Civil Rights Movement Flashcards
13th Amendment
Eliminates slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States
14th Amendment
Forbids any state from depriving citizens of their rights
Defines a citizen
15th Amendment
Allows every citizen of the United States to vote regardless of color
Does not apply to women
Plessy v. Ferguson
Supreme court rules that separate but equal facilitates for different races is legal
Legalizes Jim Crow
Defense industries during WW2
Blacks not allowed to work in factories
Phillip A Randolph was going to lead a March on Washington, but Roosevelt met his demands
Irony of black soliders in WW2
They had more freedom in the army
Ex: Can talk to French white girls overseas
Come home to Jim Crow
Committee on Civil Rights
Issued a report that exposed racial injustices and called for the elimination of segregation in America
Truman’s steps for civil rights
Racial discrimination was banned in federal government hiring and the military
Founder of the NAACP
WEB Du Bois
Goal of the NAACP and Formation
To ensure equality of minority groups in the US
Formed in response to 1908 Springfield Race Riot
National Urban League Founders
Ruth Baldwin
George Haynes
Goals/Founding of National Urban League
To help rural Southern blacks migrating to the Northern cities find jobs and adjust to urban life
Formed in response to tough ghetto conditions
3 groups combined to form
Outcomes of the National Urban League
Pressured government officials to include blacks in the New Deal recovery program
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founder
James Farmer
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Goals/Foundation
Pacifist organization influenced by Ghandi’s nonviolent resistance
Organized the start of freedom rides in the North
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) location
Northern based group
Southern Christian Leadership Conference founder
Southern Christian Leadership Conference goals/foundation
To have a regional organization that could better coordinate civil rights protests in the South
Founded as an offshoot of the Montgomery bus boycott
Southern Christian Leadership Conference method
Direct Action
Ex: boycotts, marches, fill jails
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) founder
Ella Baker
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) goals/foundation
To relate the goals of the SCLC to a younger generation
Difference between youth and adults in Civil Rights Movement
Youth have nothing to loose
Adults have economic intimidation. They could loose job, house, or family
SNCC becomes Violent
Now they think that nonviolence is more a political tactic than a way of life
Start launching violent attacks on the KKK
Nation of Islam founder
Malcom X
Nation of Islam goals/foundation
Widely used media to spread their message
Black Panthers founder
Huey Newton
Bobby Seale
Black Panthers goals/foundation
Much more violent (start launching attacks)
Thurgood Marshall
First black supreme court justice
Phillip A. Randolph
Had the original idea for a March on Washington
Rosa Parks
Refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger
Started the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Daisy Bates
Operated the Arksanas State Press (black newspaper)
Became the president of Arkansas NAACP
Helped the Little Rock Nine
Medgar Evans
WW2 Vet
Tried to integrate Ole Miss Law School
Murdered right after big appointment to Civil Rights Act committee? on his driveway
Robert Kennedy
Attonery general
Responsible for a lot of domestic issues
Sent marshalls to protect Freedom Riders
Stokely Carmichael
Born in Trinidad and Tobago and migrated to NYC
Elected the chairman of SNCC
Started taking the group into a violent direction “black power”
Stokely Carmichael
Born in Trinidad and Tobago and migrated to NYC
Elected the chairman of SNCC
Started taking the group into a violent direction “black power”
Stokely Carmichael
Born in Trinidad and Tobago and immigrated to NYC
Elected national chairman of the SNCC
Took the group in a more violent direction
“Black power!”
Diane Nash
Founding member of SNCC
Served jail time with the Rock Hill Nine
Coordinator of the Nashville bus boycott
Played a major role in the Birmingham desegregation and Selma campaigns
John Lewis
Worked with Nash and Bevel to stage sit-ins
Freedom Rider
Led demonstration known as “Bloody Sunday”
Elected to Congress later in life
James Bevel
Baptist Minister
Director for SLCL
Convinced King to allow students to participate in protest marches in Birmingham
Malcolm X
Father killed by KKK which sparked his anger
Founder of Nation of Islam
Learned the teachings of Islam in prison
His book laid the foundations for the Black Power Movement
Brown v. Board of Education
Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson
Topeka, Kansas
Supreme court states that racial segregation in schools violates the 14th amendment
Emmett Till
14 years old
Brutally murdered for whistling at a white women
From Chicago so didn’t understand how tough
His murder’s declared “not guilty” after all white jury trial
What inspired Rosa Parks to lead Bus Boycott?
