Rheumatology Flashcards
Azathioprine MOA :
Inhibits Purine Synthesis
Is Azathioprine safe in pregnancy ?
K/C/O Sarcoidosis—low TPMT—Started on Immunsupressant drug—pancytopenia + Fatigue + SOB.Dx?
Pancytopenia D/t Azathioprine and low TPMT
Which of the following factors will predispose her to azathioprine toxicity
thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency
Muscles involved in Dequervian Tenosynovitis ?
Abductor Pollicis Longus (APL)
Extensor Pollicis Brevis (EPB)
Aah Eeeh, oh Pain !
Arterial/venous thrombosis, miscarriage, livedo reticulari
Diagnosis of APLA
Positive anti-cardiolipin antibodies on two occasions at least 12 weeks apart
Positive anti-β2GP1 antibodies on ≥2 occasions at least 12 weeks apart
Positive for Lupus Anticoagulant on ≥2 occasions at least 12 weeks apart
Mcardles is caused by which deficiency ?
myophosphorylase deficiency,
Severe Muscele cramp and dark coloured urine following exercise + Increse in creatine Kinase
Mcardle’s Syndrome
Mcardle’s Syndrome
Severe Muscele cramp and dark coloured urine following exercise + Increse in creatine Kinase + myophosphorylase deficiency.
Patient on Steroids + presents with progressive hip pain, particularly with weight-bearing activities + limited range of motion in the left hip. Dx and Ix of choice :
Avascular Necrosis of Hip.
Ix—MRI Hip
Primary Raynauds is seen in :
< 40 years of age and B/L symptoms
CXR findings of Ankylosing Spondylitis :
Subchondral Erosions, Sclerosis
Syndesmophytes—most commonly seen
Earliest clinical sign of Ankylosing spondylitis :
Reduced Lateral Flexion Lumbar spine—
Diagnostic test for Ankylosing spondylitis :
X ray Pelvis—Sacro ilitis
What is the most common cardiac defect seen in Marfan’s syndrome:
Dilation of Aortic sinuses
Osteoarthritis First lie :
What organism is most likely to be present in the Aspirate Fluid of Reactive Arthritis ?
No Organism
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum is associated with Which cardiac abnormality ?
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Gymnast or tennis player + Pain on lateral forearm on extension + paraesthesia + tenderness distal to common extensor origin
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
tingling/numbness of the 4th and 5th finger( Medial fingers ) + Froment’s test positive
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Forment’s test?
Checks the addiction of thumb—Adductor policis brevis—which is weak in ulnar nerve problem
Pinch paper between thumb and fingers
which nerve is involved in cubital tunnel syndrome ?
Ulnar nerve
Cubital tunnel syndrome:
tingling/numbness of the 4th and 5th finger( Medial fingers ) + Froment’s test positive
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
Gymnast or tennis player + Pain on lateral forearm on extension + paraesthesia + tenderness distal to common extensor origin
Rickets can present as widening of the wrist joints due to an
excess of non-mineralized osteoid at the growth plate
Most commonly seen X ray finding of Ankylosing Spondylitis :
Syndesmophytes— Syndesmophytes (ossification of outer fibres of annulus fibrosus) are a feature of ankylosing spondylitis
The most commonly involved joints in the hand of patients with osteoarthritis are the:
carpometacarpal joints and the distal interphalangeal joints.
Osteopetrosis all the blood, calcium and PTH value s?
All are normal
Joint pain + difficult in hearing + carpal tunnel + Family History
DEXA scans: the T score is based on:
bone mass of young reference population
Which Collagen defect in Ehler Danlos ?
Type 3
Ehler Danlos—3hler Danlos
Which Collagen defect in Osteogenis Imperfecta ?
Type 1
Osteogenesis 1mperfecta
Collagen defect in Good pasture ?
Type 4
Good 4sture
Collagen defect in Alport ?
ears (auricular chondritis, vertigo, hearing loss)+the nose (saddle nose deformity)+ the respiratory tract (wheezing, inspiratory stridor, voice changes)+ the eyes (episcleritis, scleritis, iritis,) and the joints (arthralgia).
Relapsing Polychondritis
Main point—Involvement of ears and nose
Is Rheumatoid factor present in Still’s Disease ?
