Infectious disease Flashcards
URTI symptoms + amoxicillin → maculopapular rash
Infectious mononucleosis.
Infectious mononucleosis Rx :
Self-limiting condition
Infectious mononucleosis Diagnostic Test:
Monospot Test(Heterophile antibody test)
Atypical Lymphocytes is seen in :
Infectious Mononucleosis.
Which antibiotics causes Infectious Mononucleosis ?
Bisexual man+ Rectal Discharge+ Pain on passing stools+ Procotoscopy- Red Mucossa + Yellow Discharge +Shallow ulcers. Dx
Lymphogranuloma venereum/ Chlamydia Trachomatis.
Lymphogranuloma venereum/ Chlamydia Trachomatis.
Bisexual man+ Rectal Discharge+ Pain on passing stools+ Procotoscopy- Red Mucossa + Yellow Discharge +Shallow ulcers. Dx
Chlamydia + Pregnant. Rx:
Macrolides- Erythromycin, Azithromycin.
Tb vaccine in children protects them for ?
Tb meningitis.
Chlamydia Rx:
Bloody Diarrhoe since 2 days. Return from Ghana. Rx:
Shigella= squgella= Rx= ciprofloxacin
Long incubation (2 months) + Bloody diarrhoea:
7 days of Iv Metronidazole + 10 days of Diloxanide Farate.
Rx of Amoebiasis:
7 days of Iv Metronidazole + 10 days of Diloxanide Farate.
Anthrax Rx:
Farmer+ Painless black Escher
Anthrax is gram ?
Gram positive Bacilli.
Lemierre’s syndrome. complication:
Septic Pulmonary embolism.
Herpes in pregnancy :
Treat with Supressive therapy.
Acyclovir safe in pregnancy.
Dx of Mycloplasma Pneumonia
Fever+Flu+Dry Cough + Erythema multiforme. Which Pneumonia ?
Mycloplasma Pneumonia.
PBS of Mycloplasma Pneumonia
Red cell agglutination.
CXR of Mycloplasma Pneumonia :
B/L Consolidation.
Rx of Mycoplasma Pneumonia
Doxycycline or Macrolides.
Mycoplasma Pneumonia
Fever+Flu+Dry Cough + Erythema multiforme. + B/L consolidation+ Red cell agglutination
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. RX:
Primary syphilis—treatment—Unwell + Fever. Dx?
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Meningitis + Very low CSF Glucose. Dx:
Which Antibiotic promotes acquisition of MRSA?
Viral Meningits Rx:
No treatment required.
Meningitis + CSF Glucose < 1/2 plasma glucose. Dx:
Viral Meningitis.
Viral Meningitis Dx:
Meningitis + CSF Glucose < 1/2 plasma glucose.
H/o travel + Fever lethargy + Urticaria + Eosinophilia +CXR-B/l infiltrates. Dx:
Acute shishtosomiasis.
Rx: Praziquentel.
Acute shishtosomiasis.
H/o travel + Fever lethargy + Urticaria + Eosinophilia +CXR-B/l infiltrates. Dx:
Amphotericin B MOA:
Binds with Ergosterol.
Live vaccines given by injection may be either given concomitantly or a minimum interval of :
4 weeks.
shortest erythrocytic replication cycle In Malaria :
Plasmodium Knowlesi.
Differentiate Mumps meningitis and Tb Meningitis:
Both: CSF glucose low and high lymphocytes.
TB meningitis : CSF protein high.
Course: subacute or chronic course in TB meningitis.
Assymetric limited number of lesion with sensory loss, hair loss + Thickened Tender nerves. Dx:
Tuberculoid leprosy.
Culture negative Endocarditis. Dx?
Coxiella Burnetti/ Q fever.
Coxiella Burnetti/ Q fever.
Culture negative Endocarditis
Asymptomatic + Serology positive for syphilis. DX and Rx:
Latent Syphilis.
Treat latent syphilis as sponataneous clearance of syphilis does not occur.
Dysuria + Urethal irritation + Milky discharge + Micro = Lymphocytes.
Test negative for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Dx:
Non gonococcal Urethritis (Non specific urethritis )
Inflammatory cells present, but No gonococcal bacteria on swab.
Rx: Doxyycycline for 1 week.
Non gonococcal Urethritis (Non specific urethritis )Rx :
Rx: Doxyycycline for 1 week.
