Oh boy here we go again Chapters 17 and 18 Flashcards
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No, I’d even argue that reading the textbook would be more productive than this because Mr. Roberts only covers the bare minimum in class
Did the north or south have large population centers
did the north or south have a more diversified economy
Was the north or south more agriculturally based
Was the north or south in possession of greater means of transportation
What made cotton profitable
the cotton gin
who invented the cotton gin
Eli Whitney
Who was the 18th century yale graduate who lost his job as a tutor and instead got a job in engineering, leading to the development of an important agricultural implement in the South
Eli Whitney
What type of cotton was the cotton gin mostly used for?
Short staple cotton
The vast majority of white landholders owned how many slaves in America?
What issue was brought about by slavery in relation to jobs?
Many low-income uneducated whites often had to compete with slaves for certain jobs
How did small slaveholders usually work with their slavers?
Alongside them out in the field
What did large slaveholders rely on to maintain their lifestyle
beeg cotton
Why were there so many free blacks in the south by the 1860s
Revolutionary war
What did being free mean for black individuals in the south
No land, no guns, no liquor, no suffrage, had simple jobs
How did early abolitionists in the 1860s act?
Radical, wanted to outlaw slavery immediately and free all current slaves
Who was the author of “The Liberator” magazine, and a very radical abolitionist
William Lloyd Garrison
Who was the Author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
How did “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” portray slavery?
Very unfavorably and often exaggerated, but allowed people to understand the horrors of slavery
When was “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” written
Who started the “Beecher bible and rifle” colony?
Henry Ward Beecher
Where was the Beecher Bible and rifle colony started
Wabaunsee Kansas
Who led a bloody rebellion of slaves in VA
Nat Turner
Who caused slave policies to become stricter due to their bloody rebellion
Nat Turner
When was Nat Turner relevant
Who led a rebellion and was hung who wasn’t Nat Turner
Denmark Vessey
When was Denmark Vessey’s rebellion
Where was Denmark Vessey’s Rebellion
South Carolina
Who was the Mulatto slave who managed to escape slavery and wrote about his experiences/spoke out against slavery
Frederick Douglas
What was Frederick Douglas’s newspaper called
“The North Star”
What was the group which tried to slave African slaves back to Africa and failed
American Colonisation Society
What was the name of the country the American Colonisation Society tried to establish
What was the capital of Liberia called (because it’s named after the president James Monroe of US)
Why did the American Colonisation Society’s plans to return African Americans to the newly established Liberia fail?
Many African slaves didn’t want to go back to Africa
Who won the 1840 presidential election and promptly fucking died
William Henry Harrison
Who was on ticket as Vice President and was placed on ticket to darw Southern votes and possibly some Democratic votes
John Tyler
What made John Tyler different from William Henry Harrison
He wasn’t fully committed to the Whig Party platform
How did William Henry Harrison die
he caught pneumonia cause he gave a lengthy ass speech in the middle of the winter like an absolute buffoon like what an idiot
Who were some of the most influential Whig leaders when Harrison died
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster
How did John Tyler manages to piss off his presidential cabinet?
vetoes CLay and congress’s bill to create a new bank of US,
Who was the only person left of John Tyler’s presidential cabinet
Daniel Webster, his secretary of state
Which boundary disputes involved Britain and the US
Maine and Oregon
What did the Boundary dispute of Maine result from?
The Treaty of Paris from 1783 was not clear on boundaries
What was the conflict surrounding the boundary dispute of Maine end up being called
Aroostook war
Why did Britain start throwing a hissy fit over the boundaries in Maine
Britain wanted an overland route to Halifax, Nova Scotia to Quebec
Who was sent by the British to negotiate British settlement with the boundary dispute of Maine
Lord Ashburton
Who quickly hit it off with Webster
Lord Ashburton
What settled the boundary dispute of Maine
Webster-Ashburton treaty
What did the Webster Ashburton treaty do?
British got their overland route and the US got more than half of the disputed territory of the maine dispute
Which boundary dispute involved the 54 40’ north of the California border
Oregon boundary dispute
Who had claim to land north of the Colombia River (Oregon)
What did America do that violated Britain’s claim to the land north of the Colombia River (oregon)
Allow fucking thousands of people to pour into the territory
When did thousands of americans pour into the oregon territory
mid 1840s
who had an advantage in the treaty concerning the boundary dispute of Oregon
Why did america have an advantage in the treaty concerning the boundary dispute of Oregon
They had the most people in the territory by the time the treaty was being considered
What did the US claim to be the territory of Oregon
past 54 40’ line
What were major factors in the presidential election of 1844
boundary disputes
Who won the presidential election of 1844
James K Polk
Why did James K Polk win the election
said he would solve boundary disputes
What was James K Polk’s biggest concern after winning the presidential election
solving the boundary dispute between texas and mexico, also to a lesser extent settling the Oregon boundary dispute
What became a slogan during/after the election of 1844
54 40’ or fight (this is a really bad slogan, doesn’t even rhyme) (talking about oregon dispute)
What eventually became of the Oregon dispute
the 49 40’ line was accepted as where British’s land claim stopped and Oregon began
Why were the people upset by the 49 40’ line being accepted as the border of Oregon
because it was another compromise by Polk for northern states
Why did Polk accept a compromise for the 49 40’ line
He was less concerned with pissing off Mexico than Britain, also he was from Tennessee so he wanted to protect the southern states more
What was the most serious disagreement in the mid 19th century
Texas boundary dispute
for how long has the US been dealing with texas issues for
since 1830s
What did the mexican government claim was the boundary of texas
nveces river
what did the us claim was the boundary of texas
rio grande
how big was the distance between the nveces river and the rio grande
100 miles. these big world powers were arguing over 100 miles.