Still’s Disease :
Salmon coloured Rash + Fever + Athralgia + O/e : HIgh temp,Lymphadenopathy, serum ferittin high
Lack of ANA and RA.
Salmon coloured Rash + Fever + Athralgia + O/e : HIgh temp,Lymphadenopathy, serum ferittin high
Lack of ANA and RA.
Still’s disease
What is raised in still’s disease ?
Serum ferittin
Patients with Sjogren’s syndrome have an increased risk of which malignancies ?
Lymphoid Malignancies such as Non Hodkin’s Lymphoma
Discoid lupus erythematous —topical steroids not working , next step ?
Oral Hydroxychloroquine
Risk factor for Pseudogout :
Haemochromatosis—Raised Transferrin Saturation
What is first raised in Haemochromatosis ?
Transferrin saturation
Reactive Arthritis Rx?
H/O Diarrhoea + A 39-year-old man is referred to orthopaedics with a 24-hour history of knee pain. He undergoes aspiration — shows no organisms or .
chemosis +dysuria
Reactive Arthritis
Butterfly shaped Rash sparing Nasolabial fold+ Tenderness over small joints+ Recurrent Miscarriages with Previous VTE. Dx?
SLE with Secondary APLA Syndrome
Complement level in SLE :
Low or Normal
Z score > -2.5 + Loss of Libido + Absence of Morning Erection. Which test to be done next ?
Osteoporosis in Man + Loss of libido—Low Testosterone
mycophenolate mofetil.
Inhibits Inosine-5-Monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor
Creatine Kinase in Polymyalgia Rheumatica ?
Anorexia in Polymyalgia Rheumatica ?
High or low phosphate level in PseudoGout ?
Low Phosphate level—predisposes to pseudogout
High PTH—recognised cause
High PTH—leads to —Low phosphate and low magnesium
And high calcium
Pseudogout causes :
Haemochromatosis—Hemo Gout
Hyperparathyroidism—leads to—
High calcium, Low Phosphate , Low Magnesium
Pseudogout common location:
Which crystals and substance is found in Pseudogout ?
Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate in synovium
Positively Birifringement rhomboid shaped crystals
X ray finding in pseudogout:
Skin feature in Discoid Lupus
Characterised by follicular keratin plugs.
What kind of Alopecia occurs in Discoid Lupus ?
Scarring Alopecia
does Discoid Lupus lead to SLE ?
Age group affected in Discoid :
Young— 20-30 year
What is the minimum steroid intake a patient should be taking before they are offered osteoporosis prophylaxis?
Equivalent of prednisolone 7.5 mg or more each day for 3 months
Passive abduction of shoulder is painful between 60 and 120 degrees.
Supraspinatus Tendonitis
Adhesive Capsulitis:
Characterised by global reduction of all the movements.Escp external rotation
Is Obesity a Risk factor for osteoporosis ?
Adipose tissue—androgens converts into oestrogen—helps in maintaining bone density
Is nephritis a feature of Drug induced Lupus ?
Drug Induced Lupus clinical Features and Mnemonic ?
Skin—Malar Rash
Most Common drug cause of Drug induced Lupus ?
Works on a construction site + history of painful hands. He advises you that when exposed to cold his fingers become white and numb,
Raynaud’s disease due to vibrating tools
Progressive SOB + Bibasal Crepts + thickening of proximal arm
ILD Fatures + proximal arm thickening— Diffuse cutaneous systemic scleroderma
Antibodies positive in Diffuse Scleroderma ?
Anti SCL Antibodies
Lung complication in diffuse systemic Scleroderma ?
Lung complication in limited scleroderma ?
Pulmonary Hypertension
Antibodies in Limited Scleroderma?
Anti Centromere antibodies
A 32-year-old man presents to the endocrine clinic following a traumatic left-sided hip fracture.
A DEXA scan is performed: Osteoporosis confirmed
What scoring system would be most helpful to determine if the patient has a secondary cause of the underlying condition?
Z score
When to offer allopurinol in gout patients?
Offer allopurinol after the first attack of gout ahas resolved
External rotation (on both active and passive movement) is Impaired + Flexion + Abduction + Adduction is also impaired. Dx?
Adhesive Capsulitis
Characterised by global reduction of all the movements.
