rizal (el fili ppt) Flashcards
second novel written by Jose Rizal
El Filibusterismo
English of El Fili
The Reign of Greed
El Fili consists of how many chapters
38 chapters
Rizal dedicated the book to whom
three martyred priests of Cavite Mutiny
Rizal had to define the word Filibustero to whom
Ferdinand Blumentritt
one of the new Filipino who had been quite intimate with Rizal
Jose Alejandro
when did Rizal went writing for his friend Blumentritt
March 29, 1891
original chapters of El Fili
64 chapter
He sent the original manuscript to whom
Valentin Ventura
Rizal took how many years to write El Fili
3 years
Rizal began writing El Fili in
October 1887
he finally completed the book on
March 29, 1891 in Biarritz
the novel was published in Ghent on
September 18, 1891
consists of how many pages
279 pages of long sheets paper
Crisostomo Ibarra in disguise, left for dead at the end of Noli
She is the girlfriend of Ibarra
Maria Clara
Son of Sisa
the girlfriend of Basilio, and the youngest daughter of Kabesang Tales
Juli or Juliana de Dios
Basilio’s one friend and one of the students who planned to set up a new school
son of Don Timoteo Pelaez, a spanish businessman, also one of the members of Macaraig’s gang
Juanito Pelaez
girlfriend of Isagani and the niece of Dona Victorina, the old indio who passes herself off as a Peninsular
Paulita Gomez
one of Isagani’s classmate at UST
the lustful parish priest of Tiani, San Diego’s adjacent town who has longtime desires of young women
Father Camorra
pseudonym of Abraham Ibañez, a journalist who believes he is the “only” one thinking in the Philippines
Ben Zayb
a famous journalist who was asked by the students about his decision for the Academia de Castellano
Don Custodio
a student of the UST who was very intelligent and wise but did not want, if not only by his mother’s plea, to pursue his studies
Placido Penitente
a former cabeza de barangay of Sagpanf, son of Tandang Selo
Kabesang Tales
highest ranking official in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period
Gobernador General
Isagani’s godfather, and a secular priest
Father Florentino
a chinese businessman who dreamed of being a consul for his country in the Philippines
priest-friend of Isagani
Father Fernandez