Rise of Dictators Test Flashcards
Factors defining Japanese culture
Bushido code
Struggling economy
irrational fear of people from other countries
How did Japanese emperor use religion
Unifies the country through religion
Can manipulate country through it
Bushido code
Way of the warrior
Japanese society followed the code and were incredibly nationalistic
What did Japan compare themselves to in the quest for expansion?
Saw the spacious territories of other countries and felt that they were entitled to this territory to support their growing population
How did the education system prepare the Japanese for war
Textbooks were propaganda that made Japan look superior
Physical abuse by teachers
Psychological preparement by teachers
Washington Naval Conference
5 naval powers (included Japan)
Agreed to reduce naval strength
This weakened Japan?
Kellogg Briand Pact
64 countries in pact
Said their national policy is not to pursue war, can only declare war in self defense
Loopholes in Kellogg Briand Pact
No consequences (no military force to back up)
Loophole: invade but never officially declare war
What are Japanese looking to get out of expansion?
Living space
Natural resources
Military bases
Why does Japan chose to invade Manchuria?
Important natural resources (coal and iron)
Large space for crops
Reaction of League of Nations to Japan invading Manchuria
Write a letter of condemnation to Japan asking them to leave
How did Japan get around Kellog Briand Pact when it invaded Manchuria?
Said they were defending themselves
How did Japan react to the letter of condemnation from LON for Manchuria
Withdrew from LON
Sent more troops to Manchuria
How is Manchuria significant in Europe
Hitler and Mussolini are watching and seeing how LON is powerless
What did the Japanese think of themselves in 1930s?
They were superior
Could steam roll the Chinese in 3 months
Chinese vs. Japanese first fight
China puts up much better fight then expected
Makes Japanese mad and frustrated as they head towards Nanking
How long was Rape of Nanking?
Six week period
Examples of Crimes against humanity in Rape of Nanking
bayonet practice on living
Comfort Women System
In Nanking, women cooked during the day and then at night they were raped
What were women paid with in comfort system?
Opium and heroine to reintroduce China’s longtime drug problem
General Matsui
Overall commander at Nanking
Requested for mercy
Hung at War Crime Trials
Prince Yasuhiko Asaka
Overrided request for mercy
Gave order to kill all
John Magee
missionary in Nanking that was part of International Saftey Zone
International Saftey Zone
Saftey zone for Chinese in Nanking
Ran by 20 westerners
John Rabe
German member of Nazi party that helped Chinese during the rape of Nanking
What did the west know about Nanking
Knew it was happening but did not really connect to it
Tokyo War Crimes Trials
Japanese surrendered as long as emperor not touched
7 criminals hung, including Matsui
Tripartite Pact
Loose alliance between Japan, Germany, and Italy
Agree to sell resources to eachother, but do NOT give eachother military support
Axis Powers
Japan, Germany, Italy
Why did Japan invade French Indochina
National resources
Military bases
Staging point into Indonesia
Did Japanese invade french legally
Vichy in charge in France and they allow Japanese into French Indochina
Temporary Nazi French government
US reaction to French Indochina invasion
Oil embargo on Japan
Embargo upsets Japanese and leds to Pearl Harbour
Why is US upset about Japanese invading French Indochina?
Phillipines is a US territory and they do NOT want Japanese that close to the Phillipines
Hideki Tojo
Prime Minister of Japan
Very good at intellctual strategy and writing
Tojo balanced military and expansion
What order does Tojo give?
Gives order to attack Pearl Harbour
Goals of 1919 Italian Fascist Party
protect upper class
make Italy self-sufficent
Overcome class conflicts
Original members of Mussolini’s fascist party
Blackshirts’ background
Disgruntled WW1 veterans
Felt that Italy was wronged in Paris Treaties
Blackshirts’ importance
Used violence to suppress political opposition
Vigilante justice
Acting outside the law to protect middle class and wealthy Italians
Who executed vigilante justice in fascist Italy?
Mussolini’s background
Editor of socialist newspaper
In WW1``
3 Problems Facing Italy after WW1
1) Parliament had collapsed
2) Internal social turmoil (industrial strikes)
3) Peasant revolts and land seizures
Mussolini and Political Chamellon
Musollini changes views to fit whatever crowd he is in
Started supporting workers than switched views when he saw interest for upper class protection
March on Rome
Fascist party controlled 34 seats in Chamber of Deputies (gaining support)
Victor Emmanuel III did not sign a decree to stop the fascists from marching and guaranted fascist success
Outcome of the March on Rome
Mussolini was appointed to prime minister by the King
Il Duce
Mussolini called himself this
Literally means “the Duke”
What was significant about Mussolini calling himself Il Duce
Means that is the sole ruler of Italy
Start of totalitarianism
How did Mussolini work the first 3 years?
Expected to work within the parliament
He puts powerful individuals in positions during these years
Economic challenges during fascist government
Poor management from previous regime
International depression
Italy raised food prices
Changes to Italian government under fascist rule
Allowed private ownership but all ownership was under the government’s umbrella
Focused on self-sufficency and production of goods
Corporate state definition
Government does not take factories, but controls the decision making
What did Italy hope to gain by attacking Ethiopia?
Mussolini wanted to avenge the humiliating defeat Italians had suffered in 1896
Restore Roman Imperial glory
How was Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia a distraction?
It distracted the people and international community from recognizing the many domestic issues of Italy
League of Nation’s reaction to Italian invasion of Ethiopia
Economic sanctions
How did England and France react to Italian invasion of Ethiopia?
