finna gonna sob after i finish this history final Flashcards
Did you read the textbook yet?
Go do that and while you’re at it do the questionable quizlet flashcards on the multiple choice too this is just going to help you with matching, historical id’s and the essay
Are you supposed to memorize every single little detail about every single person and event
No God forbid, remember generalizations like “it happened in this decade or this century”
What was happening to cities during the second half of the 19th century
cities were becoming more crowded and high rise buildings were more common
When was there the highest and most steady influx of immigrants into the US
Where were most immigrants from which came to America
Eastern Europe, Italy, Croatia, and Greece
What were immigrants looking for in America
industrial jobs
Who was the well born woman from Illinois that created the Hull House
Jane Adams
What was the Hull House
foundation which helped poor immigrants with English learning, child care, and finances
Where was the Hull House Created
When was the Hull House created by Jane Adams
Who was the reformer which established the Henry Street Settlement
Lillian Wald
When did Lillian Wald establish the Henry Street Settlement
Where did Lillian Wald establish the Henry Street settlement
New York
Who was the reformer which lobbied for welfare relief for women and children of large cities
Florence Kelly
When was Florence Kelly, the person who lobbied for women and children’s welfare relief in large cities, relevant
Why was Florence Kelly’s efforts as a welfare reformer necessary
like a million women entered the workforce in 1890
What did churches begin to do as more immigrants poured into large cities
teach to city-dwelling parishioners
who was the prominent preacher who created the moody bible institute
Dwight Moody
Where did Moody create the Moody Bible Institute (just saying, the name sounds like a cult)
What was the single largest religious denomination in America
Roman Catholic
Who was the archbishop of baltimore
James Cardinal Gibbs
What did James Cardinal Gibbs, the archbishop of Baltimore, do to help industrial America
pushed labor reform
Where was the South in terms of wealth and education compared to the North
far far far far behind, like a little more than fifty percent of people were literate
who was the former slave who took over black normal and industrial schools
Booker T Washington
Where did Booker T Washington, the black schooling reformer, operate?
Tuskegee, Alabama (sweet home alabama)
Who was the peanut man that did experiments with peanuts
george washington carver
who was the first black student to be graduated at Harvard with a phd
WEB DuBois (wish I had a cool name like that)
What did WEB DuBois do after his graduation
found the NAACP (National association for the advancement of colored peoples)
What was the act which provided beeg land grants for public universities
Morrill Act of 1862
What act granted land grants to many colleges so they could perform agricultural experiments
Hatch Act of 1887
Since I know for sure that mr roberts is gonna add this to the test since he asked it so many times during class, which university was funded by an industrialist, and who was the industrialist? (idk just name one example)
Rockefeller and the chicago university or Carnegie with the Carnegie Mellon university
What was yellow journalism?
it’s like clickbait but with tragedies
Who were the newspaper people who were well known for yellow journalism (these two were mentioned a lot on the multiple choice)
Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hurst
Who was the economist that promoted the episcopalian household and doubled tax on increasing land property to prevent poverty (i know, that last one was pretty stupid)
Henry George
What was the book by Henry George which covered the idea tax on increasing land property should be doubled
Progress and Poverty
idk i have this guy in my notes so you get to have a question on them, who was the guy that wrote tom sawyer and huckleberry finn
Mark Twain
What movement (excluding religious movements) was becoming more and more popular during the nineteenth century
women’s rights
Who was the reformer which promoted birth control, abortion, and lots of other stuff
Victoria Woodhull
Which two individuals were heavily involved int eh forming of the National American Women’s Suffrage Association
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony
What was another movement relating to the women’s rights movement that was gaining popularity during the 19th century
who was a main backer of the women’s christian temperance union and a supporter of planned parenthood
Frances Willard
Who was that one person mr roberts brought up in class from Kansas which took a hatchet to many a bar
Carrie Nation
Who was the one photographer dude that mr roberts had us do an assignment over which used photography to show the conditions at the time
Jacob Riis
Who is the author of “How the Other Half LIves”
Jacob Riis
Who established the New York Children’s Aid Society and helped handle the large number of orphaned/abandoned children there
Reverend Charles Luring Brace
What was the one thing Reverend Charles Luring Brace was famous for in relation to his aid society
orphan trains
what were orphan trains
relocated children to farm homes in the midwest is the way mr roberts put it, literally they just got advertised to people like cattle after being sent halfway across the country
how successful were orphan trains
varying success but by and large successful. having said this mr roberts did kinda ignore the many instances where they got treated like disposable labor
this is also a weird thing that happened to be in my notes, where is the orphan train museum
concordia kansas
This isn’t really the kind of thing I can cover in flashcards because it’s literally just a story in my notes, know ford’s background.