K/C/O Breast Cancer + Violaceous papules on proximal and DIP + rash around eyelids + tired and lethargic :
Myopathy-fatigue and weakness
rash —Helicotrope rash and grotton’s papules
It’s very commonly associated with Malignancies
Most likely antibody to be positive in Dermatomyositis ?
Most specific in dermatomyositis :
Anti MI 2 antibodies
Derma manifestations in dermatomyositis :
helicptrope rash around eyes
Macular rash around shoulder back and chest
Grottoes papules—in Pip and DIP
Mechanic hand
Newly diagnosed of Dermatomyositis , next step ?
Urgent Malignancy screen
Most common cause of death in systemic sclerosis ?
Respiratory involvement
DIP joint + improves with rest, worsens by activity
Hand osteoarthritis
Golimumab MOA:
TNF inhibitor
GOLD(Golimumab ) painting of Dali (Dalimubab) caught fire—and its put down by TIN (TNF ) fire extinguisher (inhibitor )
Old woman rarely leaves home—c/o: Bone pain, tenderness and proximal myopathy . Dx?
Osteoporosis does not cause such symptoms
Which clinical test in de quervian ?
Finkelstein test
marker of poor prognosis in rheumatoid arthritis
Anti CCP antibodies
isolated lateral hip/thigh pain with tenderness over the greater trochanter+ pain is worse when she rolls onto that side during the night
Trochanteric Bursitis
PTT and Platelets in APLA :
Raised PTT and Low Platlets in APLA
Most specific for SLE ?
Anti Sm
SMecific antibody in SLE
Bone pain + Low calcium + Low Phosphate + Raised ALP Dx?
It is Malacious and reduces calcium and phosphate
Is Aclasia associated with Ankylosing ?
No GI stuff in Ankylosing
Ankylosing Spondylitis association
Eye to Foot , except GI :
Anterior Uveitis
Heart :AV node Bock
Aortic Regurgitation
Lungs : Apical Fibrosis
Foot : Achilies Tendonitis
Bisphosphonates are associated with an increased risk:
Atypical stress fractures
Marfan’s + headaches, leg pain and intermittent episodes of urinary incontinence. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Dural Ectasia
Which drug to be avoided along with Methotrexate ?
The concurrent use of methotrexate and trimethoprim containing antibiotics may cause bone marrow suppression and severe or fatal pancytopaenia
H/o Chemotherapy + Limited range of motion of hip in all directions
Avascular Necrosis of hip
Chemotherapy—A known Risk Factor
Rheumatoid Factor is Ig__?
IgM antibody against IgG
Burning thigh pain. Dx and Nerve involved ?
meralgia paraesthetica - lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh compression
Blood test to confirm Osteomalacia diagnosis ?
Vitamin D
he has developed a raised, erythematous rash in patches over her scalp. She describes worsening of the lesions if she forgets to wear a sunhat. On examination, there are patches of alopecia where some lesions have healed
Discoid Lupus
history of recurrent joint dislocations and easy bruising.
On examination, her skin appears highly elastic and fragile, and you detect a mid-systolic click upon auscultation.
Ehler Danlos
Reoccurring episodes of abdominal pain, fever, arthralgia, and chest pain. Improved after colchicine
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Reoccurring episodes of abdominal pain, fever, arthralgia, and chest pain. Improved after colchicine
Familial Mediterranean Fever Rx?
Rx of choice for SLE :
gradual onset leg and back pain, weakness and numbness which is brought on by walking + Relieved by bending forward
Spinal Stenosis
Is sulfasalazine safe in pregnancy and breast feeding ?
External rotation (on both active and passive movement) is classically impaired in
Adhesive capsulitis
Difficulty in unhooking bra
Difficulty in external rotation—Adhesive capsulitis
Worst prognosis in rheumatoid arthritis
Anti CCP Antibodies
If patient is allergic to sulfasalazine , which drug should be avoided ?
Aspirin is avoided
What is the greatest predictor of future thrombosis in patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome?
Lupus Anticoagulant
pain and stiffness in her hands—DIP and PIP. Her symptoms are worse in the morning and seem to improve throughout the day.
Psoriatic Arthritis
Familial Mediterranean Fever mode of inheritance ?