How did the US try to settle the issue of the Texas boundary dispute at first
they tried to buy the northern territories of mexico (including california and the desert southwest)
how did the US’s attempt to try and settle the issue of the texas boundary dispute go
badly, mexico thought US was trying to buy their country
Who was the Louisianan man that Polk sent to handle the negotiations with mexico
John Slidell
How did John Slidell’s attempts at negotiating with Mexico over the texas boundary dispute go?
didn’t work, mexico backed out of the deal
what did polk turn to after his attempts to negotiate with mexico failed
provoking Mexico into a conflict
Why was polk so determined to get through to mexico
wanted california because it would greatly expand the US
Who was ordered by polk to bring troops to the Nueces and Rio Grande
Zach Taylor
When was Zach Taylor ordered by Polk to bring troops to the Nueces and the Rio Grande
Why did Mexico attack America first?
Because they say troops lined up along the entire river
What gave polk enough reason to get a declaration of war during the boundary disputes of Texas
mexican troops attacking the american troops between the nueces and rio grande
Who was the first term democratic congressman from Pennsylvania who offered an amendment to an appropriations bill
David Wilmot
What did Wilmot’s wilmot proviso state
No form of slavery/servitude allowed in land acquired from war with mexico
How did the wilmot proviso go with the South
yeah uh they angy
Why was the south so miffed by the idea of the wilmot proviso
they fought in the war for land from the texas boundary dispute only for them to not have slaves
What happened to the wilmot proviso
initially vetoed but was then passed unamended
What happened to Zach Taylor and his army while marching through northern Mexico to Buena Vista
attacked by 20000 mexican soldiers
Why did general Zach Taylor win against the army of 20,000 mexican soldiers
many were forced to retreat to Mexico City to stop a rebellion,
Who was leading the Mexican army against general Zach taylor
Santa Anna
Why did Zach Taylor grow to hate the guts of Polk
After his win over Santa Anna leadership in D.C. pulled the best troops from Taylor’s army to support an attack on the mexican gulf coast
Who was chosen to lead the invasion troops which would eventually take Mexico city
General Winfield Scott
when did general winfield scott land his american force
What was general winfield scott known as due to his dress and conduct
prim and proper (this one is really stupid ik ik but it was in my notes so deal with it)
where did general winfield scott land his troops in mexico
vera cruz
Why was the mexican government forced to seek peace terms with the us
because Taylor was approaching from the North and Scott was invading from the mexican coast
Why did peace negotiations with mexico cause controversy
some wanted no mexican territory to be taken, some wanted all of the area up to Mexico City
Who first began seeking peace terms from General Winfield Scott
General Santa Anna
Who came up with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to settle the Mexican American war
Nicholas Trist
why were the terms of the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo treaty significant for the us
because people were getting uppity about how much land was being taken
how much of itself would mexico surrender
its northern territories including Cailfornia, basically half of itself
What was recognized as the boundary between US and Mexico after the Mexican American War
The Rio Grande
What would the US do after gaining territory from Mexico from its surrender
pay 15 billion to Mexico and assume the claims of US citizens, totaling over $3,250,000
Who coined manifest destiny
John O’sullivan
When was manifest destiny coined
19th century
Who was the editor of both the Democratic review and the Morning News
John O’Sullivan
What did Manifest destiny mean
America was meant to control all of NA (it was their god given right to reach coast to coast or some jazz idk it was stupid and horrible)
When was gold found in a river in California
Where was gold initially found in California
Near Sacramento
Who first found gold in california
Workers building a mill under the name of John Stutter
What did the first found gold in California cause
around 80,000 people to haul ass to California for the gold in them there hills
what happened to most of the gold diggers who rushed to California
got no gold and were screwed over by smart merchants
What happened to California as a result of the massive influx of people
Lots of immoral stuff popped up, e.g. whore houses, gambling, lots of drinking, all that bad jazz
Who made a fortune by putting rivets into denim, making the jeans we recognize today
Levi Strauss
Who encouraged congress to create territorial governments for California and new mexico
Prez polk
When did president polk encourage congress to create territorial governments for California and New Mexico
What was still a heavily debated issue in 1848
What did polk suggest which related to the 36 30; line after encouraging congress to create territorial governments for California and New Mexico
an extension of the 36 30; line all the way to the Pacific Ocean
Why did Polk ask for an extension of the 36 30; line all the way to the Pacific Ocean
Because it only applied to land from the Louisiana Purchase
What happened to president’s polk’s requests to create territorial governments for California and New Mexico as well as his request for an extension of the 36 30’ line
they were not passed, no bills could gain enough traction to pass congress
What did the 36 30’ line’s extension and the territorial governments suggestion for California and New Mexico’s vetoes make many southerners do
threaten to leave the union
What did the south’s threats to leave the union cause
division between the north and south
What was the most radical group of slave owners called
fire eaters
who became the president of the 1849 election
Zach Taylor
what did Taylor encourage California and New Mexico to do
Submit free state constitutions
How did southerners feel when taylor encouraged california and new mexico to submit free state constitutions
what would taylor’s encouragement of cali and new meixoc to submit free state constitutions do?
