Chapter 7 and 8 review Flashcards
Do you have progressive study on?
If no, go to the settings in the upper left and change it, I’m switching it up it up this time
Is this a stand-in for reading the textbook?
NO, literally people way smarter and succinct than me wrote the textbook and as cool as Mr. Roberts is he glosses over a lot of stuff in the slides we cover
What was the writs of assistance?
A legal document which helped Brit officials control colonial merchants (like a search warrant)
Who argued against writs of assistance?
James Otis Jr.
Why was Britain really low on cash?
French and Indian war happened and as you may know wars are expensive, also maintaining british troops in another country is expensive too
When was the Stamp Act enacted?
Who put in place the stamp act?
Prime minister George Grenville
How odd was it for the British government to enact taxes on its colonies?
Not odd at all, after all Britain literally were the people who sent them there and allowed them to be there
What did the stamp act state?
Colonial papers and documents had to have a stamp on them showing tax was paid
When was the stamp act repealed?
What was the Declaratory act?
Stated britain had the right to control colonies in any manner deemed necessary to Parliament
When was the declaratory act enacted?
What did the Townshend acts state?
placed import tax on certain goods coming into America
Who instituted the Townshend acts?
Charles Townshend
When was the Townshend acts put into place?
When did the Boston Massacre take place?
Who started the Boston Massacre
Edward Garrick
What did Edward Garrick do to upset an officer?
talked some smiggity smack
Who was the officer Garrick talked smack to?
Hugh White
How did Hugh White respond to being talked smack to by Garrick?
He smacked Garrick with the butt of his gun
Who is the British commander that responds to the following commotion of the Boston Massacre by bringing soldiers?
Thomas Preston
What was the one thing Thomas Preston specifically told his soldiers to do while heading towards the commotion leading up to the Boston Massacre?
Hold their fire
What are the reasons people assume the massacre started?
Between the yelling, general violence, and depravity of the situation somebody probably misheard an order or got really really uppity with the colonists
How many colonials died in the boston massacre
Who was the African American thought to be a leader in the commotion leading up to the Boston Massacre who died as a martyr for the cause
Crispus Attucks
Who was the renowned silversmith who published the propaganda of the boston massacre
Paul Revere
Who defended the soldiers who fired at the crowd during the Boston Massacre, acquitting many of their murder charges
John Adams
Just as an idea that I had that the picture primary source is probably gonna be the Paul Revere propaganda drawing, how does Paul portray the British?
in a line, not being attacked by colonials, firing on orders
How does paul revere portray the colonials in his propaganda drawing?
helpless, in a crowd, not furiously attacking the British
What were the British soldiers being pelted with?
Snowballs (didn’t find a good way to work this into a question so here we are)
When was athe boston tea party
What was the boston tea party?
An open flaunting of British authority, threw tea and drank coffee
Who let the ships with tea to land in Boston Harbor?
Thomas Hutchinson
Who was the royal governor of Massachusetts?
Thomas Hutchinson
Who was the founder of the “Sons of Liberty”?
Sam Adams
What was one of the notable accomplishments of the sons of liberty?
They did the whole boston tea thing
Why does Sam Adams have a vendetta against the British?
Confiscated Father’s investments, losing his family’s wealth and prosperity
Around when was Sam Adams relevant?
1770s ish, mid 1700s
Who was the son of a minister whose father died and mother sent to live with their wealthy aunt and uncle?
John Hancock
How did John Hancock suddenly become the heir to the Hancock fortune?
The relatives he was sent to were childless and wanted a child, he just so happened to fit the role
Where was John Hancock sent in order to help him prepare to run the Hancock business
Who was made President of the 2nd Continental Congress?
John Hancock
What did the Intolerable Acts do?
Close ports of Boston and put Massachusetts under martial law
What is martial law?
To be put under military control
When were the Intolerable Acts implemented?
What did the Quebec act do?
Reaffirm proclamation of 1763 (no crossing the appalachian mtns for settlement)
Why was the Quebec act implemented?
The French had a strong influence in the Ohio valley by now, also Brit wanted to have amiable relations again
When was the first continental congress?
For what purpose did the continental congress happen?
To boycott Brit guards and train state militia
Where did the first continental congress meet?
When did the delegates of the first continental congress agree to reconvene on?
What is mercnatilism?
Economics system where wealth or a country’s worth was determined based on amount of gold in the country’s treasury, often directly related to the amount of colonies owned
What did mercantilism lead to?
a large rush among European powers to go acquire more colonies
What advantages did the British have in the war?
Largest army, best/most experienced navy, money and acccess to resources
What disadvantages did the British have in the war?
Offensive war (tie/loss not acceptable), foreign war
What advantages did the Colonials have during the war?
Defensive war (win not necessary, could tie and still get independence), foreign aid (France), fought on home
What disadvantages did the Colonials have during the war?
Mostly militia, non-existent navy, little money/trading ability
When was George Washington relevant in the revolutionary war
Mid 1770s
Who became a commander of the continental army despite not having formal military training
George Washington
Why was it important George washington was from virginia>
It was important to make the war not seem like a war for New England
What wealthy family did George washington marry into?
The Custis Family
What was the Olive Branch Petition
Colonists pledged undying support to George III and blamed Parliament for troubles between England and its colonies
Who made the Olive Branch Petition
Second continental congress
What did King George III make of the Olive Branch Petition
He decided to declare the colonies in revolt against him
How was King george III able to hire German soldiers to fight in his war
He was a member of the German Royal House of Hanover
Who was the British immigrant who came to the American colonies to encourage colonial separation from Great Britain
Thomas Paine
What are two of the works that Thomas Paine wrote
Common sense and the Crisis
What did Thomas Paine try to accomplish with his writing?