Autosomal Recessive
Mediterranean Sea is a smaller sea—hence its recessive
GIT related side effect in limited Sclerosis ?
Malabsorption—due to bacterial overgrowth in sclerosed intestine
does malabsorption develop in Limited sclerosis ?
Yes due to bacterial overgrowth
does constrictive pericarditis develop in limited sclerosis ?
No , Pulmonary hypertension develops
Tamoxifen and Breast cancer :
It decreases the chance of breast cancer.
Villain has stomped over pink ribbon
> 7.5 MG Steroids each day for 3 months. Next step ?
Calcium + vitamin D + Oral Bisphosphonates
Anti Jo antibodies is positive in ?
which antibody is positive in Polymyositis ?
Anti Jo antibodies
Marfan’s pathology :
A defect in glycoprotein structure that wraps around elastin
Anti synthetase syndrome is related to :
Recurrent oral ulcers+genital ulcers+ painful red eyes. Dx and HLA ?
Behçet’s disease
HLA 51 ( Area 51)
Behcets= 6 letters—5+1=6
Behçet’s disease HLA ?
DVT + non-blanching reticulated rash throughout both lower limbs.
celecoxib Is :
Osteopenia T score ?
between -1 and -2.5
X ray of Ankylosing spondylitis
Sacro ilitis
Dx test of Ankylosing spondylitis
Sacro ilitis on X ray hip
Which GIT condition is Polyarteritis nodosa associated with ?
Hepatitis b
renal failure + Hematuria+ Mononeuritis multiplex + H/o Hepatitis B . Dx?
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis classically involves renal impairment, as well as other disease features such as nasal congestion and epistaxis, rather than peripheral neuropathy.
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is an ANCA-positive vasculitis which classically manifests with renal impairment and respiratory symptoms. For exam purposes, these patients often present with presumed asthma, which is difficult to control, with sensitivity to the prescription of leukotriene receptor antagonists. Blood eosinophilia is also observed.
Collagen defect in osteogenesis imperfect:
Collagen type 1
Which neurological symptoms positive in PAN ?
Mononeuritis Multiplex
First line Rx for Osteoarthritis:
Topical NSAIDs
SLE - antibodies associated with congenital heart block:
Anti Ro
X ray finding of rickets :
widening of the joint
Bone within bone appearance is seen in :
Normal calcium, Normal phosphate, Normal ALP , Normal PTH + recurrent fracture. Bone within Bone appearance. Dx?
Paget’s will have raised PTH levels
K/C/O RA—Hot painful tender swollen Joint. Next appropriate step ?
Suspected septic arthritis—Most appropriate step—Joint aspiration
In SLE which Complement level is low ?
C3 and c4
Which factor is involved in Rheumatoid arthritis ?
Septic arthritis Rx:
IV Flucloxacillin
First line Rx in Ankylosing spondylitis ?
Exercise + NSAIDs
The major target for pANCA is:
Osteomyelitis Ix of choice:
After nifedipine which Rx is used in Raynauds ?
IV prostacyclin
Leflunomide Side effect :
Dorsum of the foot—which nerve root ?
Birbeck granules seen in :
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Tennis racket granules are seen in :
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Bone pain + cutaneous nodules + recurrent otitis media + Birbeck granules
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Bone pain + cutaneous nodules + recurrent otitis media + Birbeck granules
Osteonecrosis of the jaw—caused by Oral or IV Bisphosphonates?
Caused by IV Bisphosphonates
Temporal arteritis with eye involvement Rx:
IV methylprednisolone
Photosensitive rash + small joint arthritis + Raynauds. Dx?
which joint involvement in SLE ?
Small joints
Which antibody is most likely to be positive in SLE ?
Anti-nuclear (ANA) antibody is the most likely antibody to be present. Approximately 95% of people with SLE have a positive ANA, however it is not very specific.
Anti-Sm are the most specific antibodies for SLE, but only around 35% of patients with SLE will be positive. Anti-dsDNA antibodies are positive in around 70% of SLE cases.
Sjgorens patient—which meds for dry mouth ?
Dry eyes + Dry Mouth + Arthralgia + Anti ro + anti LA + Schrimmer’s test positive. Dx:
Dry eyes + Dry Mouth + Arthralgia + Anti ro + anti LA + Schrimmer’s test positive. Dx:
Which eminence is involved in Median nerve ?
