Rheumatology Flashcards
what is a positive ANA titers? Signifiance?
which diseases are associated with Anti-dsDNA?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with Anti-Sm?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with SsA (Ro)?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with SSB (La)?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with Anti-U1-RNP?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with antihistone? which 4 drugs?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with anticentromere?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with Anti-RNA polymerase III?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with Anti-Scl-70 (topoisomerase I)?
which antinuclear antibodies associated with antisynthetase?
antibodies specific for SLE?
Specific but not sensitive: Anti-dsDNA, ANti-Smith, anti ribosomal P protein
signifiance of Anti-U1-RNP? Sensitivity and specficity?
signifiance of antihistone antibody?
significance of Anti-Scl-70 antibodies? clinical asociations? cross reactivity?
significance of SSA and SSB antibodies?
what happens if C-Anca positive, what other test can help you identify which disease?
wat are the 3 pathways and their ultimate function?
what are the causes of low complement levels?
sensitivity and specificity of RF and anti-CCP? . associations?
association of HLAB-27 markers?
Association of HLA DR2, DR3, and DR4?
Association of:
- HLA b5701
- HLA b-51
- HLA Dq2/Dq8
- HLA B5801
what are the common indications for synovial fluid analysis?
describe the 5 types of synovial joint fluids, color, viscosity and disease associations?
gout vs CPPD on crystal analysis?
what are the 7 criteria to aid in the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome?
what are the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome criteria?
what are the classifications of Ehlers danlos syndrome?
what are the features of osteogenesis imperfectais?
what is the pseudoxanthoma elasticum?
what lab results are associated with more aggressive RA?
what is the hallmark of RA disease on signs and symptoms?
what are physical exam deformities in RA?
what are the radiographic findings in RA joint destruction?
what is palindromic rheumatism?
what are the poor prognostic indicators of RA?
what is the basic ACR/EULA classification criteria for RA?
when would you suspect cervical spine subluxation in RA?
if you suspect cervical spine subluxation in RA, what would you order?
what other symptoms outside of C2 subluxation/peripheral joints, does RA affect?
what are the extraarticular cardiac, lung, and renal manifestations of RA?
what are the vasculitis, nerves, and eye extraarticular manifestations of RA?
what is the skin and blood/lymphatics extraarticular manifestations of RA?
what is felty syndrome?
what are the category of drugs used to treat RA?
what is the general treatment strategy of RA ?
DMARDs used to treat RA - class, use, and side effects:
- Methotrexate
- Leflunomide
- sulfasalizine
- Tofacitinib/upadacitinib
what are the principles of methotrexate for RA if they want to become pregnant?
what are the side effects of mTX?
what is important to know about methorexate and the lungs? findings?
what should you do before prescribing MTX?
side effects of leflunomide and pregnancy considerations?
what are the risk factors for hydroxychloroquine?
what is the use/side effects of sulfasalazine?
what are the important side effets to note for tofacitinib? cateogry?
what are the biological DMARDs, class, use, and side effects?
- Infliximab/Adalimumab
- Tocilizumab
- Anakinra
- Rituximab
- Abatacept
what is the following names:
- -XImab?
- -ZUmab?
- -Mumab?
Side effect of TNF-Alpha inhibitors?
who should you avoid live attenuated vaccines in RA?
benefit/pathophys/side effect of azathioprine?
what are the side effects/pathophys of cyclosporine and cylophosphamide?
what are the perioperative rhem considerations for DMARDS, biologics,and SLE?
what are the guidelines for managing pregnant women with active inflammatory arthritis?
- TNF?
- Steroids?
- Azathiopurine/Cyclosporine
- Antimetabolites?
what is the presentation of lupus arthritis?
how would you classify lupus rashes?
what are the lung and heart manifestations of lupus?
when would you suspect lupus nephritis on labs?
treatment of SLE renal disease?
what are the blood manifestations of lupus?
dx criteira for lupus?
how would you interpret the autoantibodies for SLE?
what is the prognostic factors for SLE?
what are the 4 drugs APPROVED for the treatment of SLE?
what are general recommendations for all patients with SLE?
what drug should all patients with SLE be put on? benefits?
the general strategy to treat mild, moderate, and severe lupus?
Relationship of SLE and pregnancy?
describe neonatal lupus?
how to distinguish lupus flare with renal involvement from pre-eclampsia?
dx and highest risk factors for drug-induced lupus?
treatment of drug-induced lupus?
what are the 4 major spondyloarthritidies?
what are the common features of seronegative spondyloarthritides?
what are some big similarities and differences between seronegative spondyloarthritiides vs seropositive (general)?
what is the common presentation of ankylosing spondylitis?
what are the extraarticular manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis?
what is mechanical back pain vs inflammatory back pain?
what test can you use to see if the patient has inflammatory back pain?
what radiographic and serological findings will you see in AS?
what is the treatment of AS?
Presentation of DISH?
classic findings of DISH and tx?
presentation of reactive arthritis?
what are the extra-articular manifestations of reactive arthritis?
when should you suspect reactive arthritis?
treatment of reactive arthritis?
what are the two forms of IBD-associated arhtropathy?
what is the extra-articular manifestations of IBD and therapy for IBD?
what are the presentations of joint involvement with psoriatic arthritis?
describe radiographic differences between psoriatic arthritis vs inflammatory OA?
treatment of psoriatic arthritis?