Lift American Spirits/convince loyalists
Who was the Virginian who attended the second continental congress wrote the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776?
Thomas Jefferson
What were Thomas Jefferson’s feelings concerning his need to write the Declaration of Independence
Not positive
Why were Thomas Jefferson’s feelings concerning the Declaration of Independence not positive?
He wanted to return to Virginia to write the state constitution
When was the Declaration of Independence written?
July 4, 1776
What were Thomas Jefferson’s feelings concerning slaves?
Super evil, but didn’t get rid of his slaves
Who was the British army commander who led troops out of Boston to raid a colonial munition supply at Concord
Thomas Gage
When was Thomas Gage relevant?
Where did the confrontation concerning Thomas Gage occur?
What happens once Thomas gage and gang steamroll the militia at Lexington?
They find the munitions have moved
What really sucks about the fact that Thomas Gage didn’t end up finding the munitions supply?
20 mile trek back to Boston
What happened on the 20 mile trek Thomas Gage marched back to Boston?
Militia shoot them a whole bunch with guerrilla attacks
What was the overall result of the Lexington/Concord fight?
Technically the British won but they suffered m u c h more losses
Who was the famous author who coined the phrase “The shot heard around the world”?
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Around when was Ralph Waldo Emerson relevant?
When did Bunker Hill take place?
What was the event where colonials steal a bunker hill outside of Boston, blitzing the British who tried to take it back?
Bunker Hill
Who was the British major who decided to shove a bunch of frontal assaults at the problem of Bunker Hill
Major William Howe
On which assault did the British take back the position of Bunker Hill?
the third
Why did the colonials finally lose the position of Bunker HIll?
They ran out of supplies and munitions
What made King George III officially declare the colonists in revolt?
Bunker Hill
Which battles were commanded by Washington, accessed through the Delaware River?
Trenton and Princeton
What was kinda dirty about how he won those battles?
He attacked during Christmas, since the colonists didn’t really celebrate it and the British did so that was kinda screwed up
When was the battles of Princeton and Trenton?
Around 1776
How were the battles of Trenton and Princeton significant?
They weren’t really significant but they did really boost American morale
Which came first, the battle of Trenton or Princeton?
When was the battle of Saratoga?
Where was the battle of Saratoga?
Upstate Newyork
How did the British decide to isolate New England and end the Revolutionary war?
A three pronged attack
Who was involved in the three pronged attack against New England
John Burgoyne, William Howe, and Barry St. Leger
Who was the renowned commander for Brits who moved southward from Lake Champlain?
John Burgoyne
Who was the british military general who travelled with way too many setbacks and arrived to the rendezvous really late only to see nobody there
Who was the Brit commander in new York who would lead his troops down from the Great Lakes region and move eastward to rendezvous?
Barry St. Leger
Who led their army to Philadelphia seeking washington but stayed for the nightlife cause winter sucks
Who was the Brit commander in New York who was supposed to lead troops up the Hudson River Valley
Who was the British military general who was defeated at the battle of Oriskany
St. Leger
Who was the future betrayer of America who dumped a bunch of water to stop the British invasion of Fort Ticonderoga
Benedict Arnold
When was Benedict Arnold relevant?
What are the results of the battle of Saratoga?
Burgoyne is the only one who advances, has to surrender to General Horatio Gates
When did the battle of Saratoga wrap up?
October 19, 1777
Who was on the Colonists’ side after seeing them win the Battle of Saratoga
Why was Fort Ticonderoga important?
Stopped the British from accessing passage to New England from North Canada
where is valley forge?
What was the season when Washington was in Valley Forge?
What caused many soldiers to die in Valley Forge?
Malnutrition, exposure, disease
From whom did the soldiers of Valley Forge learn about innoculation (like vaccines but with less steps)
Native Americans
Who was the professional prussian soldier who trained the continental army and made the a respected fighting force
Baron Von Steuben
Who created the first ever army field manual
Baron Von Steuben
When did Baron Von Steuben arrive at Valley Forge
What battle was the last of the Revolutionary war?
When was the battle of Yorktown?
Who was the Brit who wanted to move troops to Yorktown and thought when Washington arrived to lay siege he could just skedaddle from the port with the British Navy
Lord Charles Cornwallis
Who was the (basically) French leader of the French army in America who came with said army to attack Brits in Yorktown?
Comte de Rochambeau
Who was the French Commander who ordered the French navy to blockade the Atlantic Coast, therefore preventing Charles cornwallis from fleeing with the British navy
Comte de Grasse
Why was Cornwallis forced to surrender?
Trapped between French/colonial militia and French Navy
Who played the largest part in the battle against the British in Yorktown?
The French (saying the colonials conquered the British with some help from the French is like a child saying they killed a bear with their dad according to the textbook)
What treaty was supposed to be made in conjunction with the French allies
Treaty of Paris
When did the Treaty of Paris take place
Who were the American delegates who went to Paris to broker a treaty with Britain with their French allies?
Ben Frank, John Adams, John Nay
What did America do behind France’s back concerning a treaty with Britain?
Make a separate treaty
Why did America go behind France’s back to make a treaty with Britain
France had very different goals in mind for the treaty than colonists (colonists wanted freedom, France wanted blood)
What does America gain from the Treaty of Paris
independence and land all the way to the Mississippi River
What was America expected to do after the Treaty of Paris
repay Brit debts and cease persecuting loyalists
Although a stipulation of the Treaty of Paris was to cease persecuting loyalists, what was the problem with that
No way to enforce it