Big Civil War Energy Flashcards
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Is this a substitute for reading the textbook?
No, the textbook is a literal brick of information full of stuff that Mr. Roberts skips in class just to put on the test
How much time do you have?
If you have less than one and a half hours you’re better off reading the textbook because this covers 20 pages of notes in full detail
Who was the first leader of the Union army who was in charge of fighting
Irvin McDowell
What is another name for Bull Run
How many and what kind of troops did Irvin McDowell have under his command
30,000 poorly trained, equipped, and supplied troops
What does Irvin McDowell do that was really stupid of him even if it was an accident
delay movement of his army from July 8th to July 16th
Why was Irvin McDowell delaying movement of his army such a horrible thing?
Many enlistments from the end of April from Fort Sumter were expiring, some were even leaving on the eve of battle
Who would general Robert Patterson engage in the battle of Bull Run
Joseph Johnston
Where would Robert Patterson be engaging Joseph Johnston during the battle of bull run
Shenandoah Valley
Who had the advantage between Robert Patterson and Joseph Johnston during the battle of bull run
Union, Patterson had more troops
Who would McDowell attack?
P.T. Bureaurugard
Where would McDowell attack P.T. Bureaurugard?
What was significant about the fact Robert Patterson did not engage Johnston
CSA troops were able to go to Manassas to support P.T. Bureaurugard without the distraction Patterson would have provided
When did the CSA troops board trains to Manassas to pile onto McDowell’s unsuspecting arse
July 18/19
Who was the DC socialite and confederate spy who secretly sent info to the southern leadership by spending nights with union soldiers/leaders
Rose O’neal greenhow
when did the union begin their attack at bull run
July 21st
Where did the Union begin their attack at bull run
bull run creek
What move does the Union make at the beginning of their attack at bull run creek
make a feint to cross bridge while they really moved north to ford an undefended creek, puts union in lead
Who was the confederate commander being pushed back by the union and was severely outnumbered during the battle of bull run
Nathan “Shanks” Evans
How was the outlook of Bull Run at the midpoint
Union seemed to be pushing the CSA back
Who got his troops to hold and earned his signature nickname for not retreating when the order came during the battle of bull run
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
What happens during the battle of bull run that results in a lot of friendly fire
uniform mix up, people brought their old service uniforms and everyone had the same uniform
What happens as a result of the uniform mix up during the battle of bull run
the Union Artillery Brigade is destroyed
Who had come to the battle of bull run from DC because war was so glorified
Reporters and congressmen
Did the CSA push the attack on D.C. after overpowering the Union at the battle of bull run
Who replaces McDowell as commander of the Union
McClellan , mr “too timid to spend the lives of my troops so I’ll let them die out there instead”
What does Lincoln do during the battle of bull run
call the representatives of border states to discuss conduct of war and slavery issues
What is the name of what Lincoln proposed to the border states
Border state manifesto
What was Lincoln considering doing during the battle of bull run
using federal funding to emancipate slaves to gradually reduce slavery in border states
Why was Lincoln’s border state manifesto rejected
too radical, federal interference with state matters, too expensive, might drive border states into confederacy
What did Lincoln do when his border state manifesto was rejected
continue to push for gradual emancipation
What did northern democrats who wanted peace called
Who was an example of a copperhead politician that was a member of the H.O. and gave a speech about being anti-war
Clement Vallandigham (HIST ID)
When was Clement Vallandigham relevant?
Who was the general of the union that commanded the ohio division and sent soldiers to arrest Vallandigham, the copperhead anti-war politician
ambrose burnside (no not the painter get hello dolly out of your head stop it intrusive thoughts)
What became of Vallandigham after he was arrested for anti-war sentiments
He was convicted of expressing sympathy for the enemy and supposed to be imprisoned for duration of war but that’d be embarrassing for Lincoln so he was banished and plopped in Tennessee
What did Vallandigham do after being plopped in Tennessee and banished by the Union
Run an unsuccessful campaign in Ohio and eventually go to Canada to do the same
How does Vallandigham die?
He was a lawyer and while a gun was being handled in the courtroom that was evidence there’s a mishap and he’s shot dead
What was the battle of Hampton Roads about
Lotsa ships have a fight
When was the battle of Hampton Roads
What two main ships were involved in the battle of Hampton Roads
Merrimack (Virginia) and Monitor
What was the Virginia/Merrimack?
Wood ship eventually given iron plates, really slow in every aspect moving or turning, but had lotsa guns
What was the Union Monitor?
A small quick ship with two revolving turrets, way more maneuverable than Merrimack with similar metal plating
What happens during the battle of Hampton Roads
Merrimack leaves VA, smacks 5 union ships, monitor shows up and fight to draw
What was significant about the battle of Hampton Roads
Showed wooden ships that sail were no longer viable for navy
When was the Merrimack/Virginia destroyed?