They continued to trade OIL with Mussolini
Britain allowed Italy to continue to use Suez Canal
Rome-Berlin Axis
Created after the LON decision regarding Italy invading Ethiopia
Beginning of Mussolini and Hitler’s friendship
Why was the 2nd Republic of Spain susceptible to revolution?
Composed of many small political factions
Differing believes which made the government ineffective
Francisco Franco
Leader of Spanish fascist movement
Franco’s march
Started in Spanish Morocco
World powers interested in Spanish civil war and which side they supported
Germany/Italy: supported Franco
Soviet Union, US, Britain/France: supported the Spanish government
Significance of Picasso’s Guernica
Depicts German bombing of small spanish town
Became representative of the atrocities of war
Ernest Hemingway in Spain
Critic of fascism
Reported the violence in Spain
Type of government under Alexander the III
Complete autocracy
Strictly censored anything written
Russian national language
Suppressed Jews
3 words to describe Alexander III rule
Technological advancements in Russia under Czar Nicholas II
Russia industrialized
Became leading steel producer
Trans-Siberian highway
How did the Industrial Revolution affect Russian citizens?
Working class Russians faced terrible working conditions
Huge gap between the rich and the poor
Russo-Japanese War
Russia is defeated by the Japanese
Sparked unrest and revolts at home
Nicholas rule
Bloody Sunday demands
People came to the Winter Palace with a petition for better:
working conditions
personal freedoms
elected national legislature
What happened when protestors marched on Bloody Sunday?
Generals ordered the soldiers to open fire into an unarmed crowd
Outcome of Bloody Sunday
Sparked a wave of strikes and violence across Russia
Nicholas created the Duma
Russia’s first parliament
Essentially powerless
October Manifesto
Nicholas’s creation of the Duma
Russia’s challenge during WW1
Did not have a prepared military
Germans had superior weaponry
How did Czar Nicholas and Czarina Alexandra cause further unhappiness of the people during WW1
Nicholas went down to front lines and left Alexandra in charge
Alexandra placed Rasputin in charge which spread corruption throughout Russia
Causes of March Revolution
Food and fuels supplies low
Inflated prices
People from all classes did not want war
How did the Russian Revolution start?
Women textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike
Large riots over bread and fuel
Soldiers eventually joined protestors
Why don’t people like Alexandra?
She is German
Who is a big group in Russian Revolution?
Result of the Russian Revolution
Czar Nicholas forced to abdicate the thrown
Government after the Russian Revolution
Provisional government
Dumas set up temporary government with Alexander Kerensky as head
Who made up the provisional government?
Upper and middleclass liberals
Why was the provisional government unpopular
Kerensky decided to keep fighting the war
Local councils consisting of workers and peasants
For the workers
Successes of the Provisional Government
Forward thinking that granted advanced civil liberties
How do Germans contribute to the Bolshevik Revolution?
Germans snuck Lenin back into Russia to led the Bolsheviks
Germany knew this would hurt Russia
Leader of the Bolsheviks
Vladimir Lenin
Bolshevik Revolution start
Bolsheviks took control of local soviets
Bolshevik Red Guards storm the Winter Palace
Result of Bolshevik Revolution
Arrested the provisional government
took control in a matter of hours
New government after Bolshevik Revolution
Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained control of Russia
How did Lenin handle farmland
Distributed all the farmland among peasants
ended private property
Factories and Lenin
gave control of the factories to the workers
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Stopped fighting between Russia and Germany
Humiliating terms triggered hatred towards Bolsheviks
Two sides of Russia Civil War
Red Army: Bolsheviks
White Army: Coalition of all people that opposed the Bolshevikes
Who did the US support during the Russian Civil War?
The White Army
Outcome of the Russian Civil War
Red Army won and crushed opposition
Civil War took major hit on Russian people
15 million dead and large famine
Stopped production
Romanov family
Traditional Czar ruling family
Killed after the civil war
Why was the New Economic Policy needed?
Lenin had to slow down his revolution in the face of Russia’s problems
Had to stabilize the economy after the Civil War
Widespread starvation after Civil War
New Economic Policy
Small scale version of capitalism
Allowed peasants to sell surplus crops instead of giving them to the government
Government still controlled major industries
3 main political reforms prior to Lenin’s death
Organized Russia into self-governing republics under a central government (USSR)
Party renamed the Communist Party. Party becomes a dictatorship
Made a constitution based on social and democratic principles
What was Lenin’s dying opinion about Stalin?
He was “too rude and rough”
Urged for him not to become leader
Economic change under Stalin
New Economic Policy becomes State Planning Commission
State Planning Commission
Prices established by the central government
Commission established production goals and determined how the goals would be met
Why did Stalin create the Five Year Plans?
He wanted to industrially Modernize Russia
Stalin’s five year plan
Farmers forced to give up land, so it could be cultivated cooperatively
Stalin’s Famine
Stalin creates a famine in Ukraine to punish agricultural workers
Police go house to house and steal food
West doesn’t know this is occurring
Forced labor camps where people worked to death
Kolyma=worst Gulag
How did Stalin finish creating a totalitarian state?
The Purges
The Purges
1 million shot
Even more sent to Gulags
Stalin is “purging” Russia of any opposition to his rule
Military officials and elite killed
What affect did the Purges have during World War II
Lost the necessary military experience and intellectual knowledge to help fight Germany
Planned economy linked to private ownership of capital and to government rule over labor disputes
Grouped into labor and management
Believed that labor and management needed to work together to make Italy self-sufficent
The Second Republic
Name for Spain after collapse of monarchy
Spain became democratic republic
How did the West support Spain?
Not well, not enough to win
Non-Intervention Pact
Leon Trotsky
Leader of the Red Army during the Russian Civil War
Lenin’s right hand man