Chapter 6 review for all the beans (textbook answers still needed) Flashcards
Is this review a substitute for reading the textbook?
No you dingus. Literally this is me skimming my notes and the textbook (but mainly my notes) for answers to questions that I think Mr. Roberts would most likely put on the test.
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If not check your settings next to the top left title of the notecards and change it from progressive to random order, this helps because all the questions are in chronological order otherwise and have the same/similar answers
Who founded Quebec?
Samuel De Champlain
What was the primary outpost for the New French Empire in America?
Upon what river was Quebec established?
St. Lawrence river
Who was sometimes known as “The Father of the New France”?
Samuel de Champlain
Who was the ruler sometimes known as the “Sun King”?
Louis XIV
Who ruled in France for nearly seventy years as an absolute monarch?
Louix XIV
What was created by Louis XIV?
Palace at Versailles
What books were penned by James Fenimore Cooper?
“The last of the Mohicans” and “The Leatherstocking Tales”
Who wrote “The last of the Mohicans” and “The leatherstocking tales”?
James Fenimore Cooper
What did French settlers in NA come for?
M o n e y (specifically fur)
What sort of animal did French fur trappers seek out?
Beavers (high river valley, beavers build dams in rivers)
What delayed French colonialism?
Internal religious and political conflict
Who began the conflict between English colonials and the French?
English, they encroached on the French
What was the result of the battle of Fort Necessity?
A major loss
What is another name for the French and Indian War?
Seven years war
Who were the Indians allied with in the French and Indian war?
Everybody, each nation had their own tribes allied with them
When was the Ohio River Valley battle?
July 1754 (remember july 4)
Why was Washington forced to surrender Fort Necessity
French returned to the valley with lotsa friends
When was the albany congress?
What was the Albany Congress
British parliament meet up in New York Albany
What did the Albany Congress discuss?
Ways to defend settlers in the frontier and keeping Indians loyal to Britain
What did the Albany Congress show?
A strong desire among some English colonists to overcome their differences and control their own affairs
Why did the Albany Congress have very few people show up for it?
Colonists wanted to keep their own independence
What was quickly growing in America during this time?
A sense of nationalism and independence
Who was one of the main guiding men behind the Congress?
Benjamin Franklin
Who wanted to put in place the Albany Union Plan?
Benjamin Franklin
What was the Albany Union Plan?
A plan to allow colonies to manage themselves and their own affairs
Why did the Albany Union Plan fail to win favor with the British?
It gave too much authority to the Colonial Government
Why did the Albany Union plan fail to win favor with the Colonists?
It gave too little authority to the Colonial Government
Who was the 60 y/o British officer who came to America to lead troops against the French in the Ohio River Valley
General Braddock
Around when was General Braddock around?
Which fort did Braddock try to take?
Fort Duquesne (as well as an empty fur post)
Why did Braddock’s tactics from Britain fail so miserably in America?
Military units were militia men only, tactics were meant for flat plains instead of the Indian frontier
Why did Washington take over after Braddock’s attempts?
Braddock was mortally wounded
When was a full invasion of French forces in Canada launched by the Brits?
Why did the initial fight against the French go badly?
Small outposts were attacked instead of major outposts like Quebec or Montreal
What happened along the Frontier as resources and men were taken from it to the battle front in Canada?
Native American forces launched raids against the frontier
Who was known as the “Great Commoner”?
William Pitt
What did William Pitt do?
Suggest that strongholds like Quebec and Montreal should be attacked instead of minor settlements
When did Quebec fall to the English
When did Montreal fall to the English
What treaty ended the French and Indian war?
The treaty of Paris
When was the Treaty of Paris?
What did the English gain as a result of winning the French and Indian war?
Territory stretching to the Appalachian mountains
What were the French left with after the French and Indian War?
a few islands in the West Indies
What did American militia men think of the British military men after their success against the French
Still hated’em
How did the American militia men feel about uniting with the British against the French
hated it lots
How did the removal of the French threat to America make colonists feel?
SEcure and less reliant on the mother country for protection
What is an example of the tactics used to suppress Pontiac’s Indian uprising?
distributing blankets infected with smallpox
What was the response to the British government’s attempts to prohibit colonial expansion across the Appalachian mountains?
Colonists hated it and blatantly disregarded the law
What environmental factors made Quebec more fortified than it already was?
Natural defenses (e.g. lies on a river, lies on bluff, has hills)
When was the battle of Quebec (same as the year it fell)
Who was the British commander who led the attacks against Quebec
James Wolfe (that’s a hella cool name dude)
When was James Wolfe relevant?
Mid 1700s
When was the French Marquis de Montcalm relevant?
Mid 1700s
Who was the commander of French forces in Quebec
Marquis de Montcalm
What was the turnout for the Battle of Quebec
Both commanders were killed but it was an English victory
What did the victory over Quebec provide to the English?
Control of the St. Lawrence river
What would control of the St. Lawrence river give the English?
A direct way to steamroll Montreal
What is the proclamation line?
Line showing that there was no colonization west of the Appalachian mtns.
What was the proclamation line meant to be for the French?
Supposed to be a kind gesture from America to France
Why did Americans get so uppity after the Proclamation Line was made?
They literally fought to have the land the French had only for Britain to say “mmmmmweeeellllll maybe we shouldn’t be so harsh on them”
Who was the Ottawa chief who led brutal assaults against settlers on the Frontier
Around when was Pontiac relevant?
1763 (same year as the Treaty of Paris)
What does the join or die snake represent? (if you don’t remember it’s the picture of a snake that’s all cut up in to pieces labeled with colonies)
All colonies were separated
What did the join or die snake encourage?
Be able to identify the Mipisipsisipsisipssipipspis river vs the St. lawrence River
JFC: Jentucky Fried Chicken
What is an example of a religious conflict in France at this time?
St. Bartholomew’s day, during which many huguenots (french protestants) were slaughtered
During what year did Saint Bartholomew’s day occur?
What did the Edict of Nantes do?
Grant limited religious toleration to French Protestants
When was the Edict of Nantes?
Strategic French outpost at the mouth of the Mississippi
New Orleans