Emmett Till
Little Rock
In order to enforce Brown v. Board of Education, JFK is forced to send federal troops to protect 9 children black children getting to school
Four black students sat down at a Woolworth lunch counter in North Carolina
Sparked sit-ins across the country
Demonstrated the power of grassroots movement
What type of movement is the Civil Rights?
Freedom Summer
Organized voter drive
Aimed at Mississippians
Was the Freedom Summer successful?
No. Only 1,200 registered to vote
Deepened split between nonviolence and people who thought violence was neccessary
Who organized the Freedom Summer?
Primarily CORE and SNCC
Selma March
Goal was to march from Selma to Montgomery
Wanted voting rights
Organized by MLK
Symbollically crossed bridge into white neighborhood
Where did the Selma March go through?
A heavy Klan area
What did the Selma March result in?
Under National Guard they reached their destination
Led to Voting Rights Act passed later that year
Story of Reverend Hosea Williams
Trying to get a glass of water at a train station while on military leave at the end of the war
Reached into white snack stand and was beaten
Called a black coroner who thought he was dead
Wished Hitler had won the war
How did lynching motivate blacks?
Clear sign of insult to colored people
You could not see lynching and not want to try to resist
Made blacks want to vote
Story of George Dorsey (Walton, Georgia)
The mob leader said that when George went to war he was a good negro, but when he came back he thought he was equal so he needed to be killed
Mob came and killed four blacks in the back of a car
Truman outraged that servicemen getting kills
Truman addresses the NAACP
People on the ground marching
Often times refers to the children who had nothing to loose
Thomas Dartmouth Rice
Came up with Jim Crow character
Where did the idea for Jim Crow come from?
An elderly black man that was singing a song about a clumsey Jim Crow
How did Jim Crow get popular?
Racist environment allowed Rice to thrive
Performed in minstrel shows
Ways to keep blacks from voting
Literacy Test
Poll Tax
Physical intimidation
Lynching for registering to vote
Coffins on doorstep
Economic Intimidation
could loose job or home
older folks (MLK) scared of these consequences
they have more to loose
De Facto Segregation
Racial segregation established by practice, customs, and socio-economics, not law
De Jure Segregation
Racial separation established by law
3 Goals of Civil Rights Movement
- End segregation
- Enforce 14th amendment
- Voting Rights
Where do blacks gain voting rights?
What year did Freedom Rides take place?
When was March on Washington?
When was Children’s March?
1963 (before March)
Outcomes of the Freedom Rides
ICC enforces the Irene Morgan case
Nonviolence prevails
National attention
More whites, including JFK, support the movement
How did integration of Ole Miss become a big deal?
French journalist got killed
International attention
Forces JFK to send in troops
James Meredith
First black student at Ole Miss
Integration of Ole Miss
Ross Barnett refuses to enroll Meredith
Riot breaks out
JFK sends troops in
Integration of University of Alabama
George Wallace promised to stand in the schoolhouse door to prevent the admission of blacks
JFK makes AL National Guard federal and they force Wallace to step aside
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Banned segregation in public accomodations
Provided federal assistance for desegregating schools
Prohibited discriminatory hiring on the basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Eliminated literacy tests as a voting requirement
Gave federal officials the power to supervise voter registration in states where fewer than half of those of voting age were registered
24th Amendment
Eliminated the poll tax as a voting requirement
What strategy did kids use in Children’s March?
Went in waves of 50 to fill up buses and make it seem like that was the last wave
What caused Kennedy to take direct action and pen Civil Rights Act?
Children’s March
JFK’s inagural address
He was too focused on giving freedom elsewhere in the world
In the beginning he treaded too lightly because of threat of Dixiecrats
Irene Morgan vs. the State of Virgina
Stuck down Jim Crow segregation with interstate bus travel
Was not followed
Bull Connor
Ruthless racist
Head of Birmingham police force
Removed after Children’s march
What did SNCC provide that CORE could not?
SNCC was more used to violence and beatings in the South
Helped with Freedom Rides
Two buses took off on first freedom ride. Summarize what happened
Greyhound bus got lit on fire and didn’t make it
Trailways got mobbed upon arrival into Birmingham. Bull Connor called off police for 15 minutes
What happens in Montgomery, Alabama that makes Kennedys realize they have to get more involved?
US official (John S.) is knocked out by mob
What plants the seeds for some younger members to want to break away from the movement?
MLK would not go on Freedom Rides with them
Acting like he is above them
What happened when Freedom riders arrived in Jackson, Mississippi?
Ross Barnett did not beat them
He put them in Parchman Prison