British VicRoy, win by forfeit; The British were expected so the Patriots left and took anything valuable from the city
Valley Forge
Patriot VicRoy, Washington led his men (including Marquis de Lafayette) to Valley forge, the battle that gave the Patriots spirit and unity, British attacked their camp and the Patriots defeated the British
Bunker Hill
British VicRoy, some colonel said “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.”, Then the Americans got beat
Patriot VicRoy, British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders 8,000 men
Hudson River
Patriot VicRoy, Loyalists lost land and wanted it back so they attacked; Clinton’s troops beat them so pats win!
Colonists VicRoy, Cornwallace said “The whole city is a d@%#ed hornets nest”
Dorchester Heights
Patriot VicRoy, The British kept poking fun at us and dropping bombs, then we cooked them.
Patriot VicRoy; John Burgoyne and his men came and fought us, we secured the bag (got our independence) in this battle
Patriot VicRoy, GW went and attacked the British on Christmas Day
New York
Pats VicRoy, GW went to NY and kicked some British behind, they left NY
Declaration of Independence
A document approved by the Continental Congress that makes the separation of the colonies from Great Britain Official
Olive Branch Petition
A document that prevents formal war between the colonies and Britain from being declared
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Ended American Rev and made U.S. OFFICIALLY INDEPENDENT
Strengths of the British
Trained military,
Mercenaries in Prussia who fought for the British
Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
It says “If you are a slave, fight for us (the British) and we will give you freedom”
Strengths of the Patriots
Morale, terrain
Common Sense
Book was written by Thomas Paine, and supported freedom from Britain and a democratic republic
1st Rhode Island Regiment
1st African American army that fought for Pats
People who frowned upon Independence
2nd Continental Congress
Appointed Washington, Thomas Jefferson, And Benny boy, they wrote the Olive Branch
People who supported independence from Britain
Benjamin Franklin
He was a member of the Second Continental Congress and helped write the Dec of Independence
George Washington
led a surprise attack on Hessian mercenaries on Christmas Day 1776, commanded many battles and was part of the 2nd Cont Cong
Deborah Sampson
A woman who acted as a man named Robert Shurtiff to get into the army
Marquis de Lafayette
originally British, fought for the Americans
Thomas Jefferson
part of the second continental congress, wrote (plagiarized) the Dec of Ind and was governor of VA during American Revolution
John Burgoyne
He lost the Battle of Saratoga and was humiliated; nicknamed Gentleman Johnny
Baron von Steuben
a military officer that formed a model company of soldiers and trained them to march, use the bayonet, and execute orders quickly on the battlefield
Benedict Arnold
A man who betrayed his own country and helped take Fort Ticonderoga from the British (switch to a Pat)
Thomas Paine
The dude who wrote Common Sense
John Locke
An English philosopher that influenced Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence