20th Century Midterm Flashcards
Adolf Hitler
Fuhrer of Germany
Benito Mussolini
Prime Minister of Italy
Josef Stalin
Secretary of Communist Party of Soviet Union
Hideki Tojo
General of Japanese Imperial Army
Francisco Franco
Prime Minister of Spain
Neville Chamberlian
Prime Minister of Great Britain
Appeased Hitler at the Munich Conference
Vladimir Lenin
Leader of the Bolsheviks
Gave control of factories to workers
New Economic Policy
Lenin had to slow down his revolution in the face of Russia’s problems
Had to stabilize the economy after the Civil War
Widespread starvation after Civil War
Karl Marx
Wrote Communist Manifesto
Leon Trotsky
Leader of the Red Army during the Russian Civil War
Lenin’s right hand man
How did the education system prepare the Japanese for war
Textbooks were propaganda that made Japan look superior
Physical abuse by teachers
Psychological preparement by teachers
What are Japanese looking to get out of expansion?
Living space
Natural resources
Military bases
Why does Japan chose to invade Manchuria?
Important natural resources (coal and iron)
Large space for crops
How does Japan get around Kellogg Brand Pact when invading Manchuria
Said they were defending themselves
What did the Japanese think of themselves in 1930s?
They were superior
Could steam roll the Chinese in 3 months
Chinese vs. Japanese first fight
China puts up much better fight then expected
Makes Japanese mad and frustrated as they head towards Nanking
US reaction to Japanese invading French Indochina
Oil embargo on Japan
Embargo upsets Japanese and leds to Pearl Harbour
Tripartite Pact
Loose alliance between Japan, Germany, and Italy
Agree to sell resources to eachother, but do NOT give eachother military support
Russian Revolution start
Women textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike
Large riots over bread and fuel
Soldiers eventually joined protestors
Result of the Russian Revolution
Czar Nicholas forced to abdicate the thrown
Government after the Russian Revolution
Provisional government
Dumas set up temporary government with Alexander Kerensky as head
Upper and middleclass liberals
Bolshevik Revolution start
Bolsheviks took control of local soviets
Bolshevik Red Guards storm the Winter Palace
Result of Bolshevik Revolution
Arrested the provisional government
took control in a matter of hours
New government after Bolshevik Revolution
Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained control of Russia
Great Purges
1 million shot
Even more sent to Gulags
Stalin is “purging” Russia of any opposition to his rule
Military officials and elite killed
What effect did the Purges have in WW2
Lost the necessary military experience and intellectual knowledge to help fight Germany
Why did Stalin create the Five Year Plans?
He wanted to industrially modernize Russia
Stalin’s five year plan
Farmers forced to give up land, so it could be cultivated cooperatively
State Planning Commission
Prices established by the central government
Commission established production goals and determined how the goals would be met
Forced labor camps where people worked to death
Kolyma=worst Gulag
Original followers of Mussolini
Disgruntled WW1 veterans
Used violence to gain a following
Mussolini and Political Chamellon
Musollini changes views to fit whatever crowd he is in
Started supporting workers than switched views when he saw interest for upper class protection
March on Rome
Fascist party controlled 34 seats in Chamber of Deputies (gaining support)
Victor Emmanuel III did not sign a decree to stop the fascists from marching and guaranted fascist success
Outcome of March on Rome
Mussolini was appointed to prime minister by the King
How did Mussolini work the first 3 years?
Expected to work within the parliament
He puts powerful individuals in positions during these years
4 Key Parts of the Versailles Treaty
Reparation: how much they have to pay
Reduce the German military
Loss of territory
Germany takes sole ownership for WW1
Reasons for Hitler’s rise to power
People unhappy with Versaille Treaty
What did Hitler use to rule by decree?
Article 48
What starts Hitler’s hunt for communists?
Mentally ill man burns Reichstag
Law for Protection of the People and the State
Takes away Germans civil liberities
Enabling Act
Gave Hitler the soul power to rule by decree
Believed that Hitler had real grievances and that his goals were limited and acceptable
Western powers decided to negotiate and make concessions
Czech and Germany
Chamberlain try to appease Germany
But Germany wants succession of Sudetenland in 3 days
Who proposed Munich conference?
Why was the Munich conference called?
To discuss the succession of Sudeteland
Results of Munich conference
Gave Sudetenland to Germany
Czechs defenseless
September 1, 1939
Hitler invades Poland
Official start of WW2 in Europe
How did Hitler violate the Treaty of Versailles?
Not allowed to expand
Not allowed to have a military
What was first nation to be annexed by Germany
Definition of Genocide
any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily…
Hitler’s 3 Goals for Stage 1
1) Strip German Jews of Citizenship
2) Harsh discrimination to force emigration
3) Expel by force if necessary
3 Stages of the Holocaust
Stage 1: Dehumanization
Stage 2: Ghettos
Stage 3: Final Solution
Groups targeted by the Nazis
Mentally disabled
Free world during the Holocaust
Knew about it (It was in newspapers)
Bermuda Conference nothing comes out of it
Never bombed Death Camps
Bystanders Reactions to the Holocaust
Most people did not say anything about it
Night of the Broken Glass
Organized attack destroying Jewish property
Why did Kristallnacht happen
Young, Jewish man in France killed a Nazi Guard
Collective responsibility (all the Jews were punished)
Nuremberg Laws
German jews lost their citzenship
Immigrants into Germany not considered citizens
3 or 4 Jewish grandparents meant you were a Jew
Who was pardoned in Nuremberg Laws?
Final Solution
Created by Heydrich
Revealed at Wansee Conference
Nazi policy of exterminating Jews through concentration camps
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
Sets precedent that “I was just following orders” is not an excuse