May 11 1862 before Union took Norfolk
How was the monitor sunk?
storm off coast of North Carolina
What was significant about the death toll of the battle of hampton roads
240 union sailor deaths, worst navy disaster before pearl harbor
What was the battle of Antietam also called
Sharpsburg (its a small town in Maryland)
What was happening with the CSA that helped start the battle of Antietam
running out of resources and personnel despite not losing any battles so far
When was the battle of antietam
fall of 1862
Which incompetent general now commanded the union in the battle of antietam
Where did McClellan have his troops (Sept 13)
Frederick, Maryland
Why did McClellan have his troops around Frederick, Maryland? (Sept 13)
Union troops discovered CSA plans wrapped around a bundle of cigars
What did McClellan do about finding CSA plans? (sept 13)
Dick and diddly
Why was McClellan doing nothing about finding CSA plans so awful (sept 13)
CSA sympathizer informed the confederate commander Jeb stuart
What did McClellan assume that was also stupid of him about Robert E lee (sept 16)
Lee had more soldiers than him even though the McClellan had double the soldiers of the Confederates
What day does Antietam start?
September 17
Who fought Jackson’s troops at Antietam (sept 17)
Joe Hooker
how was the outlook on september 17 for Antietam
Union victory but bloody, 12000 wounded/killed
What happens during mid day Antietam sept 17
battlefield shifts Confederate center
Why was it significant that the battlefield shifted to the Confederate center during Antietam? (sept 17)
confederates had position along sunken roads, basically they had a position where they could light up the Union
How was the Union eventually able stop the massacre and recover from being lit up from the sunken roads? (sept 17 antietam)
They found higher ground by walking around the position from which the people were shooting at them. Go figure.
What does McClellan do during Antietam after the Union recovers from the fire from Sunken roads and routes the Confederates? (sept 17 antietam)
refuses to send the reinforcements he promised to send, doesn’t push advantage
What happens after McClellan doesn’t send reinforcements after the sunken roads recovery? (sept 17 antietam)
eventually CSA manages to hold center
What was the CSA managing to hold center called? (sept 17 antietam)
bloody lane
Where does the battle shift after bloody lane (sept 17 antietam)
confederate right
who was in charge of the confederate right (sept 17 antietam)
General Toombs
What do union troops under Burnside do after the battle shifts confederate right? (Sept 17 antietam)
try to cross bridge all day under heavy fire
What becomes of the union troops under burnside who tried to cross the bridge under heavy fire (sept 17 antietam)
Troops eventually make it to confederate right and begin pushing confeds back
Where does the Union troops under burnside push the confederates on the confederate right back to (Sept 17 antietam)
What does Burnside do once the confederates are routed to sharpsburg (sept 17 antietam)
Send to MCClellan for troops
What does McClellan do in response to Burnside desperately sending for reinforcements? (Sept 17 antietam)
absolutely nothing
What happens to the union troops under burnside on the confederate right after McClellan fails to send reinforcements (sept 17 antietam)
confederate troops under A.P hills push Burnside back to Antietam creek
What was the bloodiest day of American history
September 17, 1862 (remember it’s during antietam)
What does McClellan do about Lee’s now thoroughly crippled army (sept 19 antietam)
What does Lee do now that McClellan is giving him a chance to escape (sept 19 antietam)
escape to virginia
Was Antietam a union victory or a confederate victory
TECHNICALLY it was a union victory but like we could’ve won the war and then didn’t. So like, victory but depressing
What did the outcome of antietam make lincoln write
emancipation proclamation
What did the emancipation proclamation state
would emancipate all slaves in the South… according to the North
When would the emancipation proclamation take place in
jan 1 1863
Who was the civil war photographer who took pictures of Antietam’s gruesome scenes and made people realize oh shoot dang maybe war isn’t so great huh
Matthew brady
what was the name of the show Matthew Brady the Civil war photographer produced for the New York gallery
the dead of antietam
Who replaces McClellan as leader of the union army
when was the battle of Fredericksburg
Who was the battle of Fredericksburg between
Army of Potomac under Burnside and army of Northern VA under Lee
Where did Burnside move his troops to through the Rappahannock river (b. of Fredericksburg)
why was the crossing of the Rappahannock delayed? (b of fredericksburg)
sniper fire from Fredericksburg
What did the Union do about the sniper fire from Fredericksburg?