Painful genital ulcers+ painful Lymphadenopathy + Ragged edges + Dx:
Trip to Thailand + No prophylaxis to malaria—fever rigors headache+ fever spike every 24 hours. Dx:
Plasmodium Knowlesi.
The most common causes of viral meningitis in adults are :
Enterovirus= Echovirus.
tenosynovitis, migratory polyarthritis, dermatitis. Dx:
Disseminated gonococcal infection
Neisseria Gonorhea.
Disseminated gonococcal infection
tenosynovitis, migratory polyarthritis, dermatitis.
Patients who are immunosuppressed secondary to long-term steroids or methotrexate should :
Check blood for antibodies—if no antibodies—give varicella zoster immunoglobulin.
Post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV:
Oral antiretroviral therapy for 4 weeks—Repeat HIV test at 12 weeks.
A 39-year-old man returns from a two week business trip to Kenya. Four weeks after his return he presents complaining of malaise, headaches and night sweats. On examination there is a symmetrical erythematous macular rash over his trunk and limbs associated with cervical and inguinal lymphadenopathy. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute HIV infection.
PID first line:
IM Ceftriaxone + Followed by 14 days of oral doxycycline and oral Metronidazole.
PID 2nd line :
Oral orfloxacin + Oral Metronidazole
Solitary genital wart lesion Rx:
Multiple genital wart lesion Rx:
Topical Podphyllum
Granulma inguinale features and organism :
Multiple painless ulcers—caused by Kleibsella Granulomatis.
Human Bite infection :
Eikenella Corrodens
Strongylodiasis Rx:
Strongylodiasis is ass with which larvae?
Rhabditiform Larvae.
H/o TB + symptoms of fatigue and weight loss, and postural hypotension with hyponatraemia and hyperkalaemia . Dx:
Adrenal TB.
Dx: Serum Cortisol.
Diagnostic test for Adrenal TB:
Serum Cortisol.
Tetracycline S/e:
Botulinum toxin inhibits the release of :
Acetylcholine at synapses
IV drug user + Flaccid paralysis + Complex Opthalmoplegia + Ataxia + Bulbar Palsy. Dx:
Clostridium Botulinum.
Returning traveller with fever/flu-like symptoms, anaemia/jaundice/renal impairment →
Falciparum malaria
Visceral Leishmaniasis cause:
Leishmaniasis Donovani.
Visceral Leishmaniasis features :
H/o Travel to Sudan +Fever+ rigors+sweating +Massive splenomegaly + Hepatomegaly + Pancytopenia + skin = dark and ashen.
H/o Travel To Sudan + Fver + Rigors+ Sweating + Massive splenomegaly + Hepatomegaly + Pancytopenia + skin = dark and ashen.
Visceral Leishmaniasis
Visceral leishmaniasis blood picture :
Visceral leishmaniasis Rx:
Sodium Stibugluconate.
Bloody Diarrhoea + Incubation period : Weeks.
H/o Travel to African/ South American countries + presents with flu like illness → brief remission→ followed by jaundice and haematemesis
Yellow fever.
Yellow Fever.
H/o Travel to African/ South American countries with flu like illness → brief remission→ followed by jaundice and haematemesis
Influenza plus Cavity. Dx:
Staph Aureus infection.
Trypanosoma Cruzi Rx:
Chaga’s disease is caused by :
Trypanosoma Cruzi.
Chaga’s Disease features :
Flu + Periorbital signs + Complication: Megaoesophagus and Dialted cardiomyopathy
Indication of severe Falciparum :
Schizoints on blood Film.
Telbivudine MOA:
Nucleoside Analogue.
Old men are DINE-ing with Nuclear family.
H/o Travel to South East Asia + Flu + Maculopaularsh—Trunks—to Extremities.
Scrub Typhus.
Scrub typhus
H/o Travel to South East Asia + Flu + Maculopaularsh—Trunks—to Extremities.
Scrub typhus Rx:
Terbinafine MOA:
Inhibtion of Squalene Epoxidase.
Amantidine MOA;
Inhibits uncoating of virus in the cell.
HIV + watery diarrhoea. Dx:
Rx: supportive
Treatment for Refractory Cryptosporidiosis—Nitazoxanide.
Cryptosporiodosis Rx:
Supportive Treatment
Cryptosporidiosis Refractory Rx:
exotoxins are produced which type of bacteria ?
Gram positive bacteria.