when was ford born
1863, 0 years after ford
who did ford marry
clara bryant
what was the name of ford’s kid
Edsel Ford
What was the name of the model of car ford made that was really successful for its quick production
Model T
what was the name of the model of car edsel ford made which was pretty good but for some reason didn’t sell well
Model A
What did ford regret in terms of his child
he was way too hard on him. Like waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard on him. Like asian mother levels of hard on him
Who did Ford have to fight during the production of his vehicle
ALAM (Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers)
which architect built the ford plant in highland park
Albert Kahn
When was the sand creek massacre
1864 (that means civil war-ish)
Where was the sand creek massacre
Who was the main man involved in the sand creek massacre
John Chivington
What happened during sand creek massacre
colorado volunteers regiment massacred the women and children of black kettle’s village
was Chivington charged in any way whatsoever after he committed literal genocide against an entire village’s women and children
Why were there so many cows in Texas after civil war
I mean they got things going between each other and multiplied and oh oopsy now we have millions of cattle
What did enterprisers decide to do with the millions of cattle in Texas
drive them to Kansas railroad owners
Who was the Illinois livestock broker who made deal with railroad owners to drive the cattle from Texas if they would build a line to Abilene Kansas
Joseph McCoy
Where was the first trading center for cattle
Abilene Kansas
Who was the Illinois farmer who created barbed wire and helped end cattle drives
Joseph Glidden
What was that one act which let people get land if they worked to own it
homestead act of 1862
Who was the guy with a rail car company with great benefits for his employees but when he pulled them due to financial struggles they threw a fit
George pullman
Who was the guy who led a strike against the pullman company because he wanted his benefits
Eugene Debs
Who was the illinois governor who supported Eugene debs and his fellow workers who led a strike against george pullman
John Altgeld
Who was the us attorney who sought federal troops to end the strike by Eugene Debs and his fellow workers against George Pullman, also claiming it prevented the delivery of mail
Richard olney
What was the eventual fate of the strike against george pullman
president cleveland called the troops and the strike got crushed
what was a big issue in the election of 1896
labor unrest
who was the republican ohio nominee in the election of 1896 who was pro-business
William McKinley
Who was the democrat Nebraska nominee in the election of 1896 that stood for the indebted farmers
William Jennings Bryan
what was that one famous speech William Jennings Bryan gave during his nomination during the election of 1896
Cross of gold speech
what was william jennings bryan’s cross of gold speech from the election of 1896 about
wealthy wanted to crucify the working class wtih the gold standard
What did Bryan (nominee election of 1896) say should be done to combat the economic problems present at the time
silver should be minted 16:1 and at an unlimited rate
Who won the election of 1896
What was one of the big things McKinley did once he won the election
raised tariff on imports
What did farmers think about the fact McKinley raised the tariff on imports once he won the election
oh they were not happy, real riled up
Who was the wealthy quarry owner that tried to create a 500 million dollar public works program by convincing the government to print all the money needed for it
Jacob S Coxey
What disease was carried by long horn cattle which severely impacted english cattle breeds and is a main reason why cattle drives ended
spanish pneumonia
What is the name of a horse herd owned by a particular ranch or individual
what is the name for a male bovine that’s been castrated (oof dude that’s rough)
what is the name of a female bovine tha’ts not yet had a calf
What is the name of the kansas cowtown known as the border queen because it’s barely in kansas
Who was the minor english noble that negotiated with the railroad to have land in west kansas to settle englishmen there
George Grant
What was the name of the town that george grant established for englishmen
Victoria kansas
Who were the peoples that eventually settled victoria kansas after George Grant’s settling attempt failed
volga germans
who introduced angus aberdeen cattle to america?
