River Processes And Pressures Flashcards
What do rovers form as the flow downhill?
Channels and valleys
What is the difference between and cross profile and a long profile?
Long- shows change of gradient over course
Cross - shows cross section
What is the valley and channel shape in the upper course?
V-shaped valley, steep sides.
Narrow, shallow rivers
What is the valley and channel shape in the middle course?
Gently sloping valley sides.
Wider, deeper channel
What is the valley and channel shape of the lower course
Very wide, almost flat valley
Very wide deep channel
How does freeze thaw weathering occur?
When water gets into cracks of rocks and freezes causing it to expand. When the water melts, releasing pressure on rock. Repetition of this in the rock eventually cause it to break up.
What is hydraulic action?
Type of erosion where force of water breaks rock particles away from river channel
What is abrasion?
Erosion where rocks picked up by river scrape and rub against channel, wearing it away. Most common type of erosion
What is attrition
Erosion where eroded rocks picked up by rover smash into each other and break into smaller fragments. Edges become rounded off as they rub. Further material travels means more eroded it gets
What is solution
Erosion where river water dissolves some types of rock eg. Chalk and limestone
What is traction
Large particles like boulders are pushed along river bed by force of water
What is saltation
Pebble sized particles are bounced along river bed by force of water
What is suspension
Small particles like slit and clay are carried along by the water
What is deposition
When the river drops the eroded material its transporting
Where do waterfalls form
Where a river flows from an area of hard rock followed by an area of soft rock
How do waterfalls form?
Softer rock is eroded creating a step in river. As water falls over step, more soft rock is eroded forming a steep drop which is a waterfall.
How are gorges formed
When hard rock from waterfall is undercut by erosion and collapses. Collapsed rocks swirl around at foot of waterfall to erode soft rock, creating plunge pool. More undercutting means more collapsing causing waterfall to retreat and forming a steep sided gorge
How do interlocking spurs form?
In upper course of river, the steep sided valleys mean rivers arent powerful enough to erode laterally so they wind round high hillsides that stick out into their paths on either side. The hillsides that interlock are interlocking spurs
How do meanders form
1 - current is faster on outside of bend as its deeper causing more erosion to occur on outside of bend, making river cliffs
2 - current is slower on inside of bend as river channel is shallower so eroded material is deposited on inside of bend - forming slip of slopes
How are oxbow lakes formed from meanders
1 - erosion causes outside of bends to get closer until only small bit of land is left between them (the neck)
2 - river eventually breaks through and flows along shortest course
3 - deposition eventually cuts off meander forming an oxbow lake