US are __
A social system that has as its goal the elimination of economic classes and private property is __
T/F:The Red Scare was a widespread fear of communism that gripped the US after WWI
T/F:Deportation is being sent back to one’s country of origin
T/F:The US attorney general conducted Red roundups, which were part of a campaign against suspected radicals
FPalmer Raids
Radical who sought the destruction of gov’t
Attorney general who led gov’t attacks against suspected radicals
A Mitchell Palmer
Widespread fear of communism after WWI
Red Scare
Leader of the United Mine Workers
John L Lewis
Two immigrants whose background and political views played a prominent role in their trial for armed robbery and murder
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
A movement that celebrated all things American
100% Americanism
Social system without economic classes or private property
A set number of immigrants to be allowed into the US
Company-paid pensions are one example of what came to be called __
welfare capitalism
__ involved paying for an item over time with a series of small payments
installment buying
Henry Ford’s use of the __ led to rapid production of inexpensive cars
assembly line
__, small towns located outside a larger urban area, grew quickly in the 1920s
__ refers to the amount of products made by a worker or machine
The __ was the first mass-produced automobile
Model T
Perhaps the favorite new electronic home technology of the 1920s was the __, which allowed Americans to keep informed about news from around the world and enjoy dramas and comedy shows
The __ industry helped create demand for new products such as refrigerators and vacuums by persuading consumers that they should buy these goods
Because Ford and other automobile manufacturers built their factories around this city, __, Michigan, doubled in population from 1910 to 1920
One major area of the economy that did not prosper in the 1920s was __
The worst scandal of the Harding presidency involved Secretary of the Interior Albert fall, oil companies, and (this federal land)
Teapot Dome
The (international agreement signed in 1928) stated that war should not be considered as a way to deal with international agreements
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Pick term that does not relate to the others:a) Franceb) Kellogg-Briand Pactc) broad agreementd) inflation
Pick term that does not relate to the others:a) bribesb) oilc) Germanyd) Teapot Dome
Payments designed to make up for the damage of war are known as __
Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall accepted bribes related to federally owned land known as __
Teapot Dome
What occurs when competing nations build more and more weapons to gain a military advantage?
an arms race
Which leader died just as a series of scandals involving his administration were coming to light?
Warren G Harding
The meeting that led several major powers to cut their military forces back was known as __
the Washington Naval Conference