Thenar eminence
Which muscles are supplied by Median nerve ?
Opponens policies
Abductor policies brevis
Flexor policies brevis
Which thumb action is affected in carpal tunnel ?
Thumb abduction
Which clinical signs are seen in Carpal Tunnel ?
Tinel’s sign—tingling sensation on tapping
Phalen’s test—Phlexion test—symptoms come up after flexion of wrist
Which ocular complications is associated with Temporal Arteritis ?
Anterior Ischaemic optic neuropathy
Looser’s zone is associated with which ortho condition ?
Which one of the following cells secretes the majority of tumour necrosis factor in humans?
Age group of SLE patients ?
20-40 years
Anti-dsDNA titres In SLE :
Useful marker to monitor the disease activity
Physical or mental exertion usually makes the symptoms___ in chronic fatigue syndrome
patients aged 75 and over with a history of fragility fractures should be
Start treatment with Oral Bisphosphonates before DEXA
If alendronate is not tolerated,
Switch to risedronate
Which foods precipitate attack of gout ?
Liver, kidneys, seafood, oily fish (mackerel, sardines) and yeast products
Reactive arthritis + Yellow stuff on foot ?
keratoderma blennorrhagicum
H/O travel—Weeks later C/o: Knee pain + yellow stuff on foot
Reactive arthritis
Gonococcal arthritis can present similarly but typically occurs during active infection rather than weeks later
Does lithium precipitate Gout ?
Which ANCA in PAN ?
Which thyroid issue predisposes to Osteoporosis ?
Does hypothyroidism cause osteoporosis ?
what does not cause osteoporosis ?
Obesity and hypothyroidism
Which congenital disorder predisposes maximum risk for osteoporosis ?
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Which gender is affected more in psoriatic arthropathy ?
male and Female are equally affected
Neurological Manifest in Sjogren’s ?
Sensory Polyneurpathy
Kindney manifestation in Sjogren ?
Renal tubular Acidosis
Does dilated cardiomyopathy occur in Sjogren ?
Methotrexate MOA :
Reversible Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase
Second wind Phenomenon is seen in :
Double contour sign is seen in ?
RANK L inhibitor :
After Anti Mi 2 , which antibody is specific to dermatomyositis ?
Anti Jo
Which defect in Marfan’s ?
Fibril 1
Initial therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis :
DMARD + Short Course of prednisolone
Which nerve root in postero-lateral aspect of his right lower leg and foot?
Bisphosphonates MOA :
Inhibits Osteoclasts
Dactylitis + DIP joint involvement
Psoriatic arthropathy
— helps to distinguish pseudogout from gout
The correct answer is chondrocalcinosis. This can be seen as linear calcifications of the meniscus and articular cartilage on an x-ray of the knee. This is seen in pseudogout, but not particularly associated with gout, and so it can be used to distinguish between the two.
lateral epicondylitis: worse on resisted _____/suppination whilst elbow extended
Wrist extension
A diagnosis of mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is suspected
Anti RNP(Ribonuclaer protein)
diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis is suspected. Which one of the following movements would characteristically worsen the pain?
: worse on resisted wrist extension/suppination whilst elbow extended
Most common organism in septic arthritis :
Staph Aureus
Most common side effects with alendronate :
Heart Burn
Lens dislocation in Marfan’s :
Upward dislocation of lens
Is “ Swelling immediately after the injury and now.“ indication for Ottawa X ray ?
Ottawa rules for X ray ankle ?
bony tenderness at the lateral malleolar zone (from the tip of the lateral malleolus to include the lower 6 cm of posterior border of the fibular)
bony tenderness at the medial malleolar zone (from the tip of the medial malleolus to the lower 6 cm of the posterior border of the tibia)
In Marfan’s , What is the most important investigation to monitor their condition?
Echocadiography—to monitor aortic dissection
ulnar deviation reproducing the pain Is seen in :
Finkelstein test
Eye symptoms in Behcets:
Anterior Uveitis
Not conjuctivitis
Behcets triad :
Genital ulcers/Oral ulcers + Anterior uveitis
apart from triad what other symptoms are seen in Behcets ?
