Roaring 20s, 1919-1929 Flashcards
What party dominated the 1920s?
Republicans (Conservative Policies)
How was the Progressive Era completely different from the Roaring 20s?
The government was extremely active and involved during the Progressive Era, while the Republicans in the 1920s believed in limited government regulation and pro-business policies.
Who became the 29th president of the U.S. and would eventually die in office in 1923?
Pres. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
In 1922, this scandal involved Secretary of Interior Albert B. Fall who sold Navy oil reserves to private industry. This scandal did not involve President Harding, but it did make him look bad.
Teapot Dome Scandal (1922)
In 1923, Pres. Warren G. Harding dies making who the 30th president of the U.S.?
Pres. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
Pres. Calvin Coolidge was known as “Silent Cal” but what famous quote is he remembered for that exemplified the 1920s?
“The business of America is business”
Conservative policies of the 1920s focused on which ideas?
Limited government and lassies-faire economics
What is the term given to Frederick W. Taylor’s scientific management of manufacturing that improved methods of mass production.
Henry Ford perfected a system of manufacturing automobiles (Model T) by using what production technique?
Assembly Line
What two new energy technologies became widespread during the 1920s?
Oil and Electricity
How did Republican presidents deal with big businesses during the 1920s?
Offered corporate tax cuts and did nothing to enforce antitrust laws
What problems did farmers face during the 1920s?
Farmers were burdened with debt as prices fell from overproduction and increased competition from Europe
What happened with union membership during the 1920s?
Union membership declined, strikes failed, and courts rejected labor laws protecting worker’s rights
For the first time in American history, where did more than half of Americans live in the 1920s?
Urban areas (cities)
What new age began during the 1920s when young people expressed their rebellion against their elder’s culture by dancing to this type of music?
The Jazz Age
A consumer culture (consumerism) developed in the 1920s because of what widespread luxury in American’s homes?
Electricity to purchase new appliances
Consumerism in the 1920s was fueled by what two techniques to get Americans to buy goods?
Advertising & Credit
What two forms of entertainment became commonplace in the 1920s?
Radio & Movies
Describe the role of women during the 1920s.
- Women voted like their husbands.
- Expected to be homemakers and mothers.
- Recieved lower wages than men.
These young women of the 1920s revolted against sexual taboos by having premarital sex, cutting their hair short, shortening their dresses, dancing, smoking, and driving cars.
This woman of the 1920s promoted birth control.
Margaret Sanger
Alice Paul pushed for what amendment that would give men and women equal rights?
Equal Rights Amendment
During the 1920s there was a division among Protestants. These Protestants took a historical and critical view of certain passages from the Bible. They believed in Darwin’s theory of evolution.
During the 1920s there was a division among Protestants. These Protestants believed every word in the Bible is literally true. They believe in creationism, which is the belief that God created the universe in seven days. Rejected evolution.
Name two fundamentalist revivalists that preached over the radio.
Billy Sunday & Aimee McPherson
This is the term given to the writers who ridiculed religion as hypocritical, expressed disillusionment with materialism and business-oreiented culture after World War I.
“Lost Generation”
Gertrude Stein called certain disillusioned writers the “Lost Generation.” Name some of these writers.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Earnet Hemingway
- Sinclair Lewis
- Ezra Pound
- T.S. Eliot
This was the name given to the largest African American community in New York, where famous actors, artists, musicians, and writers became well known.
Harlem Renaissance
This African American leader of the 1920s started the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and promoted racial pride and black separatism.
Marcus Garvey
In the 1920s, Marcus Garvey inspired black pride and nationalism, however, which one of his ideas ultimately failed?
Back-to-Africa Movement
List some cultures in conflict during the 1920s?
- Young & Old.
- Urban modernists & Rural fundamentalists
- Prohbitionists & Anti-prohibitionists
- Nativists & Foreign-born
Which famous court case of the 1920s centered on evolution and fundamentalism, in which William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow would do battle.
Scopes Trial (Science v. Religion)
In 1919, the Volstead Act (prohibition) was passed. What amendment was this?
18th Amendment
After the Great War, immigration greatly increased. New immigrants came from Eastern and Southern Europe and were predominately Catholics and Jews. Which group was anti-immigrant and saw immigrants as radicals.
Nativists (Nativism)
This act in the 1920s severely limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.
National Origins Act (Quota Laws)
This famous court case of the 1920s is when two Italian immigrants were executed because they were convicted of robbery and murder. Many felt that they were executed because they were poor Italian anarchists.
Sacco and Vanzetti Case
This is the most extreme nativist group. This white supremacy group terrorized and intimidated anyone they viewed as “un-American.” Birth of a Nation was a movie that glorified this group.
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
In 1921, this conference centered on talks about naval disarmament.
Washington Conference (1921)
American foreign policy during the 1920s is falsely seen as isolationist. What were some treaties that prove the U.S. was not completely isolationist during the 1920s.
- Five-Power Treaty, same ratios of navies.
- Four-Power Treaty, respect territories.
- Nine-Power Treaty, respect Open Door policy.
In 1928, this pact was signed by almost all nations of the world in which they renounced the aggressive use of force.
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)