Bombard the town
On what day does the Union troops cross the Rappahannock river and begin urban warfare
december 12
How did Lee have his troops set up (fredericksburg)
74000 troops along 7 mile line from Marye’s heights to Prospect Hill
Which confederate commander was at Marye’s heights (fredericksburg)
Which confederate commander was at Prospect Hill (Fredericksburg)
which union commander was defending the union left (fredericksburg)
william franklin
which union commander was defending the union left (fredericksburg)
sumner and hooker
on what day did Franklin attack Prospect Hill (fredericksburg)
december 13
How does Franklin’s attack on Prospect hill go (fredericksburg dec 13)
great success initially but Union didn’t engage all soldiers since right flank attack on confeds failed
Where does the fighting shift after prospect hill (fredericksburg dec 13)
soldiers leave fredericksburg to head to Marye’s heights
What was super unfortunate about how union soldiers left fredericksburg (fredericksburg dec 13)
Basically gave the confederates at marye’s heights a free shot at the leaving soldiers
How many times did the union attempt to take marye’s heights (fredericksburg dec 13)
7 times
what did the incident of marye’s heights make people say about the war (fredericksburg dec 13)
wtf why are we still doing this war if we’re doing so badly let’s just be done with this shiz by now
Who replaced burnside as commander
When was Chancellorsville
Spring of 1863
What did hooker do with some of the troops in Fredericksburg (chancellorsville)
move them to Chancellorsville because is winter and there’s lots of troops and also there’s midterm elections
What position was lee in after Hooker moved some troops to chancellorsville
threatened by union in front and back
Which threat does Lee decide is the more important issue, Fredericksburg or Chancellorsville?
On what day does Jeb stuart and jackson start a march towards union right (chancellorsville)
May 2 1863
What does Hooker do when he sees Jeb stuart and Jackcson’s armies approaching? (chancellorsville)
Absolutely nothing, believes confederates were retreating
Why was Union Commander O.O. Howard so confident about his position (chancellorsville)
he had wilderness to their right, thought troops couldn’t go through trees because idk he’s an idiot?
When do Jackson’s troops go through the wilderness to smack Howard on the Union Right Flank (chancellorsville)
dusk (meaning is dork)
What happens to Jackson while he’s on a recon mission with his commanders (chancellorsville)
CSA mistakes them for union cavalry, many of Jackson’s men injured, Jackson badly wounded and eventually dies of pneumonia
Why was chancellorsville important?
Jackson was irreplaceable. Also we just received a super big advantage without any effort on our side.
When was gettysburg
summer 1863
How was lee feeling about his situation (gettysburg)
super desperate, didn’t have resources for long war
What did Lee do because he was super desperate? (gettysburg)
Invade Pennsylvania
Why did Lee decide to take such a drastic measure as invading Pennsylvania? (gettysburg)
wanted to scare union copperheads into a peace treaty
what do confed troops under ap hill hear of in gettysburg and decide to raid(gettysburg July 1)
shoe supply
What happens a day before the confederate troops under ap hill decide to raid the shoe supply in gettysburg (gettysburg July 1)
Union commander John Buford arrived at gettysburg, saw good defensive spot, and built an entire defensive position
What was significant about Union Commander John Buford’s efforts to make a defensive position in Gettysburg before the raid (gettysburg July 1)
Bought time for reinforcements to arrive to gettysburg
Who showed up to support the union in the initial raid of gettysburg (gettysburg July 1)
John Reynolds
Who showed up to support the Confederates in the initial raid of gettysburg (gettysburg July 1)
Richard Ewell
What happens to reynold (gettysburg July 1)
shot through the head
where does the Union establish a defensive position after union forces go through gettysburg (gettysburg July 1)
Cemetery ridge, high ground
Where did the confederates take position (gettysburg July 1)
Seminary ridge, lower ground
What does Confederate commander longstreet suggest Lee do when he sees the union lined up on cemetery ridge (gettysburg July 1)
Flank the Union
How does Lee respond to Longstreet’s suggestion of flanking the Union (gettysburg July 1)
lmao what why would we do that we’ve won out battles so far
What happens with Longstreet’s command to attack the Union left flank as early as possible (gettysburg July 2)
starts in the afternoon b/c of a skirmish
Who was the Union commander of the left flank who inexplicably moved his troops forward and exposed them to confederate fire, putting the left in danger, and exposing himself as a target (gettysburg July 2)
Dan Sickles
What were some of the bloodiest fights in the western hemisphere (gettysburg July 2) (idk i just have these in my notes so here it is)
peach orchard, wheat field, devil’s den
What do both sides realize during the middle of the fight (gettysburg July 2)
little round top is totally undefended and totally up for grabbies
Who does Union general G.K. warren send to defend little round top (gettysburg July 2)