Aseptic Meningitis
Erythema Nodosum
IV alendronate Side effects :
Osteopetrosis of jaw.
Bull’s Eye Maculopathy is seen in :
ON Hydroxychloroquine, which test to monitor ?
Eye and fundoscopy
In Ankylosing Spondylitis , TNF-inhibitors will improve all of the following except:
Radiological progression
Fever/back pain with pain on extension of the hip:
Iliopsoas abscess
Which diuretics can precipitate gout ?
Thiazide diuretics—Indapamide
Which antibiotic to avoid with Methotrexate ?
Methotrexate acts by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase which thereby inhibits the synthesis of purines which, in turn, arrests cell division.
Co-trimoxazole contains sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Both of these antibiotics exert their therapeutic effect through inhibition of folate metabolism. Therefore there is a greater risk of pancytopenia.
apremilast MOA :
phosphodiesterase type-4 (PDE4) inhibitor
Patient with Vitamin D deficiency :
load with vitamin D and then continue on maintenance.
Worst prognosis in Polymyositis :
Interstitial Lung disease
A 76-year-old female presents with a 1 month history of left sided temporal headaches and jaw claudication. Biopsy of left temporal artery is negative. Next step ?
Commence Prednisolone
HLA associated with Reactive arthritis ?
Birth Given—2 weeks later—Arhtralgia + Skin Rash + Fever.
Raynauds is most commonly associated with which condition ?
Systemic Sclerosis
A 59-year-old man with a history of gout presents with a swollen and painful first metatarsophalangeal joint. He currently takes allopurinol 400mg od as gout prophylaxis. What should happen to his allopurinol therapy?
Continue allopurinol in current dose.
Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor that reduces the production of uric acid, and it is used as a long-term management strategy for gout. According to the UK guidelines, during an acute attack of gout, existing urate-lowering therapy (like allopurinol) should not be discontinued or altered in dosage. This is because changes in serum urate levels can precipitate acute attacks. Therefore, continuing allopurinol at its current dose would be the most appropriate course of action.
Elderly on Warfarin—C/o Gout Attack. Rx?
NSAIDs should be avoided in elderly patients taking warfarin due to the risk of a life-threatening gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
CKD + Gout attack Rx?
Avoid NSAID in CKD patient
Approximately what percentage of patients with psoriasis develop an associated arthropathy?
Relieving factors in carpal tunnel syndrome ?
Shaking of hands improve symptoms
When does carpal tunnel syndrome pain get worse ?
It gets worse at night
Mode of inheritance in Marfan’s ?
Autosomal Dominant
Hydroxychloroquine in pregnancy ?
It’s considered safe in pregnancy
Pain all over her body for the past 4 months + tender areas on her neck, elbow regions, and knees + feeling tired and not being able to sleep because of the pain +
he pain did not appear to be originating from the joints and therefore this makes a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis unlikely. The two most likely diagnoses are fibromyalgia and polymyalgia rheumatica. However, polymyalgia rheumatica would have also presented with weight loss and fever. This patient most likely has fibromyalgia. She also feels tired and suffers from sleep disturbances, which are both common complaints in patients suffering from fibromyalgia.
Osteoporosis is due to defect in :
Osteoclast Function
Serum CK and Muscle Biopsy in Fibromyalgia ?
serum CK and muscle biopsy are normal.
Eye symptoms in Behcets and Reactive arthritis :
Behcets—Anterior Uveitis
Reactive arthritis—Conjunctivitis
Does aseptic Meningits occur in reactive ?
Occurs in Behcets
Risk Factor for Carpal tunnel ?
What is increased in Paget’s disease ?
Serum and urine Hydroxyproline
Cardiac features of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum :-
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Ischaemic Heart disease—D/t damage to Blood vessels
GI Features of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum:-
GI Haemorhage
Mode of inheritance in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum :
Autosomal recessive
How to take alendronate ?
Take at least 30 minutes before breakfast with plenty of water + sit-upright for 30 minutes following.
After NSAID and Steroids, what’s the treatment for Still’s disease ?
Methotrexate / IL 1 antagonist-Anakinra / Anti TNF therapy-Etanercept
1st X-ray sign of Rheumatoid arthritis ?