George Grant
who was the former slave from tennessee that led the exodusters
benjamin “pap” singleton
what are the exodusters
freed slaves after the civil war
why did Benjamin pap Singleton (leader of exodusters) come to Kansas
wanted to oppose sharecropping
What all black county did Benjamin Pap Singleton establish
Graham County
who was the navy captain which wrote a book influencing all nations to suddenly develop a naval-arms race
Captain Alfred Makan
What was the name of the book captain alfred Makan wrote which influenced nations to develop a naval-arms race
Influence of Sea Power on the Navy
who was a former secretary of state and presided over the first panamerican conference in DC
James Blaine
What happened at the first pan american conference in DC
Basically America spent the whole time tooting its own horn to other countries and nothing got done
What did America decide about European meddling and by extension Spain
ew Europe we don’t want any Europe in America >:(
What did America’s telling of Spain to stay out entail
dealing with Britain
What caused tensions between britain and US
monroe doctrine
What did the monroe doctrine entail
no foreign meddling in American affairs, especially Europe >:(
What made Hawaii suffer a whole bunch (specifically its sugar farmers)
The McKinley tariff of 1890
What did Hawaii sugar farmers decide to do to circumvent the McKinley tariff of 1890
let’s make hawaii state (annex it) so we don’t have to detail with “foreign taxing”
Who was the queen of hawaii
Queen Liluokalani (dude I wish I had a name like Liluokalani that’s cool)
What was Queen liluokalani’s take on the whole annexing hawaii idea
uhhhh you know maybe hawaii’s affairs should be decided by native hawaiians instead of whoever you farmers are
What do the sugar farmers of hawaii do in response to Queen Liluokalani’s hesitance to annex hawaii without the native’s opinion
um what youre not listening to us ok whatever we’re revolting against your entire government to control the island
What happens after the sugar farmers of Hawaii state a revolt against the local ruler of the island
they go all nice like to the american government and are like ayo this place chill and every wants to annex it let’s annex it don’t ask the people though
What does the American government do in response to the sugar farmers of Hawaii claiming everyone on the island wants to annex the island
hmmm this kinda sus man let’s send a guy with the locals. Huh. The farmers were lying.
who was cuba under the control of during the 19th century
spain (i’m in spain without the a)
what name was given to the Cubans who attacked sugar interests on islands because they were frustrated about the abuse from the new governance
Why did America support the insurrectos of Cuba?
Because we didn’t like spain and also because big money
Who was the harsh dictator of cuba sent by spain who herded prisoners into concentration camps
General Weyler
What did president cleveland say in response to the congress asking him to support the insurrectos of cuba
no, he was super anti-imperialist
I totes forgot to add this question in but when does all this america hating spain stuff happen
late 1800s, like the nineties ish
What battleship does America send to Cuba
The Maine
Why did america send the maine (battleship) to Cuba
They said it was a “friendly visit”, really it’s just to protect the americans in cuba
What happens to the battleship The Maine while it’s docked in the Cuban harbor
it just like kersplodes all of a sudden
What does the destruction of the Maine make McKinley do?
McKinley sent war messages to Congress urging american intervention for the insurrectos
Who was the secretary of the navy during the late 1800s
John D Long
Who was the assistant secretary of the navy during the late 1800s
Theodore Roosevelt
Who was the admiral of the navy during the late 1800s
George Dewey
What did the us decide to do do in the philippines all of a sudden
take some warships and defeat a small spanish fleet out of nowhere
what is rushed through congress after the attack on the philippines
a joint resolution of annexation
What does Spain decide to do after the outbreak of the war
send a small spanish felet to santiago harbor in Cuba
Who commanded the american military force in cuba
General William Shafter
Who was the group of volunteers from the American West drafted to help with the war against Spain
The Rough Riders
Who was the creator of the rough riders
Theodore Roosevelt
What had Theodore Roosevelt been commissioned to do?
lead his group of rough riders to Cuba
Where does the most notable fighting in the war against Spain occur?
San Juan Hill
Who commanded a group of black buffalo soldiers
General John “Blackjack” Pershing
How does Cuba end out?
Success, the rough riders and black buffalo soldiers overpowered the Cubans
What does America do after its success in cuba
immediately turn to attack Puerto Rico
When does Spain finally sign an armistice with the US
August 12, 1898
What does America make Spain do in the armistice
allow US to take puerto Rico, spain must abandon cuba, and relinquish philippines but we kinda had to sweeten the deal with money for the philippines
What group of people were growing more concerned after the war with Spain
What did the Spanish American war do to the reputation of America
confirmed it as a world power
Why is it a bad idea to eat a clock?
It’s time consuming. Hehe. Man this was stupid. Good luck with finals yall