Higher Cortical Function Flashcards
Where do most inputs to the cortex come from?
- The Thalamus
- Other cortical areas (provides its own input)

Where do most of the outputs from the cortex go to?
From pyramidal cells project to widespread areas
What is the frontal lobe mainly responsible for?
- Motor - primary motor cortex
- Expression of speech (left hemisphere)
- Behavioural regulation/ judgement
- Cognition (aquiring and understanding knowlege)
- Eye movements
- Continence (upper motor neurones that supply anal/ urethral sphincters)
What does alcohol do to the frontal lobe?
Alcohol can inhibit the functions of the frontal lobe (+ cerebellum)
What functions is the parietal lobe responsible for?
- Sensory - primary sensory cortex
- Comprehension of speech (left hemisphere)
- Body image (usually right)
- Awareness of external environment (attention)
- Calculation and writing
- Visual pathways project through (superior optic radiations)
Explain what is meant by ‘neglect’ and what the pathophysiology of it is?
Lesion to the right side of the parietal lobe → responsible for ‘body image’
Although patient can see things in their left 1/2 space they don’t awknowledge it exists

What functions are the temporal lobes responsible for?
- Hearing
- Olfaction
- Memory - temporal lobe epilpesy can get feeling of de ja vú
- Emotion
- Contains geographical maps of your world
- Inferior optic radiations project through
What is the left hemisphere of the brain mainly responsible for?
Sequential processing
- Language (correct words in the correct sequence)
- Mathematics/ logic
What is the right hemisphere of the brain primarily responsible for?
Whole picture processing
- Body image
- Visupatial awareness
- Emotion
- Music
How do the left and right hemispheres of the brain address the left and right halves of space?
What is the clinical consequence of this?
Right hemisphere- attends both halves of space
Left hemisphere -attends only the right half of space
Clinical consequence:
- Left hemisphere damaged, right hemisphere can still address both halves of space
- Right hemisphere damaged, no evaluation of the left half of space → neglect
What is the function of the corpus collosum?
Bundle of white matter connecting left + right hemispheres
Transmits information from the left visual field (right hemisphere) to the left hemisphere
What is alien hand syndrome?
Phenomenon where one hand is not under the control of the mind
Thought to involve neurosurgery, aneurysm, tumour or strok affecting the corpus callosum
- Broca’s area
- Wenicke’s area
- Arcuate fasciculus

Broca’s (blue) - inferior lateral frontal lobe
Wernicke’s area (pink) - superior temporal lobe
Arcuate fasciculus (green)

What are the functions of Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area and the arcuate fasciculus?
Broca’s area - production of speech
Wernicke’s area - interpretation of language
Arcuate fasciculus - connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s
What happens in Wernicke’s aphasia?
Difficulty underestanding written and spoken language but no problem producing speech
e.g. will ask a question and answer is complete nonsense
What happens in Broca’s aphasia?
The mechanism of producing speech is affected but understanding is not impaired- often get anxiety/ stressed about it
Often talk very slowly
What are the 2 broad categories of memory?
Declarative / Explicit - memory of facts
Non- declarative/ implicit - memory of movement and emotion e.g. riding a bike
Where is explicit and implicit memory primarily stored?
Explicit - mainly stored in the cerebral hemispheres
Implicit - mainly stores in the cerebellum and basal ganglia
How do memories become consolidated?
- Emotional context (e.g. PTSD)
- Rehearsal (repetiton)
- Association
What is the hippocampus responsible for?
Consolidation of declarative memories
Takes input from visual system, auditory system, somatosensory, limbic systems
Where is the brain is the hippocampus located?
Deep in the temporal lobe
How does neuroplasticity affect memory?
Long term potentiation strengthens synaptic connections → memory