Juxta Articular Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
Temporal arteritis with No eye symptoms and eye symptoms :
No eye symptoms—High dose oral prednisolone
Eye symptoms—IV steroids
Olecranon Bursitis :
Painful swelling on the posterior aspect of his elbow. There is no history of trauma. On examination an erythematous tender swelling is noted. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Painful swelling on the posterior aspect of his elbow. There is no history of trauma. On examination an erythematous tender swelling is noted. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Olecranon Bursitis
Mixed connective tissue disease Clinical features :
Raynauds + Dactylitis ( Both finger related symptoms ) + Arthritis/ Myalgai + Anti Ribonuclear protein Positive.
Dactylitis—Think MCTD or Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis—Dactylitis + DIP + Morning stiffness relieved by activity
MCTD—Raynauds + Dactylitis + Arhritis + Myalgia
Raynauds + Dactylitis ( Both finger related symptoms ) + Arthritis/ Myalgai. Dx:
Mixed connective tissue disease
Anti ribonuclear protein positive
Dactylitis—Think MCTD or Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis—Dactylitis + DIP + Morning stiffness relieved by activity
MCTD—Raynauds + Dactylitis + Arhritis + Myalgia
Patient has Rheumatoid arthritis + Which one of the following complications is most likely to occur as a result of her disease?
Ischaemic Heart disease
A 72-year-old man presents with right knee pain, vomiting, and rigors that have persisted for one week and have not improved with oral co-amoxiclav. He has a past medical history including hypertension, type two diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3.
His medication history includes ramipril, bendroflumethiazide, and dapagliflozin.
His temperature is 38.8ºC, and his blood pressure is 103/72 mmHg. Physical examination reveals a right knee effusion and reduced range of motion.
A joint aspirate shows purulent fluid and polymorphs but no identifiable organisms.
What treatment should be initiated?
Dx: Septic Arthritis—Onset is acute+fever+limited range of motions+ turbid synovial fluid —
Rx: IV Flucloxacillin
Not Gout—fever is not present in gout.
Reactive arthritis— Onset is subacute or insidious, typically occurring 1-4 weeks after a gastrointestinal or genitourinary infection.
Synovial fluid is typically non-purulent (clear or slightly cloudy).
Triad : Conjutivitis + Urhtritis + Arthritis
What is the most likely underlying mechanism of Gout ?
Decreased renal excretion of uric acid
Rx for Paget’s
Mnemonic for X ray findings of Rheumatoid Arhritis :
Loss of joint space
Osteopenia—1st sign
Soft tissue swelling
Periarticular Erosions—Very Specific Sign
In the LOSERS mnemonic for Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is a very specific sign ??
Per articular erosions.
Loss of joint space
Osteopenia—1st sign
Soft tissue swelling
Periarticular Erosions—Very Specific Sign
Which two antibodies are positive in Drug Induced Lupus ?
ANA positive
Anti Histone positive
Which antibody differentiates drug induced Lupus from SLE ?
Anti Histone positive only in Drug induced.
K/C/O RA + Sudden onset pain + pain during middle portion of abduction + weakness when lifting or rotating objects.
Torn rotator cuff secondary to RA.
Adhesive capsulitis: Causes severe shoulder pain with a complete loss of movement rather than weakness.
Calcific tendinitis: Caused by calcium pyrophosphate deposits, which would be visible on X-ray.
Polymyalgia rheumatica: Typically bilateral, with morning stiffness lasting 30 minutes to hours, along with systemic symptoms (fever, weight loss, depression).
Rotator cuff tendinitis: Usually has an insidious onset rather than sudden pain.
Torn rotator cuff secondary to RA :
K/C/O RA + Sudden onset pain + pain during middle portion of abduction + weakness when lifting or rotating objects.
Gold toxicity
Pancytopenia + Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Antibodies in primary Raynauds:
Antibodies are negative as there are no associated auto immune conditions.
Failure to relieve symptoms with 2 NSAIDS in Ankylosing spondylitis. Next line Rx:
Add Biological agents :
Adalimumab or Etanercept.
Most common site for Lytic and sclerotic changes in Pagets:
Lumbar spine.
Characteristics of effusion of Rheumatoid arthritis :
Acidic—inflammatory cells produce high lactic acid.
Low sugar—inflammatory cells and neutrophils consume glucose.
High LDH—cell lysis—due to chronic inflamation.
