Respiratory System Flashcards
The trachea wall contains:
a) pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
b) elastic cartilage
c) rings of hyalite cartilage
d) seromucinous glands in the submucosal layer
The basic structure of the bronchi is similar to that of:
a) the bronchiole
b) the trachea
c) the alveoli
d) the terminal portion of the respiratory tree
The alveolar wall consists of tissue components:
a) type pneumocyte II
b) surface epithelium
c) alveolar lining cells (type I pneumocytes I)
d) Clara cells
What type of tissue makes up the epiglottis:
a) stratified squamous epithelia non-keratinized
b) elastic cartilage
c) spongy bone
d) hyaline cartilage
The oral surface of the soft palate is lined by:
a) pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
b) stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
c) simple columnar epithelium
d) simple squamous epithelium
The pulmonar alveoli:
a) are lined by simple squamous epithelium
b) are lined by pneumocytes type I
c) are lined by pneumocytes type II
d) are lined by columnar ciliated cells
The blood-air barrier is composed of:
a) type I pneumocyte
b) basement membrane
c) septal supporting tissue
d) thin cytoplasm of a capillary endothelial cell
Respiratory bronchioli contain:
a) simple ciliated columnar or simple cuboidal epithelium
b) smooth muscle cells
c) hyaline cartilage
d) skeletal muscle fibers
Which cell is a respiratory macrophage:
a) Kupffer cells
b) histiocyte
c) dust cells
d) Sertoli cells
What cell types are found in the respiratory mucosa:
a) ciliated cells
b) microglia cells
c) goblet cells
d) ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Which cartilage is in the larynx:
a) fibrocartilage
b) thyroid cartilage
c) elastic cartilage
d) hyaline cartilage
What type of tissue makes up the rings of the trachea:
a) elastic cartilage
b) hyaline cartilage
c) perichondrium
d) fibrocartilage
Which cells are responsible for surfactant production:
a) type I pneumocyte
b) type II pneumocyte
c) dust cells
d) alveolar phagocyte
What type of tissue lines the pharynx:
a) ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells
b) simple cuboidal epithelium
c) stratified squamous epithelium
d) simple squamous epithelium
What type of tissue forms the alveoli in the lung:
a) endothelial cell of a capillary
b) simple squamous epithelium
c) type I pneumocyte
d) basement membrane
Each respiratory alveolus is surrounded by:
a) hyaline cartilage
b) alveolar capillaries
c) alveolar epithelium, which consist of two cell types
d) extremely flat cells – type I pneumocytes
The nasal mucosa is covered by:
a) simple columnar epithelium
b) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
c) transitional epithelium
d) glands which secrete mucus and watery secretions to coat the epithelium
The tracheal mucosa consists of:
a) hyaline cartilage
b) simple squamous epithelium
c) small nodular lymphocyte aggregates
d) the lamina propria which contains an irregular collagen and elastic fibers
Bronchi are formed by:
a) bronchial cartilages
b) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
c) goblet cells
d) smooth muscle
The pulmonal alveoli:
a) are lined by simple squamous epithelium
b) are lined by type II pneumocytes
c) type II pneumocytes secrete a surface-active material – surfactant
d) the alveolar wall consists of cartilage