Neurology Flashcards
Tingling sensation + Poor balance + Impaired Propriopception + Brisk knee reflexes.
+ Vit B12 deficiency + Nitric oxide
Subacute Combined Degenaration of spinal cord.
Affected : Dorsal column + Lateral CST.
Dorsal coloumn lesion :
B/L Loss of propriopcetion & Joint poisition.
Sensory loss which commonly affects lower limbs.
B/L Loss of propriopcetion & Joint poisition.
Sensory loss which commonly affects lower limbs. Lesion ?
Dorsal coloumn lesion
Lateral CST lesion:
B/l Spastic Paraesis.
Brisk Knee reflexes.
Stressful event + Anterograde amnesia ( lasting for 3-4 Hours)+ anxious pt repeating same questions.+ Relieves in 24 hrs
Transient Global Amnesia.
Differentiating feature b/w Tranient Global Amnesia and Epilpesy.?
Epilepsy lasts for Less than One hour.
TGA duration is 3-4 hours.
Rx of Transient Global Amnesia :
Asteognosis :
Inability to identify simple objects by touch when eye are closed.
Inability to identify simple objects by touch when eye are closed.
B/L Asteognosis Dx:
Dominant Parietal Lesion.
In Bell’s palsy , does forehead get affected ?
Entire one half of face ( forehead included ) is affected.
While lowering the bell entire face on one side gets hit.
Bells palsy , does it affect motor or sensory part of facial nerve?
Only motor part of facial nerve gets affected.
Is hyperacusis a feature of Bell’s palsy ?
In UMN facial palsy, forehead gets affected ?
Forehead is spared in UMN Facial palsy.
Miller Fisher syndrome, Descending or Ascending paralysis ?
Descending paralysis.
H/o Diarrhoe/Food Poisoning/Campylobacter jejuni+ Anti GQ1B—opthalmoplegia+Ataxia+Areflexia
Miller Fischer Syndrome.
Miller Fischer Syndrome antibodies ?
Anti GQ1B
Miller Fischer Syndrome bacteria ?
/Campylobacter jejuni
Miller Fischer Syndrome clinical feature ?
Ataxia+ opthalmoplegia+ Areflexia+ Descending paralysis .
Confabulation is a feature of ?
Ipsilateral Loss of Pain & Temp of Face + C/L Loss of pain & Temp of arm + Dysphagia+Dysarthria+Nystagmus & Ataxia:
Wallenberg / Lateral Medullary Syndrome.
Wallenberg / Lateral Medullary Syndrome/PICA:
Ipsilateral Loss of Pain & Temp of Face + C/L Loss of pain & Temp of arm + Nystagmus & Ataxia.
AICA & PICA differentiating features:
AICA: Facial par
lysis + Deafness + PICA features.
In PICA : only Ipsilateral Loss of Pain & Temp of Face
Gingival hyperplasia cause?
CCB adverse ?
Gingival Hyperplasia.
Common early symptom of multiple sclerosis:
Lethargy + Visual Disturbances—unable to see red colour + symptom resolved spontaneously.
Multiple Sclerosis.
Breastfeeding is safe in which Anti epileptic drugs ?
All Anti epileptic drugs.
Which anti epileptic drug causes heamorrhagic disease of the newborn?
SAH + CT done within 6 hours = Normal. Next step ?
Do not do LP. Consider alternative Diagnosis.
SAH+ CT done after 6 hours= Normal. Next step ?
Do LP , after 12 hours of onset of headache.
SAH Headache onset 8 hours before. CT = Normal. Next step?
Do LP after 12 hours. Ie : after ( 8 + 4) hours.
Deafness(SNHL)+Vertigo +Tinnitus—+Aural fullness.
Minere’s disease.
Minere’s :
DVT + aural fullness.
Deafness(SNHL) + Vertigo + Tinnitus .
Myasthenic Crisis Rx:
Plasmapheresis or IV immunoglobulins.
Myasthenic Crisis features :
K/c/o Myasthenia Gravis + Dyspnoea + Cyanosis.
Seizure + Lip smacking + post-ictal dysphasia. Affected lesion?
Temporal lobe.
Unable to remember what happened during the seizure. Dx ?
Focal awareness impaired seizure.
Parkinson’s + Motor symptoms. Rx?
stopping of anti-epileptic drugs
Seizure free for 2 years + with AED being stopped for 2-3 months.
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is due to a lesion in :
If left eye adduction problem:
Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus( Paramedian area of Midbrain and pons)
Left MLF lesion.