HLA in Felty Syndrome :
Obesity + sudden onset back pain radiating to ankles + sensory loss + Straight leg raise—Positive.
Lumbar Disc Prolapse.
Most common pulmonary manifestation of SLE :
Pleural effusion.
Pain and swelling of PIP + DIP + MCP + gull wing pattern
Erosive arthritis.
Most common GI complication in SLE :
Mouth ulcers.
X ray finding of Erosive Arthritis :
Gul wing pattern.
Which test is positive in lateral epicondylitis ?
Chair Raise test.
Vitamin D active form :
1,25 Dihydroxycholecalciferol
SERM increases risk of :
DVT and Clotting.
which Nephropathy is associated with Ankylosing spondylitis ?
IgA nephropathy.
TNF alpha leads to rise in :
Raised levels leads to increase in insulin resistance
Behcet’s Rx:
Nail related disorder in psoriatic arthritis :
Nail dystrophy
What blood profile is raised in osteoporosis ?
Slight increase in ALP
A 74-year-old man with a dual-chamber pacemaker inserted 5 days ago presents with fever, back pain, and restricted movement. He has spinal tenderness but no neurological deficits. Labs show: Raised inflammatory markers. Dx ?
staphylococcal discitis.
Recent surgery → High infection risk
✅ Back pain + fever + high ESR/CRP → Think discitis
Prolapsed Disc → No fever/inflammatory markers
❌ Epidural Abscess → No neurological signs
❌ Pyelonephritis → Negative urine dipstick
❌ Ischemic Colitis → No abdominal symptoms
ENT + Nodules in Lungs + RPGN + C ANCA
Asthma + Eosinophilia + Mononeuritis Multiplex + P ANCA.
Lung features in GPA and E GPA :
GPA—Nodules + Cavity lesions
E GPA —Ashtma.
RA patient on Adalimubab. It can lead to what ?
Adalimubab increases risk of reactivation of latent TB.
Osteomlacia Rx:
calcium and vitamin D
Young 20 year athlete + pain and swelling after exercise + Arthroscopy—3-4 loose bodies in synovial joint. Dx?
Osteochondritis dissecans.
OA—at old age + multiple ( 10 ) loose bodies.
No H/o trauma/injury + repeated movement of wrist + Tenderness at anatomical snuff box + pain on ulnar deviation. Dx?
Preiser’s Disease—Avascular necrosis of scaphoid bone.
Preiser’s Disease—Avascular necrosis of scaphoid bone.
No H/o trauma/injury + repeated movement of wrist + Tenderness at anatomical snuff box + pain on ulnar deviation. Dx?
Osteochondritis dissecans.
Young 20 year athlete + pain and swelling after exercise + Arthroscopy—3-4 loose bodies in synovial joint. Dx?
K/C/O RA + power—decreased + loss of fine touch and sensation + Deep tendon reflex—Brisk + Babinski—Extensor B/L.
Cervical Myelopathy secondary to RA.
Poor prognosis in Rheumatoid arthritis :
Female sex
Gradual onset over few months
Anaemia developing within 3 months.
Positive IgM rheumatoid factor
Anti CCP antibodies
which onset is a bad prognosis in RA?
Gradual onset , developing within few months.
Which factor and antibody is a bad prognosis in RA ?
Positive IgM rheumatoid factor
Anti CCP antibodies.
when not to give anti TNF inhibitors ?
When there is concurrent multiple sclerosis
Known RA + chest pain + Dyspnoea + Small volume complexes. Dx?
Cardiac Tamponade secondary to RA.
Which Rheumatoid drugs causes Macrocytic anaemia ?
Ankle sprain + Tingling numbness and paraesthesia on foot + pain on pressure on medial malleolus
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
Compression of tibial nerve.
Which nerve compression in tarsal tunnel syndrome ?
Tibial nerve.
Tarsal tunnel location
medial malleolus
Most common cause of death in microscopic polyangitis :
Pulmonary Haemorhage.
Ischaemic optic atrophy is associated with which rheumat condition ?
Granulomatosis with polyangitis and Giant cell arteritis.
Eye symptoms in Granulomatosis with polyangitis :
Ischaemic optic atrophy
Analgesia used in osteoarthritis knee and ankylosing spondylitis :