Joshua Chamberlain and 20th maine
Who does Confederate commander william oates bring little round top (gettysburg July 2)
Alabama regiment
Who arrives to little round top first (gettysburg July 2)
Joshua chamberlain and 20th maine
Why was little round top so bloody? (gettysburg July 2)
Chamberlain’s troops run out of ammo, fix bayonets and start getting stabby
what is the conclusion of little round top (gettysburg July 2)
union drives confeds from position and chamberlain and 20th maine regarded as heroes (i mean other regiments came to help too but oh well)
What does Lee decide to do after attacking both flanks of the Union (gettysburg July 3)
attack Union center
What do the confederates decide to do about the union center (gettysburg July 3)
bombard it
Why was the bombarding of the union center so useless (gettysburg July 3)
after they bombarded us we missed our shots and since the confederates didn’t receive shots back they just assumed we were supes dead
Which confederate commander led troops to the union center after the bombarding of the union
center (gettysburg July 3)
George Pickett
What happens to the troops under George Pickett that walk straight into the Confederate center thinking everything’s hunky dory and they’re just there to wipe out the leftovers (gettysburg July 3)
Half of them die, all of them get blitzed
Who was trying to get to D.C. to negotiate peace terms with lincoln at the same time of an assumed victory in gettysburg
Alexander Stephens, confed VP
How does Lincoln respond to Alexander stephens, confed Vp, trying to bring peace terms
turns him away after gettysburg victory
When was the battle of atlanta
Who was the new commander of the Union (Atlanta)
Ulysses S. Grant the really cool usually drunk and totally radical commander that didn’t take no shiz
What does Grant do about the confederacy (Atlanta)
realize they won’t be able to take anymore massive attacks and orders a massive attack
Who was in charge of the main column of attack against atlanta
Which confederate leader was in charge of hte city of Atlanta
Joe E Johnston
How does joe E Johnston have to do under Union attack (Atlanta)
give up atlanta and fall back to outskirts of city
What does Jefferson Davis do when he ralizes Joe E johnston is kinda floundering (Atlanta)
replaces him with John B Gordon
What happens July 20th (Atlanta)
Gordon launched attack at Peach Tree Creek, loss for CSA
What happens July 22nd (Atlanta)
Gordon launched attack along Georgia Railroad, fail
What is known as the battle of Atlanta (Atlanta)
Gordon’s attack along Georgia railroad
Why does Gordon surrender Atlanta
otherwise would be captured by Union under Sherman
What does Sherman do in response to Gordon and his troops retreating to Tennessee (Atlanta)
Send a major general after them with troops
What did Sherman do with the troops he had left after sending after CSA troops in Tennessee (Atlanta)
march to the sea and mess with civilians
What did Sherman’s march do? (Atlanta)
Ensure Lincoln’s/Republican’s political success
When did Sherman arrive in Savannah after his march in fall? (Atlanta)
December 21,1864
How did the Confederates handle Sherman charging at Savannah? (Atlanta)
totally left it undefended, not worth it at this point
What does Sherman decide to do in Spring of 1865
Go from Savannah to Virginia through South Carolina
What was Ulysses S Grant doing while SHerman was ruining peoples’ lives?
laying siege to Petersburg
What was the Union’s goal by laying siege to Petersburg and trying to go to virginia
trap Lee’s confederates around Richmond, Virginia
When did the Confederates abandon Richmond and run west
April 2nd, 1865
When did the Union enter the CSA capital
April 3rd, 1865
What happened April 7th 1865
Grant got word that Lee wanted to surrender, letters circulate
What happened April 9th 1865
Lee Meets grant
Where does Lee meet grant to discuss peace terms
Appomattox court house in VA
What was the union’s biggest fear when discussing peace terms
decades of guerrilla warfare by CSA
Who was a big man for deciding not to cause decades of suffering through guerrilla warfare
What was John Wilkes Boothe’s original plan
To kidnap Lincoln, turns into murdering Lincoln
Who was sent to kill William Henry Seward
Lewis Powell
How does Powell spectacularly screw up his murder attempt of Sewrad
goes to house, tries to shoot a guy, gun fails, beats guy half ot death, stabs Seward’s daughter, stabs two other children under Seward, stabs Seward a whole bunch but doesn’t kill him
Who was supposed to kill Andrew Jackson
George Azderodt
Why was Azderodt not able to kill Andrew Jackson
He got super drunk and wen tlike maybe I shouldn’t do this huh
Why did Lincoln go to the Ford theater instead of waiting by the telegram for a surrender message
His wife wanted to see a certain actor in Our American Cousin
I hope you know how Boothe shot Lincoln and I don’t need to explain it
people go haha boothe go pew pew, boothe go jump from balcony and breaks leg like dingus and runs away
Who treats Boothe’s broken leg?
David Herold
Who all is caught in the attack against the Union
Powell, Azderodt, Herold and Boothe caught in VA
Who was put in charge of handling the conspirators
Edward Stanton
When were the conspirators hung
July 7 1865
Where were the conspirators hung
Old Arsenal Penitentiary