Endocrine System Flashcards
Choose correct statements about hypophysis:
a) contains two parts of the same embryonic origin
b) its part is a structure developed from Rathke’s pouch
c) remains in connection with proximal part of oral cavity
d) is supplied by internal carotid artery
Choose correct statements about adenohypophysis:
a) is ectodermal origin
b) its parts are structures developed from diencephalon
c) contains chromophobes and chromophils
d) is formed by Herring’s bodies
Adenohypophysis contains:
a) pituicytes and terminal parts of secretory neurons
b) chromophils and chromophobes
c) acidophils and basophils
d) A,B and D endocrine cells
The hypothalamo-hypophyseal system:
a) is in connection with brain
b) its blood supply is provided by hypophyseal portal system
c) its supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei neurons influence hypophysis activity
d) its part represent Herring’s bodies with oxytocin and vasopresin
a) originated from diencephalon
b) arises as an outpocketing of ectoderm from the primitive mouth roof
c) produces ACTH, TSH, FSH and LH
d) its parts are pars nervosa, infundibulum and median eminence
Neurohypophysis contains:
a) pinealocytes and Herring’s bodies
b) Rathke’s cells and glial cells
c) cells responsible for somatotropin and prolactin secretion
d) terminal parts of axons with oxytocin, vasopresin and neurophysin
Choose correct statements about the products of hypophysis:
a) in neurohypophysis is released oxytocin, vasopresin and neurophysin
b) basophils secrete prolactin and growth hormone
c) neurohypophysis is place of glucagon secretion
d) basophils synthesize ACTH, TSH, FSH and LH
Choose the correct statements:
a) hormones from eminence are transported to the adenohypophysis
b) neurohypophysis contains pituicytes and non-myelinated nerve fibres
c) acidophils from adenohypophysis are responsible for prolactin and growth hor-
mone secretion
d) Herring’s bodies are endoplasmic reticulum cisternae of neurons
Choose the correct statements:
a) adenohypophysis originates from Rathke’s pouch
b) chromophils are stained by basic or acid dye
c) adenohypophysis cells release hormones
d) hypothalamus regulates hormones releasing in pars distalis of hypophysis
Epiphysis or pineal gland:
a) contains blood vessels and unmyelinated nerve fibres
b) has pituicytes and Herring’s bodies
c) inside this gland are located chromophils and chromophobes
d) cells of pineal gland produce melatonin
Suprarenal gland:
a) its cortex originates from coelomic mesoderm
b) medulla is of endodermal origin
c) cortex cells are arranged in trabecules or clusters
d) medulla originates from neural crest
Suprarenal cortex:
a) zona fasciculata is the most thickest layer in the cortex
b) cells of zona reticularis contain lipofuscin
c) zona reticularis produces mineralocorticoids
d) zona glomerulosa synthesizes glucocorticoids
Zona fasciculata of suprarenal gland:
a) produces mineralocorticoids
b) releases glucocorticoids
c) occupies most of the adrenal cortex
d) originates from mesoderm
a) especially maintain electrolyte and water balance
b) have influence on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
c) stimulate the synthesis of glycogen in the liver
d) their production is influenced by hypophysis
Medulla of suprarenal gland:
a) originates from the neural crest
b) contains cells responsible for catecholamines synthesis
c) is composed from chromophobes and chromophils
d) contains modified sympathetic neurons