Retina and Central Visual Pathway Flashcards
What is the function of the pigmented layer of the retina?

- Main site of light absoption- avoids excessive light rays causing photophobia
- Anchors photoreceptors
What is the function of horizontal cells in the retina?

Regulate input from multiple photoreceptors
Lateral inhibition stops signals either side of the photoreceptor that is detecting light
Where is central vision the sharpest and why?
At the macula as it has the highest density of cones (photoreceptors)

What is amaurosis fugax?
A curtain over vision
Can be a symptom of a stoke due to occlusion of the central retinal artery

What is macula degeneration?
Degeneration of the macula with age , affects the middle part of vision

Identify the layers of the retina on this OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)

Describe the distribution of the temporal and nasal fibres of the optic nerve

Nasal fibres are medial
Temporal fibres are lateral

Describe the route of the nasal and temporal fibres of the optic nerve as the reach the optic chiasm
Nasal fibres decussate ending up on the contralateral side
Temporal fibres remain ipsilateral

What are the optic fibres known as once they exit the optic chiasm? Where do they run to?
Optic Tracts
Run from the optic chiasm to the lateral geniculate nucleus. In put from both eyes is carries in each tract
Describe the route of the optic radiations as the exit from the lateral geniculate nucleus
- The superior radiation (from superior quadrant of optic nerve) travel to the parietal lobe forming ‘Baum’s loop’
- The inferior radiation (from the inferior quadrants of the optic nerve) travel to the temporal lobe forming ‘Meyer’s loop’
- Both radiations evenually end up at the Primary Visual Cortex

What is the relationship between the visual fields and the optic nerve?
Nasal fibres responsible for temporal field of vision
Temporal fibres responsible for nasal field of vision

What would be the effect of a lesion to the (left) optic nerve (CNII)?

(Left) Monocular Blindness

What would be the effect of a lesion at the optic chiasm?

Optic Chiasm defects affect the nasal fibres as they decussate therefore, the temporal visual fields will be lost from both sides
Bilateral Hemianopia (tunnel vision)

What would be the effect of a lesion of the (right) optic tract?

- Loss of the temporal fibres from the RHS therefore, loss of nasal visual field on the right
- Loss of nasal fibres from the LHS, therefore loss of temporal visual field on the left

Homonomous Hemianopia
What is the relationship between optic radiations and fields of vision?
Superior radiations are responsible for the inferior quadrant field of vision
Inferior radiations are responsible for the superior quadrant field of vision
What would be the effect of a lesion of the (right) superior optic radiation?

- Superior temporal fibre of ipsilateral side affected- affects the inferior nasal visual field on the right
- Superior nasal fibre from the contralateral side affected- affects the inferior temporal visual field of the left

Homonomous Inferior Quadrantanopia
What would be the effect of a lesion to the right inferior optic radiation?

- Inferior temporal fibre affected on the ispilateral side- affects superior nasal visual field of the right
- Inferior nasal fibre of the contralateral side affected- affects superior temporal visual field of the left

Homonomous Superior Quadrantanopia
What would happen if both the superior and inferior radiations were affected e.g. in stroke of middle cerebral artery?

- Superior and inferior temporal fibres are affected ipsilaterally- therefore affects nasal visual field ipsilaterally
- Superior and inferior nasal fibres are affected contralaterally - therefore affects the temporal visual field contralaterally

Homonomous hemianopia
What is macula sparing?
Visual field loss that spares the centre of the visual field
Occurs as there is a dual blood supply to the macula; if the middle cerebral artery is occluded, the posterior cerebral artery can supply the macula

What are the 3 aspects of the accommodation reflex?
- Convergence of eyes (medial rectus pulls eyes medially)
- Pupillary Constriction (constrictor pupillae focuses light)
- Convexity of the lens to increase refractive power (lens fatttens, done by ciliary muscle)
Which centres in the midbrain respond to changes of the accommodation reflex?
Edinger Westphal nucleus causes pupil constriction and lens thickening
CN III (occulomotor) causes convergence by medial rectus