Reverse Names Flashcards
memory trace, physical basis of a stored mem.
info processing ocurrers in parallel across a large number of distributed units
parallel distribulted processing model
mem damage more likley for new memories
ribots law
Declarative memories start out as connections between hippocampal and cortical neurons. Hippocampal neurons hold a unified account of a memory, over time representations become cortically represented and no longer need the hippocampus.
standard consolidation
Each time a memory is reactivated, a new memory trace is laid down through the hippocampus. Remote/rehearsed memories will have more traces because they have been reactivated more often.
multiple trace theory
hen one node in a network is activated, surrounding nodes are also more likely to become activated. Activation of one idea activated others
speading activation model
Priming alters a pre-existing memory representation. Priming activates nodes in a network; subsequent exposures are processed more efficiently due to this first activation.
modification theory
Priming leads to new representations of stimuli.
aquisition theroy
Learning to classify stimuli or make decisions based on statistical information. Ex. Weather-Prediction Task: (People eventually learn these tentative relationships, despite the fact that no explicit rule exists.) Cog Skill learning in striatum, medial-temp lobe.
probablistic classification learning
Hippocampus mediates memory for spatial relations among objects in the environment. Rodents have hippocampal place cells that are activated in specific locations in the environment.
cognitive map theory
The hippocampus is critical for all forms of episodic memory
episodic mem theroy
Perirhinal cortex and lateral entorhinal cortex are involved with memory for items [what, ventral]. Parahippocampal and medial entorhinal cortex are involved with memory for context [where, dorsal]. The hippocampus is involved with both systems.
in item contex theroy
Memory success is a function of the overlap between encoding and retrieval operations.
transfer appropriate processing
Conceptual knowledge is organized by sensory (form, colour, etc.) and functional (movements, uses, etc.) properties of the objects or concepts
sensory/functional therory
This theory suggests that concepts are organized by semantic category rather than by sensory properties. Only for important concepts.
domain specific theory