Culminative review :D Test on 4th/6th Flashcards
English founder of the Roanoke Island colony, belonged to the group “West country men”.
Sir Walter Raleigh
What caused conflict between England and Spain?
England was protestant and Spain was catholic
Who was the king asked by the pope to spread Catholicism and decided to use the Spanish Armada to fight differering religions?
King Philip II of Spain
Rule where the eldest son inherited family estate
One of the catalysts behind the settling of America
Founded in 1607 by the Virginia company with heavy help from John Smith and John Rolfe
What did John Smith abolish?
Community Farms
Daughter of Chief Powhatan, never married John Smith
Who created the painting “American gothic”?
Grant Wood
About how many Native Americans lived in Chesapeake Bay in 1607?
Around 24,000
What happened to the Native Americans who tried to help the colonists?
Disease happened
Why did disease absolutely steamroll the NA’s?
No natural immunity
Who was the economic genius of the Virginia Company who developed the tobacco industry and gave the Jamestown colony a viable economic future?
John Rolfe
What did the tobacco industry create a need for?
What are the iterations North America went through in terms of slaves?
First tried Native Americans, then tried indentured labor, then tried African slaves
In what condition was Jamestown in by 1616
Only 350 out of 17000 were left, all hungry and diseased
What did the Virginia Company adopt in the 1610s
The Headright System
What is the Headright System
Every settler who paid their own expenses for settling gained 50 acres for land, +50 for every servant/relative brought along
What happened to VA as a result of the introduction of tobacco?
Massive increase in tobacco production (sold for way upped price in England), population increased by a lot
Who was the founder of the Maryland colony?
Lord Baltimore
When was the Maryland colony founded?
What is another name for Lord Baltimore?
Cecilius Calvert
What act allowed Christians to worship freely in Maryland?
Act of Toleration
What year did the act of Toleration take place?
What was the caveat of the Act of Toleration?
Did not extend to all religions, only christians
What term describes a situation where the industrial cost of an item goes down as a result of an increase to production?
Economy of scale
Who founded the Georgia colony?
James Oglethorpe
When was the Georgia colony founded?
For whom was the Georgia colony founded
What is significant about the Georgia colony in terms of the 13 original colonies?
It was the last of the original 13 colonies
What continued the taking of land from the native Americans?
The planting of tobacco and rice, land didn’t support crops for long
Who created the Anglican church?
Henry VIII (that’s the eighth for y’all non scholars’ bowl folks)
Who was the German Augustinian monk who posted the 95 theses on the doors of a church
Martin Luther
What was focused on in the 95 theses?
Selling and buying of indulgences
The French lawyer and theologist who believed in predestination
John Calvin
To where was Calvin deported?
Geneva, Switzerland
Who wrote “The Institutes of the Catholic Religion”?
John Calvin
Who followed John Calvin’s teachings, bringing protestantism to Switzerland and eventually founding the Presbyterian church?
John Knox
Group of extremists that wanted to remove excessive rituals, practices, and traditions from the Church of England
What was given to the Pilgrims?
Landholding in the new world
What was so legally gray about where the Pilgrims set up their colony?
They landed outside the designated area
What colony was founded by the Pilgrims?
How did the first Pilgrim settlers of Plymouth fare in their first winter during 1620?
Less than half of the 102 colonists survived
Who was the governor of the Plymouth Colony?
William Bradford
Who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
A less radical group of Puritans than the Pilgrims
Why did the Massachusetts Bay Colony do better than Plymouth?
Well supplied, arrived with eleven ships and 1000 settlers. Material advantage.
Who was a leader of the Massachusetts bay colony and a lawyer?
John Winthrop
Who gave the “City upon a hill” speech?
John Winthrop
What was the “City upon a hill” speech about?
The efforts of colonists would serve as a measuring stick for future generations
What conditions had to be met to vote in the Massachusetts bay colony?
Male church member in good standing and (sometimes) having of property
What was the “Protestant work ethic”?
If you work hard and prosper, you were blessed by God.
What did the Protestant work ethic encourage?
Lots and lots and lots and lotsa work
(BEEEG TEST QUESTION) What are the differences between New England and Chesapeake Bay?
New England was more about religion (but not religiously tolerant, disagreement was disapproved), and Chesapeake bay was all about business baby
Separatist minister in Masachusetts bay colony (also a congregationalist)
Roger Williams
What is the congregationalist church made up of?
What did Roger Williams proclaim?