would skip territorial process and would allow them to be admitted as free states
What did mr roberts have us know about the fact taylor encouraged cali and new mexico to submit free state constitutions
it was popular sovereignty
who were the 3 big senate leaders
Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John O’ Calhoun
who created the compromise of 1850
Henry Clay
What were the four main points of the compromise of 1850
- California would be admitted as a free state
- New Mexico would be admitted and would be decided later
- Slave trade would be abolished in D.C.
- more strict runaway slave laws
What was the biggest part of the compromise of 1850
more strict runaway slave laws
what happened to the compromise of 1850
failed to pass
why did the compromise of 1850 fail to pass
tried to be too many things at once, everybody hated it a little bit
Who took Henry Clay’s compromise of 1850 and split it up into separate bills so they would each pass
Stephen Douglas
What happened in response to the creation of runaway slave laws
free states passed personal liberty laws (slaves were not allowed to be taken out of free states)
Who delivered a famous compromise speech in Massachusetts
Daniel Webster
When did Daniel Webster deliver a famous compromise speech in Massachusetts
Where did Daniel Webster deliver his famous compromise speech
What did Daniel Webster argue for?
Preservation of the union
What did the people do in response to Daniel webster arguing for the preservation of the union
Call him a sellout and a traitor
Who wrote a poem named “Ichabod” which basically ragged on Daniel Webster
John Greenleaf Whittier
Who was dying of consumption/tuberculosis when he gave his speech (one of the 3 big senate leaders)
John O Calhoun
where did Calhoun give his speech
South Cali
What did John O Calhoun argue for in his speech
unity, preservation, equilibrium of north and south (just say preservation of the union)
Who delivered Calhoun’s speech for him because he was, again, friggin dying of tuberculosis
James Mason
Who delivered a scathing speech to the slave owning south after the 3 big senate leaders mainly talked about just preserving the union
William Henry Seward
When did William Henry Seward deliver his scathing speech
What is a name for William Henry Seward’s scathing speech
Higher Law speech
What did William Henry Seward talk about in his Higher Law speech
slavery went against God’s law, it’s immorall
How did people feel about Seward’s higher law speech
north thought it was way too radical and mean to the south, mostly because his speech didn’t involve preserving the union
What happened to Zach taylor after the higher law speech by Seward
He friggin died
How did zach taylor die
He ate a lot of raw stuff with iced milk and died
Who was from New York that was very generous to the Southern Demands and averted war
Millard FIllmore
Who was elected president after Zach Taylor kicked the bucket
Franklin Pierce
When was Franklin pierce elected president
Who created the Kansas Nebraska act
Stephen Douglas
Where was Stephen Douglas from?
When did Stephen Douglas suggest the Kansas Nebraska Act
Why did Stephen Douglas suggest the Kansas Nebrasksa act
he wanted to admit areas north and west of Missouri in order to build a railroad to california
How did douglas circumvent the law to enact his railroad to california
allowing each territory to use popular sovereignty to decide how they enter the union
Who was the most angered by Douglas’s circumvention of the law to enact his railroad to california
Free state northerners
What was that one thing Mr. Roberts said as a name about Kansas which referred to when people rushed to Kansas to vote for how it entered the union and started friggin murdering each other
Bleeding Kansas
What happened when Douglas decided to allow people to decide how Kansas entered the union
people rushed to kansas to vote
What was the society founded in Massachusetts which owned much of Kansas
The New England Emigrant AId Society
What did the New England Emigrant Aid Society do during Bleeding Kansas
give away homesteads to anyone who was willing to settle in the territory in favor of it entering the union as a free state
Who was a key individual in the group New England Emigrant Aid Society (this is all mR. Roberts told us literally)
Eli Thayer
Who was the person from NY in the New England Emigrant Aid Society that founded Manhatten (the city in Kansas)
Isaac Goodnow
When was the Wabaunsee KS Beecher Bible and Rifle Company relevant
Who was the Massachusetts man who created Lawrence Kansas
Amos Lawrence
Why was Lawrence Kansas relevant
it was the center of the free state, which would be important if you were trying to idk murder free staters and make a point about how slavery is good
When would Kansas enter the Union
How did Kansas enter the Union (free or slave)
Is there a map on the history test
Yes so you betchurarse you better go look at the history textbook if you haven’t already to at least look at the textbook’s maps
Which person is there a guaranteed primary source about
John C Calhoun, go study him extra