Teatanus Rx:
Immunoglobulins + IV metronidazole.
chronic hepatitis C becomes pregnant. Approximately what is the chance of the virus being transmitted to her child?
< 10 %
Fever + Malaise + extensive painful ulceration around mouth and lips+ Submandibular Lymphadenopathy
HSV infection
Differentiate HSV and Epstein Barr virus :
Epstein Barr virus often causes posterior cervical or generalized lymphadenopathy rather than isolated submandibular lymphadenopathy.
Epstein Barr has longer prodorme period.
Epstein Barr virus association with which cancers?
Hairy Leukoplakia
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma ass with which virus ?
Epstein Barr virus ( type of herpes virus)
Which anti retrovirals causes Nephrolithiasis ?
Which protease inhibitor does not cause Nephrolithiasis ?
student undergoes primary immunisation against hepatitis B. Following the full cource of vaccines, his post immunisation bloods are reported as follows:
Anti HbS < 10 :
Test for current or past hepatitis B + Repeat course ( ie : 3 doses of vaccine )
Prophylaxis of Malria:
Atovaquane + Proguanil.
How does Trimethoprim increase creatinine ?
Trimethoprim competitively inhibiting the tubular secretion of creatinine.
Staph Saprophyticus is gram ?
Gram positive cocci , Coagulase= Negatice.
Ribavirin MOA:
interferes with the capping of viral mRNA
Mycobacterium Avium Complex. Rx:
MAC- RICE meal in MCD.
Rifampicin + Clarthromycin + Ethambutol.
Ricketsia Conorii ass with which skin lesion ?
Black Eschar
Ascending or Descending paralysis in Clostrodium Botolinum ?
Doc for UTI in pregnancy in First trimester ?
DOC for UTI in pregnancy in Last trimester
Spastic paralysis is caused be
Clostrodium Tetanus.
Clostrodium tetany blocks
Travel history + Watery diarrhoea + occurs within one week. Dx:
Ecoli ( Traveller’s diarrhoea )
Syphilis Rx:
Benzyl penicillin
Severe hepatitis in a pregnant woman - which hepatitis ?
Hepatitis E.
prodromal symptoms, Koplik spots. maculopapular rash starting behind the ears and conjunctivitis:
Nature of rash in Measels :
Maculopapular Rash starting behind the ears and conjunctivitis—then to whole body.
Injury in soil—Lock jaw + Muscle Spasm. Dx:
Clostrodium Tetany
Gram negative diplococci :
Neisseria gonorhea.
Which colour does gram negative stain ?
All patients with a CD4 count lower than 200/mm3 should:
prophylaxis against Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia—Co trimoxazole
prophylaxis against Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Co trimoxazole , when CD4 count is less than 200/mm3
Risk factor for staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome
Tampon use.
fever: temperature > 38.9ºC
hypotension: systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg
diffuse erythematous rash+
desquamation of rash, especially of the palms and soles
involvement of three or more organ systems:
Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome.
fever: temperature > 38.9ºC
hypotension: systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg
diffuse erythematous rash+
desquamation of rash, especially of the palms and soles
involvement of three or more organ systems:
H/o Travel to srilanka/africa + Fever + maculopapular rash+ Severe Joint pain- 10/10–unable to walk, can’t do examination + Platelets=normal.
How to differentiate Chickenunya and dengue /
Chickengunya platelet=normal
And severe joint pain
Dengue= Platelet is low + joint pain is mid.
Pubic Lice Rx:
Permethrin Cream.
In case of injury, when not to give vaccine and immunoglobulins for tetanus ?
If patient has 5 doses of tetanus vaccine and last dose was 10 years ago.
K/C/O of HIV+ Purple papules and plaques. Diagnosis.
Kaposi sarcoma/ HHV 8
Necrotising Fasciitis Rx:
Surgical Debridement + IV antibiotics
Rifampicin MOA :
Inhibits RNA synthesis
Toxoplasmosis + Asymptomatic. Rx:
No treatment
Toxoplasmosis + Symptomatic
Lymphograuloma venereum is ass with:
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Travel History to South America + ulcers in mouth + lower lip ( Mucocutaneous ulceration )
Cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Leishmania brasiliensis`
Sewage / Farmer + Fever/Flu + Muscle ache/Calf pain + B/L Conjunctival Haemorhage. Dx:
Rx: Benzylpenicillin.