The bay colony had stolen land from the Indians
Where were people that had differing ideologies about religion deported to?
Rhode Island (remember as Rogue island)
MA bay colony member who was expelled for antinomianism
Anne Hutchinson
What is antinomianism (also beeg test question)
Against church law
How did Anne Hutchinson shat on predestination?
If everything was already decided, what was the point of following the laws of man
What happened to Anne Hutchinson and her family in NY?
Murdered in an Indian raid
Why is King Philip’s war called that?
Europeans thought Metacom was fighting under King Philip
When and where did King Philip’s war take place
1675 MA
Who was the powerful Indian chief who united New England tribes to resist Europeans? (HISTORICAL ID WARNING)
Who was called the founder of the Baptist Church in America
Roger Williams
How did the King Philip war fare?
Several frontier towns destroyed, however ended up favoring New England as long term war was easier for them. Metacom was also killed so maybe not so great for NA’s.
Who was the leader of the Dominion of New England centered in Boston?
Edmund Andros (probs gonna have a historical ID on this dude so remember that ig)
When was Edmund Andros around (important for ID!!)
What made people think Edmund Andros was a real prick?
He shut down press, revoked land titles, and closed schools
What was Edmund Andros overthrown as a result of?
The Glorious Revolution in England
Leader of the Dutch Colony of New Netherlands
Peter Stuyvesant
What company was the Dutch Colony of the New Netherlands under?
Dutch West India Company
(ON TEST MR. ROBERTS GUARANTEE) What is autocracy?
dictatorship (one person and only one person has beeg power)
What was the purpose of the Dutch Colony of New Netherlands?
It was all for m o n e y
What quality of the Dutch colony of new netherlands made dissent or freedom not allowed?
What caused Stuvyesant to surrender the Dutch Colony of New Netherlands?
The English arriving at the coast
When did the English arrive at the coast of the New Netherlands
What was the Dutch colony of New Netherlands renamed to?
New York
Who was the son of a wealthy englishman who founded/inherited the Pennsylvania Colony?
William Penn Jr. (Remember the Jr.)
Why was William Penn a sore spot for his father?
He was a Quaker (which is funny cause he looks like the quaker oats guy)
How did Penn Sr. acquire landholding in the new world?
The crown owned him lotsa money and gave him land instead
Why was landholding useful for Penn Sr. ?
He could deport his son there
What was cool about Pennsylvania?
Haven for quakers, no tax supported church (didn’t force religion), freedom of worship
(BEEG TEST QUESTION) What are the four middle colonies?
New york, New Jersey, Delaware, pennsylvania
What qualities are unique to the Middle colonies (BEEG TEST QUESTION)
Agriculturally based but DID NOT practice plantation culture like Southern colonies (land not suited), big on industry but STILL AGRICULTURALLY BASED, JUST DIVERSIFIED
Know where Georgia, Jamestown, Pennsylvania, and Roanoke Island are on a map
Ur mum
Who is the pizza prince?
Henry Schmidt
Where was the Joint Stock Company originate from
Give an example of a joint stock company
Virginia Company
What did Bartholomew Gosnold suggest?
Investors can pool money instead of one guy going broke to send some guys to ‘murica
Who was the founder of the Virginia Company
Bartholomew Gosnold
How many free blacks were there in America by the late 18th century?
~500,000, mostly in the north
How many slaves were in America by the late 18th century?
More than 1 million
How many slaves were being used by the 1860s?
about 3.5 million
What is the house of burgesses?
Representative government in VA
When was the house of burgesses created?
What was the goal of the house of burgesses?
guarantee rights of the Englishmen in the new world
Who dominated the house of burgesses?
Planter aristocracy, those with lots of money, land, and slaves. They worked for the crown
What crop was utilized in the West Indies for money?
What’s the deal with sugar cane?
Needs lotsa labor, few producers but beeg producers
What was most agriculture for in the West Indies?
M o n e y
Why is planting one crop over and over again for money bad for the land?
Drain nutrients from it
Farming for your needs
subsistence farming
When did primogeniture have a great impact?
Early 1600s
When was Calvin around?
Early to mid 1500s
When was Lord Baltimore aka Cecilius calvert around?
When was John Winthrop around?
1630s, mid 1600s
When was William Bradford around?
Early to mid 1600s
When was Anne Hutchinson around?
mid 1630s
How did Luther begin a series of reformations?
He denounced the authority of priests and popes as well as claimed the bible was the only source of God’s word. By doing this he ignited religious reform. Stepping stone for others.