Chapter 10: Emotion Pt.II Flashcards
You should know that the amygdala has back-projections to…?
the parietal lobe and extrastriate say hey this is important, know this
What neural structures are involved with fear conditioning and fear extinction (p. 337-340)? What is contextual fear conditioning?
fear conditioning, bilateral lesions to basolater/central nucleus of amygdala, activation to rapid subcorticalpathway can induce fear conditioning. Fear extinction involves vMPFC, tim of this pathway as the CS is sufficient to suppress the amygdala response. CONTEXTUAL: form of emotional learning in which fear responses are acquired in response to environments that predict the presence of aversive stimulus
You should know that the amygdala is made up of a number of different nuclei that serve distinct, but related, functions.
Lateral, Basal, Central, Medial, and Accessory Basal
What are some functions of the amygdala?
Memory Modulation, Conditioning, Autonomic Modulation, Vigilance and Orientation (Attention Modulation)
What activates the amygdala? What role does the amygdala play in fear conditioning?
Arousing stimuli, positive or negative, unpleasant stilm. Cravings, drugs, sex, money, food
What are some functional asymmetries between the left and right amygdalae?
Left amygdala: Fearful stimuli, Conscious perception. Right amygdala: Conditioned Stimuli, Unconscious Perception
Explain gender differences in amygdalar lateralization in terms of functional connectivity and in terms of emotional-memory activations.
Women showed more connectivity in the LH and can remember details of emotional mem; men showed more in the RH and can remember the gist of emotional mem
But, you should know that the amygdala does project to a number of areas that have more specific emotional functions. You should be able to list five behaviours that are elicited by amygdala efferents (the right-hand column on that slide).
increased startle, panting, rep diseases, ulcers urination, defication, paleness, pupils, bloodpressure, swaeating, freezing up, corticosteroid release
What are the “High Road” and the “Low Road” of input to the amygdala? What are some problems with this theory?
The Low Road is a fast pathway from sensory receptor to thalamus to the amygdala that bypasses the cortex. It enables rapid, automatic, unconscious reactions to the broad outlines of potentially dangerous stimuli. The longer thalamo-cortico-amygdala ‘High Road’ pathway is slower. But, it allows complex contextualized processing of stimuli followed by conscious, deliberate responding. It can be influenced by personality, culture, or the situation.
Describe Anderson and Phelps’ (2001) study of the attentional blink in amygdala patients.
normally an attentional blink will occur but if there’s a very emotional word like rape, we will see it, even if it occurs during our blink period.
Describe Mayberg’s theory of the anterior cingulate and mood regulation (p. 349).
Cingulate and related regions in medial and orbital PFC maintain balance btw ventral and emotional and dorsal attentional functions in normal mood relgulation,
What is the Yerkes-Dodson law?
A moderate amount of stress or emotion helps memory. Too much or too little emotion impairs memory.
You should know what the HPA axis is.
HPA is hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, primary info processing pathway for stress responses connects hypothal, pituitary, and adrenal glands.
Describe the memory modulation hypothesis. What neural chemicals are involved in these processes?
basilateral amyg is NB for modulating memory processing in other brain regions to enhance retention of emotional events. Epinep and Norepinep [Active beta-adrenergic receptors in the PNS. The resulting signals are carried to the brainstem via the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. The brainstem then projects to the hypothalamus, amygdala, and other emotional structures.]
What effect does propanolol have on emotional memories?
when propanol is administered before emotional stim, the men for that emotional tim is blocked. Participant can remember fewer details. However neutral men is fine.
How is emotional regulation performed in the brain?
rCBF in the subgenual anterior cingulate correlates with negative emotional feelings (n = 50; replicated with n = 38). This area also seems to be a ‘gate’ between emotion (amygdala) and cognition
Know the four major brain areas that receive amygdalar projections
hypothal, midbrain, pons, medulla