Jeffersonian Era test Flashcards
Who did Adams face off against in the election of 1800?
What happened to Jefferson and his vice president Aaron Burr?
They lose and get tied up in the electoral college
What does John Adams do when his term as president is over?
He leaves
How does Thomas Jefferson simplify the presidency?
He walked to his own inauguration and had no formal receptions
Name two of Jefferson’s creations.
Wrote Dec of Ind, and designed mansion at Monticello
Who was Sally Hemmings?
A slave who Jefferson had kids with
What did Jefferson do to create a smaller government?
Cut spending, reduce army size
What problem did Jefferson have that required him to call in the Marines?
What position was John Marshall named to, and how long did he serve?
Chief Justice of Supreme Court; 30 year
Why was Marbury vs. Madison such an important case?
It was a judicial review
What did Charles Washington hate having to do?
Travel to Martinsburg.
What things would later be named after Charles Washington?
Charles Town & Washington High school
How did farmers in the west get their goods to the east?
They use rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean
How much did Napoleon offer to sell all of the French territory in North America to the United States for?
$15 mil
How much did the Louisiana Purchase increase the size of the United States?
Doubled the size
What was Lewis and Clark’s goal in leading the Corps of Discovery?
Figuring out how much land they bought
Where did Lewis & Clark’s voyage begin and end?
St. Louis to Pacific ocean
How did Sacajawea assist the expedition, and what made her assistance especially remarkable?
Translation and GPS
What did Burr decide to do after being dropped as vice president?
Run for governor of NY
Why did Burr challenge Hamilton to a duel?
He lost the election
Where did Burr try to go after his duel, and what did he get arrested for?
Lousiana; Treason
What is impressment?
Stopping ships and taking goods
How successful was the Embargo of 1807?
NO! (it wasn’t)
Where was James Madison from, and where did he get married to Dolley Madison at?
From VA; married at Harewood
How tall was Madison?
5’ 4”
What did the British do with Native tribes in the west?
They gave them guns in order to prevent Americans from getting into Canada
Who were the War Hawks, and what did they want?
People who want war.
Who was Tecumseh?
Shawnee that gave the U.S. fits in the west before the battle of Tippecanoe
What region of the U.S. was against the war, and what did they call it?
People in New England; Mr. Madison’s war.
Where did the U.S. win a major naval battle, and who led them to victory?
Lake Erie; Oliver hazard perry
Where did the U.S. torch while fighting in Canada?
What became a rally cry for the U.S. during the war?
“Don’t give up the ship.”
What did Dolley Madison do as the British were attacking D.C?
Saved George Washington’s portrait
What happened to the British in Baltimore?
Repelled by American forces
When would “The Star-Spangled Banner” become our national anthem?
Who led American fighters to victory in New Orleans and what does this do to Britain?
Andrew Jackson
Why did New England Federalists meet at the Hartford Convention?
The weren’t heard, were angry about the war, they wanted new amendants
What did the United States get out of the Treaty of Ghent? What did Britain receive from the Treaty?
No one got anything