Internuclear Opthalmoplegia, mnemonic :
( Ipsilateral Adduction, Nystagmus opposite )
Stroke—arms affected + Homonymous Hemianopia:
MCA artery affected.
Motor neuron disease - which treatment is better NIV or Riluzole?
Non invasive ventilation.
Is Lisch Nodules a feature of Tuberous sclerosis ?
Is Retinal Hamartomas a feature of Tuberous Sclerosis ?
Yes.( Hammer in the ground)
Is Renal angiomyolipomata a feature of Tuberous Sclerosis ?
Yes. ( Red wire around waist)
is Ash leaf spots a feature of Tuberous sclerosis ?
Yes ( ash of green cigar on ground)
Antibodies in Neuromyelitis Optica ?
Post hepatic Neuralgia Rx first line :
Post hepatic Neuralgia Rx Second line:
RT Arm exaggerated flinging motion. Dx and Site of lesion:
Site: Left sub thalamic nucleus of Basal Ganglia.
Wake up stroke + Confirmed confirmed occlusion of the proximal anterior circulation (anterior cerebral artery or middle cerebral artery). Rx?
Mechanical clot removal.
Auditory agnosia feature of which lobe ?
Temporal lobe lesions
Temporal lobe lesion Mnemonic ?
P-prosopagnosia-difficulty recognising face.
A-Auditory agnosia
W-wernickes aphasia
S-Superior homonymous quadrantonopia.
Auditory agnosia:
Impairment in sound perception, despite intact hearing, cognitive function.
Ipsilateral weakness + Ipsilateral loss f propiopception + C/l loss of pain & temp. Dx?
Brown Sequard syndrome.
Restless leg syndrome. Rx?
Ropinirole ( dopamine agonist)
Shwartz sign in otosclerosis?
Redness of the promontory of cochlea.
B/L Conductive hearing loss + Tinnitus + Family history + Schwartz sign :
most common complication following meningitis
gram-negative diplococci That causes meningitis ?
Neisseria Meningitis.
Autonomic symptoms common in GBS:
Urinary Retention.
Type of paralysis in GBS:
LMN weakness: Flaccid paralysis+ Decreased Reflexes.
loss of sensation in both of her arms and forearms, and on the back of her neck + can’t feel pain and temperature + Chiari 1 malformation
Painful third nerve palsy( eye deviated down and out ) :
Posterior communicating artery aneurysm.
Posterior communicating artery aneurysm.
Painful third nerve palsy( eye deviated down and out ) :
Narcolepsy is associated with
low orexin
strong emotions such as fear or laughter+ collapse on the spot and immediately lose consciousness + sudden unavoidable urges to sleep
Relapsing Remitting symptoms is a feature of :
Multiple Sclerosis.
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis:
Psychiatric features + Ovarian Teratoma.
first-line for spasticity in multiple sclerosis:
Baclofen and gabapentin.
Hypodense collection around the convexity of the brain:
Subdural Hematoma.
B/L spastic paraparaesis + B/L loss of pain and temp:
Anterior Spinal Artery Occlusion.
Anterior Spinal Artery Occlusion
B/L spastic paraparaesis (cst)+ B/L loss of pain and temp(spinothalamic):
Raised ICP Ass with which eye problem?
Raised ICP features?
Raised IcP: head ache worse in morning and leaning forward.
Third nerve palsy (occuomotor)
Eye deviation: down and out.
DVLA advice post multiple TIAs
cannot drive for 3 months
DVLA advice post one episode of stroke ?
Can’t drive for one Month.
DVLA advice post first unprovoked or isolated seizure ?
Can’t drive for 6 Months.
Parkinson’s features + O/E: problem in vertical gaze :
Progressive supranuclear palsy.
Does GBS have sensory problems, loss of joint sense, temperature, fine touch?
GBS predominantly has motor problems.
K/c/o CKD+ Loss of sensation B/L, loss of of joint sense+ fine touch. Dx?
Uraemic Polyneuropathy.
Dx of MS:
MRI flair : To identify Demyelinating lesions.
trinucleotide in Huntington’s
( Hunt or be caged)
Family History + Recent aggressive behaviour+ Depression + Chorea:
Hungtintons chorea.
Facial palsy + spares forehead. Dx: stroke or Bell’s palsy ?
Spares forehead: UMN lesion: Stroke.
Involves Forehead : LMN: Bell’s Palsy.
Ataxic telangiectasia Gene ?
ATM gene.
Cerebellar Ataxia + Telangiectasia + IGA deficiency = Recurrent infection. Dx?
Ataxia telangiectasia.
Tried to climb a tree when he was drunk but fell, hitting a few branches on the way down+ fingers of the left hand are flexed into a claw position. There is a loss of sensation along the ulnar aspect of the whole hand and arm.
Klumpkey’s Paralysis.
Medication overuse headache: for analgesia and Opioids :
simple analgesia + triptans: stop abruptly
opioid analgesia: withdraw gradually
loss of temperature and pain sensation on the medial aspect of both hands and elbows. Proprioception and vibration sensation are preserved.Dx?
Multiple sclerosis patient with bladder dysfunction
Ultrasound to assess bladder emptying.
Absent Ankle Reflex.UMN or LMN ?
LMN lesion.
Extensor plantar is UMN or LMN ?
UMN lesion.
Extensor plantar+Absent ankle reflex + sensation intact. Dx?
UMN lesion +. LMN lesion + sensation intact= ALS.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Adverse of which anti epileptics?
Klumpke’s paralysis, which nerve root damage ?
T1 nerve root damage.
Focal seizures, Rx?
Lamotrigine or Levetiracetam
Gingival hyperplasia ass with which leukemia ?
Distal weakness + red reflex in eyes + glycosuria :
Myotonic Dystrophy.
Anti-epileptic drugs is most likely to cause visual field defects?
sumatriptan: 5HT?
5HT 1 agonist.
No. 1 organ is Brain.
Agonist when you are in agony.
trigger for cluster headaches
Neurofibromatosis type 1 Which chromosome ?
Chromosome 17.
Apomorphine acts on which receptor ?
Dopamine receptor agonist.
acute angle closure glaucoma, which anti epileptic ?
Autosomal Dominant+ K/c/o Migraine with Auras + Low Mood + Stroke like symptoms + cognitive impairment + MRI= Multiple cerebral infarcts + Notch 3 gene mutation.
Mutation in CADASIL :
NOTCH 3 gene.
MRI findings in CADASIL :
Multiple Cerebral Infarctions.
Migraine with aura+ Recurrent TIAs or stroke. Dx?
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Confusion, gait ataxia, nystagmus + ophthalmoplegia
Confusion, gait ataxia, nystagmus + ophthalmoplegia
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
5 year old + Ataxia + Recurrent chest infection :
Ataxia telangiectasia.
Age group affected in Ataxia Telangiectasia :
0-5 year old.
Age group affected in friericks ataxia :
10-14 year old.
Which anti epileptic causes cerebellar syndrome ? ( ataxia, nystagmus, slurred speech )?
Bilateral vestibular schwannomas+
Multiple intracranial schwannomas. Dx and chromosome ?
NF2 and chromosome 22.
mnemonic for peripheral neuropathy :
I am very numbed.
Mnemonic for shy dagger/ Multi system Atrophy :
Wet wobbly wacky grandpa:
Parkinson’s + ED+Postural Hypotension+Urinary incontinence + Cerebellar sign( Ataxia)*
Drugs most useful in the management of tremor for Parkinson’s ?
Benzhexol ( trihexyphenidyl.)
Downbeat nystagmus is seen in :
Arnold chiari malformation.
Cerebellar tonsils LOWERING itself in brainstem—DOWNBEAT nystagmus.
Renal angiomyolipoma ass with which Neurocutaneous Condition?
Tuberous Sclerosis.
Myotonic dystrophy ECG feature:
Prolonged PR interval.
Which one of the following factors indicates a poor prognosis in patients with multiple sclerosis?
Male sex?
Miosis or Mydriasis in Holmes adie’s pupils ?
Mydriasis ( Huge pupil in Holmes adie’s pupils, Hesitant reaction to light( sluggish reaction )
no history of a diarrhoeal illness, good or bad prognosis in GBS ?
Good prognosis.
Is Wilson’s ass with Parkinson’s?
Is dementia pugilistica Ass with Parkinson’s ?
Is lead poisoning ass with Parkinson’s ?
Notable feature in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Which differentiates it from others ?
Notable Jerk ( MYOCLONUS) + Rapid onset Dementia.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease MRI sign :
Hockey Stick Sign.
MS causes UMN or LMN ?
UMN only.
Age group of Motor neuron disease :
50-70 years.
ondansetron 5H ?
5HT3 antagonist.
IV phenytoin S/E :