retpach 4-5 qestbook testions and notes Flashcards
Maryland and Virginia belong to New England or Chesapeake Bay?
Chesapeake Bay
What did the environment of Chesapeake bay do to its settlers?
Severely shorten their life span
What did the shortened lifespans of the residents of Chesapeake bay cause in terms of relationships?
Men fought over women (I mean they would’ve done that unprompted probably but even more so now that women were outnumbered by men)
Who had more familial relations, Chesapeake bay or New England?
New England
What crop did Chesapeake bay grow?
Good ol’ devil’s lettuce (tobacco)
Who were used as an alternative to Indian and African slaves?
Indentured slaves
What did indentured servants receive for their work?
Free man’s dues (a few barrels of corn, a suit of clothes, maybe maybe possibibibly a small piece of land) (I mean or they got nothing and left broke and without work)(or my personal favorite, they ended up dead)
What is the headright system?
Whoever paid their passage to the new world got fifty acres of land along with another fifty for every head they brought associated with them
Who benefited from the headright system?
The rich planters who reaped the benefits of paying for their slaves voyages
What was quickly growing in 1670?
Free, single, angry men who weren’t able to acquire land or a missus
What did the Virginia assembly do in 1670?
Denounce free single men as not caring about the country
Who were most of the rebels that revolted with Nathaniel Bacon
frontiersmen who were forced into being nobodies in search of usable land and hated William Berkley for his friendly policies towards Indians cause they were raiding them something awful
Who did the Americas turn to after indentured slaves turned out to not work so great?
African Americans
When did most African Americans end up in ‘murica
Mostly after 1700s, became a big deal in 1680s
Where were most human cargo ships taken to?
Spanish/Portuguese South America or sugar-rich West India
What was grown in the deeper region of the South that was difficult to grow?
What was grown in the deeper region of the South that was difficult to grow?
When did the population of both English and African American peoples explode?
Who was the former indentured servant who came to colonial VA hoping to acquire land only to get nothing. Then he throws a hissy fit and rebels.
Francis Bacon
When was Francis Bacon around?
Who was the governor of VA who hung the rest of Bacon’s Rebellion?
William Berkley
What was the molasses act?
An attempt by the British authorities to staunch trade with French West Indies
What area had merchants and the like?
New England and the Middle Coloneis
The ethnic group who came to America and set up house making whiskey and hating the government
Scots-Irish (hey they sound pretty cool)
Largest ethnic group in America
Largest ethnic group in America excluding the English
African Americans
Around what percent of the population was African Americans?
20 percent
Around where was the population of African Americans most dense?
The South
Largest cities in ‘murica
Philadelphia, Ny, then Boston
What area held the most homogenous population?
New England
What area held the most diverse population
Middle colonies (especially Pennsylvania)
Who were the Scots-Irish frontiersmen who protested against the colonial elites of Pennsylvania and North Carolina?
Paxton Boys and Regulators
What was the religion the Scots-Irish peoples held that brought them together as a community?
Which area held the most diversity in terms of work ventures?
New England (though it still relied on agriculture)
The most important manufacturing activity for New England?
Who were highly prized in pioneering countries?
Strong-backed laborers and skilled craftsmen
Around how much of the British merchant marine was American built?
one third
Around when was a huge chunk of the British merchant marine American built?
What were the two established or tax supported churches in 1775?
Anglican and Congregational
What was the sponsored church of New England
What was the sponsored church of Chesapeake bay?
How long did the Anglican church receive money from its people for?
Not long at all really
Colonies that never had a state supported church
Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania
Around when was about a fourth of the population not religiously affiliated?
1775 (this number shows up a lot so remember it cause it’s important apparently)
Why was the Anglican church supported for such a short time?
It had a lackadaisical clergy (e.g. less scathing homilies) and too close ties to the British government
What denomination was never made official in any of the colonies?
What was the neo-trinity of religion?
Congregationalism, presbyterianism, and rebellion
How was the religious toleration doing around this point in the country (1775 ish)
Mostly very religiously tolerant, even Catholics could practice as they pleased.
What was the Great Awakening?
Period of time where the fieryness of hell was emphasized and religious participation heavily increased
What did Jacobus Arminius teach?
the individual free will, not divine decree, determined a person’s eternal fate
When did the Great Awakening hit hard?
1730s, 1740s
Wrote “Sinners at the hands of an Angry God” and was American Born. He was a brilliant New England theologian who instigated the Great Awakening.
Jonathan Edwards
A former british pub owner who became an evangelist spreading the Great Awakening throughout the colonies
George Whitefield
What denominations carried the movement fo the Great Awakening
Methodists and Baptists
What did allowing the partial participation of those who weren’t visible saints allow for?
More church attendance and therefore more muns :D
What is a halfway covenant?
it allowed people that weren’t visible saints take part in some religious stuff
When were Halfway Covenants mostly around?
Where were Halfway covenants mostly around
New England
Oldest American education facility
Originally trained congregationalist ministers
When was Harvard around?
Connecticut congregationalist university
Rhode island’s baptist university
Brown unviersity
Ben Franklin was one of this school’s founders, oldest/first non denominational university
University of Pennsylvania
Anglican university in Virginia, oldest university in southern colonies
william and Mary
Why were the arts not super popular in the cllonies?
The simplicity of pioneer life led many to dismissi the arts
John Singleton Copley
Colonial painter who studied and worked in Britain
Who was the slave girl who became a poet at an early age?
Phillis Wheatley
When was Phillis Wheatley around
Late 1700s
Author, scientist, printer; “the first civilized American”
Ben Franklin
Where was Benjamin Franklin from? (not born, from)
Where was Benjamin franklin born?
What did Benjamin write?
The Poor Richard’s Almanac
When was Ben Franklin born and when did he die?
1706 and 1790
Who was Ben Franklin married to?
Deborah Reed
How was Deborah Reed married to Ben Franklin despite not divorcing her late husband
Common law marriage
Where did Ben Franklin serve as a minister/ambassador
Why did every single denomination in the world go to Ben Frank’s funeral?
He donated money to all the religions because he thought every one did at least some good
What two documents did Ben Franklin sign?
DoI and Us Constitution
Who was a Newspaper printer in NY who helped with freedom of press?
John Peter Zenger
When was John Peter Zenger biggest debut surrounding his scathing articles?
Who argued in favor of the writing of the truth in the press for Zenger’s case?
The eloquent lawyer orator who argued in defense of colonial rights
Patrick Henry
Worst example of a corrupt and incompetent royal governor
Lord Cornbury
Around when was Lord Cornbury relevant?
early early 1700s
What was the piece of legislation from New England where every New Egland town with 50+ families must provide elementary education for children of the community?
The older deluder law
What was th eprimary textbook at the time?
the bibble
Where did women have more property rights?
Chesapeake Bay
Why did women have more property rights in Chesapeake bay than New England?
Husbands frequently died in Chesapeake bay, leaving women to have to marry every time their husband died would be inconvenient, easier to have them take over after their hubby died
Where was the whole ordeal with witches and deviltry?
Salem, MA
When did the whole Salem ordeal take place?
What was the whole ordeal with the Salem witch trials?
People accused everybody of deviltry and they were all taken seriously
Who arrived that questioned the Salem witch trials ?
Foreign (English) Ministers
What did the British government do about the Salem Witch Trials
Give money to surviving families
What was the total amount of fatalities of the Salem witch trials?
20 people and two dogs (like seriously people? why the dogs?)